[android-developers] Re: Registration ID

2012-04-24 Thread ndiiie90
Hey thanks for your reply
Appreciate it very much!


On Apr 24, 4:16 pm, EhyehAsherEhyeh  wrote:
> Presumably there is some two-way communication between Google's
> servers and the device, so server-side will know whether a device is
> available to receive the message and fire off a registration intent.
> Bottom line: I would think Google would be capable enough to realize
> the issue and handle it, so you can proceed with the assumption that
> if the registration id is changed there will be an intent broadcast to
> indicate such.
> I frame these statements with "Presumably" and "I would think" because
> I have been surprised by seemingly broken Android behaviour in the
> past, but still, I say you shouldn't worry about this particular
> issue.
> On Apr 24, 4:55 am, ndiiie 90  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I am interested in implementing C2DM for the push notification feature in
> > my application.
> > However, when I read the 
> > docshttps://developers.google.com/android/c2dm/#lifecycle
> > It states that: "Note that Google may periodically refresh the registration
> > ID, so you should design your application with the understanding that the
> > REGISTRATION Intent may be called multiple times. Your application needs to
> > be able to respond accordingly"
> > How about if the case is the device has no connection when Google refresh
> > the registration ID? Of course the REGISTRATION Intent will not be called.
> > Does Google try to refresh again the registration ID?
> > If not, how can the device know that the Google refresh the registration ID?
> > Thanks,
> > Rendy

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[android-developers] Re: PendingIntent getService

2012-04-19 Thread ndiiie90
thx for reply Mark, however, we can still finish it manually by
calling stopSelf() method in the service

On Apr 18, 7:52 pm, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 10:13 PM, ndiiie90  wrote:
> > so did you mean that I don't need to stop it because you said that
> > "which automatically shuts down when it is done processing the
> > delivered command" ?
> IntentService automatically stops itself once onHandleIntent() ends
> (assuming no further commands were sent to it during onHandleIntent()
> processing).
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)http://commonsware.com|http://github.com/commonsguyhttp://commonsware.com/blog|http://twitter.com/commonsguy
> Android App Developer Books:http://commonsware.com/books

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[android-developers] Re: Get Owner Email Address in Android 1.x

2012-04-17 Thread ndiiie90
now it works,

but it still returns null although there is a gmail account attached
to the phone.
Any help?


On Apr 18, 11:00 am, ndiiie90  wrote:
> sorry i mean noclassdeffounderror
> On Apr 18, 9:35 am, ndiiie 90  wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > how to get owner email address in Android 1.x?
> > I know there is AccountManager class but it's only available for Android
> > 2.x.
> > I also try this one but still can't work at 
> > allhttp://www.mailinglistarchive.com/html/android-developers@googlegroup...
> > because it gives error ClassNotFoundException
> > Any help is appreciated
> > Thanks

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[android-developers] Re: Get Owner Email Address in Android 1.x

2012-04-17 Thread ndiiie90
sorry i mean noclassdeffounderror

On Apr 18, 9:35 am, ndiiie 90  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> how to get owner email address in Android 1.x?
> I know there is AccountManager class but it's only available for Android
> 2.x.
> I also try this one but still can't work at 
> allhttp://www.mailinglistarchive.com/html/android-developers@googlegroup...
> because it gives error ClassNotFoundException
> Any help is appreciated
> Thanks

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[android-developers] Re: PendingIntent getService

2012-04-17 Thread ndiiie90
so did you mean that I don't need to stop it because you said that
"which automatically shuts down when it is done processing the
delivered command" ?

On Apr 17, 6:02 pm, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 5:59 AM, ndiiie 90  wrote:
> > according to here:
> >http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/PendingIntent.html...
> > Retrieve a PendingIntent that will start a service, like calling
> > Context.startService()
> > However, i am doubt. Must we stop the service?
> Something must stop the service.
> > If yes, how to do it?
> Typically, I find that a getService() PendingIntent is used with
> IntentService, which automatically shuts down when it is done
> processing the delivered command.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)http://commonsware.com|http://github.com/commonsguyhttp://commonsware.com/blog|http://twitter.com/commonsguy
> Android App Developer Books:http://commonsware.com/books

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[android-developers] Re: Facebook SDK error

2011-10-22 Thread ndiiie90
hmm not really..

actually the error is only about when i press back button from
activity B, it returns to activity A (where i implement the facebook
sdk) but the facebook sdk returns error about nullPointerException
since the startActivityForResult has no data for it parameters.
how can i solve this?

On Oct 22, 10:01 pm, Studio LFP  wrote:
> It looks like you are starting Activity B with startActivityForResult. Are
> you trying to receive some information back into Activity A from Activity B?
> If not, you just want to use startActivity instead.
> Steven
> Studio LFPhttp://www.studio-lfp.com
> On Saturday, October 22, 2011 9:36:10 AM UTC-5, ndiiie90 wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > i implement facebook sdk in my app and just follow the tutorial.
> > When i call other activity, let's say:
> > the activity that i implement facebook sdk is activity A, from there i can
> > call other activity which is B.
> > From B, i press back button, then it goes back to A. But it returns error:
> > ---
> > 10-22 21:33:23.445: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(538): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
> > 10-22 21:33:23.445: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(538): java.lang.RuntimeException:
> > Failure delivering result ResultInfo{who=null, request=0, result=0,
> > data=null} to activity {pt.bm.vv/test.test.Test}:
> > java.lang.NullPointerException
> > 10-22 21:33:23.445: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(538):     at
> > android.app.ActivityThread.deliverResults(ActivityThread.java:3515)
> > 10-22 21:33:23.445: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(538):     at
> > android.app.ActivityThread.handleSendResult(ActivityThread.java:3557)
> > 10-22 21:33:23.445: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(538):     at
> > android.app.ActivityThread.access$2800(ActivityThread.java:125)
> > 10-22 21:33:23.445: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(538):     at
> > android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2063)
> > 10-22 21:33:23.445: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(538):     at
> > android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
> > 10-22 21:33:23.445: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(538):     at
> > android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123)
> > 10-22 21:33:23.445: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(538):     at
> > android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4627)
> > 10-22 21:33:23.445: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(538):     at
> > java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
> > 10-22 21:33:23.445: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(538):     at
> > java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:521)
> > 10-22 21:33:23.445: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(538):     at
> > com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:868)
> > 10-22 21:33:23.445: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(538):     at
> > com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:626)
> > 10-22 21:33:23.445: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(538):     at
> > dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
> > 10-22 21:33:23.445: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(538): Caused by:
> > java.lang.NullPointerException
> > 10-22 21:33:23.445: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(538):     at
> > test.test.Test.onActivityResult(Test.java:507)
> > 10-22 21:33:23.445: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(538):     at
> > android.app.Activity.dispatchActivityResult(Activity.java:3890)
> > 10-22 21:33:23.445: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(538):     at
> > android.app.ActivityThread.deliverResults(ActivityThread.java:3511)
> > 10-22 21:33:23.445: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(538):     ... 11 more
> > ---
> > Anyone has idea to solve this problem?
> > Thanks

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[android-developers] Re: How to escape ampersand?

2011-10-12 Thread ndiiie90
Hi thanks for your reply. if i use that class, for sure i can do the
conversion to proper character, it's only replacing string. However,
the ampersand tags are very many, you can see the list here:

I think it's impossible to list all the ampersand tags one by one and
of course the running time of the application will be much slower.

On Oct 12, 3:04 pm, Zsolt Vasvari  wrote:
> Perhaphs studying the documenation of the most basic Java class would
> be helpful:
> http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/String.html
> On Oct 12, 3:35 pm, ndiiie90  wrote:
> > thanks for your reply. But that what i mean.
> > What i want is to convert string, such as
> > " to "
> > & to &
> > < to <
> > > to >
> > etc
> > How to do it?
> > i've used other library, such as jsoup but it seems it can't convert
> > all ampersand characters.
> > On Oct 12, 2:20 pm, Francisco Dalla Rosa soares 
> > wrote:
> > > how about this?
> > > java.net.URLEncoder.encode(string, "ISO-8859-1");
> > > 2011/10/12 ndiiie 90 
> > > > Hi all,
> > > > how to escape ampersand, such as < > " &
> > > > And change it to proper character?
> > > > Thanks
> > > > --
> > > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > > > Groups "Android Developers" group.
> > > > To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
> > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > > android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > > > For more options, visit this group at
> > > >http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en
> > > --
> > > 株式会社アルゴ ARGO Inc.
> > > 〒130-0012
> > > 東京都墨田区太平3-11-10
> > > NTKオオノビル8階
> > > ソアレス フランシスコ ( Soares Francisco )
> > > Mail : soa...@argo.bz HP :http://www.argo.bz/
> > > TEL:03-5619-4511 FAX:03-5619-4512- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -

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[android-developers] Re: How to escape ampersand?

2011-10-12 Thread ndiiie90
thanks for your reply. But that what i mean.
What i want is to convert string, such as

" to "
& to &
< to <
> to >


How to do it?
i've used other library, such as jsoup but it seems it can't convert
all ampersand characters.

On Oct 12, 2:20 pm, Francisco Dalla Rosa soares 
> how about this?
> java.net.URLEncoder.encode(string, "ISO-8859-1");
> 2011/10/12 ndiiie 90 
> > Hi all,
> > how to escape ampersand, such as < > " &
> > And change it to proper character?
> > Thanks
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Groups "Android Developers" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
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> > android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en
> --
> 株式会社アルゴ ARGO Inc.
> 〒130-0012
> 東京都墨田区太平3-11-10
> NTKオオノビル8階
> ソアレス フランシスコ ( Soares Francisco )
> Mail : soa...@argo.bz HP :http://www.argo.bz/
> TEL:03-5619-4511 FAX:03-5619-4512

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[android-developers] Re: Tablet vs Phone

2011-09-07 Thread ndiiie90
Hi Dianne,
thanks for fast reply,

I have read about that but i don't want to use many folders and xml
things.. I only code for 1 xml layout and will it work for both phone
and tablet? I don't have any tablet so I can't test it..



On Sep 8, 1:08 pm, Dianne Hackborn  wrote:
> Those are screen densities, not screen sizes.  They have absolutely
> positively nothing to do with whether a device is a tablet or phone.
> http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2011/07/new-tools-for-managing...
> On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 9:36 PM, ndiiie 90  wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > I wonder, if we code android normally with folder drawable-hdpi,
> > drawable-mdpi and drawable-ldpi,
> > will the application suit to the tablet size (which OS is 3.0 below)?
> > Thanks,
> > Rendy
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Groups "Android Developers" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
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> > android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en
> --
> Dianne Hackborn
> Android framework engineer
> hack...@android.com
> Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
> provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
> questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
> answer them.

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[android-developers] Re: Text gone when clicked

2011-08-25 Thread ndiiie90
Hi Mark, thanks for your help..you save my life again..:D

On Aug 20, 10:18 pm, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 10:59 AM, ndiiie 90  wrote:
> > I see that some of them in editText of password and username, there are some
> > text with gray color (usually) and when user clicked it, the text is gone..
> > what is the attribute of editText to do it?
> android:hint
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)http://commonsware.com|http://github.com/commonsguyhttp://commonsware.com/blog|http://twitter.com/commonsguy
> _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 3.6 Available!

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[android-developers] Re: How to close entire app?

2011-08-13 Thread ndiiie90
Hey what are you guys talking about? I don't understand.. :(:(:(

On Aug 13, 12:38 am, Robert Thau  wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 11:17 AM, ndiiie90  wrote:
> > Hi again Mark,
> > I must close the entire app, because my app is a commerce application,
> > that has its own flow until the payment, and user can't go back to
> > previous screen, so whenever user has reached the last page, there are
> > options to exit the app or go back to menu again..have any idea?
> With the caveat that I haven't actually tried either of these techniques:
> If you don't want "Back" to *ever* work, then you could try having
> each Activity call finish() after starting the next.  Otherwise, you could
> think about having some sort of "transaction ID" that's passed between
> them, and have them check in onResume whether that transaction is
> over, calling finish() if so.
> Either way, though, disabling the "Back" button is something to be done
> with caution --- users are used to having it work a certain way, and
> violating
> those assumptions is likely to give them a seriously bad experience.
> rst

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[android-developers] Re: Sqlite version in all Android platforms

2011-08-12 Thread ndiiie90
haha thanks to remind me to return it.. :D

Yeah, i think to borrow Beginning Android 3 which is not available to
be borrowed in library yet.
Thanks for publishing such great book!

On Aug 12, 10:25 pm, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 11:18 AM,ndiiie90 wrote:
> > By the way I just borrowed your book from library.. :D
> Don't forget to return it on time. :-)
> BTW, if the book is _Beginning Android 2_, that is older than the
> Creative Commons-licensed Version 3.0 of _The Busy Coder's Guide to
> Android Development_ that I have on:
> http://commonsware.com/Android/
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)http://commonsware.com|http://github.com/commonsguyhttp://commonsware.com/blog|http://twitter.com/commonsguy
> _The Busy Coder's Guide to *Advanced* Android Development_ Version 2.0
> Available!

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[android-developers] Re: Sqlite version in all Android platforms

2011-08-12 Thread ndiiie90
Hi Mark,

thanks for your answer.

By the way I just borrowed your book from library.. :D

and thanks also for Peter



On Aug 12, 6:13 pm, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 7:07 AM, Peter Stacey  wrote:
> > I think it's safe to assume the minimum version is 3.4.0
> Agreed. I think that they just haven't updated the docs. There was an
> extended thread recently on the compatibility issues this can raise,
> particularly if you assume newer capabilities.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)http://commonsware.com|http://github.com/commonsguyhttp://commonsware.com/blog|http://twitter.com/commonsguy
> _The Busy Coder's Guide to *Advanced* Android Development_ Version 2.0
> Available!

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[android-developers] Re: How to close entire app?

2011-08-12 Thread ndiiie90
Hi again Mark,

I must close the entire app, because my app is a commerce application,
that has its own flow until the payment, and user can't go back to
previous screen, so whenever user has reached the last page, there are
options to exit the app or go back to menu again..have any idea?



On Aug 11, 7:49 pm, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 10:55 PM, ndiiie 90  wrote:
> > how to close entire app?
> You don't, any more than you "close entire" Web app. Android will
> terminate your process eventually, just leave it alone.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)http://commonsware.com|http://github.com/commonsguyhttp://commonsware.com/blog|http://twitter.com/commonsguy
> _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 3.6 Available!

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[android-developers] Re: How to detect "&" HTML tag?

2011-08-08 Thread ndiiie90
Oh sorry that is not what i mean.

What i mean is to replace all "&" tags in data that is retrieved from

So for example,

the data is:

I am a java & android developer

will be replaced into:

I am a java & android developer

How can i do that? I think it is not effective to replace all & tag by
proper character

On Aug 9, 12:52 pm, Talluri Lakshmi Narayana 
> press ctrl+h,
> to replace all at a time
> On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 10:18 AM, ndiiie 90  wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > how to replace & in html tag? and replace it with proper character?
> > For example, if I detect &, it will be replaced by &.. Must i do it one
> > by one? Or is there any easier way to do it?
> > Thanks,
> > Rendy
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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> > android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en
> --
> --
> Thanks&Regards.,
> T.Lakshmi narayana

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[android-developers] Re: App Widget Automatically Deleted after Reboot

2011-08-08 Thread ndiiie90
Yeah thanks for your reply..and now my widget is no longer unavailable
after reboot the phone..thanks

On Aug 6, 4:11 am, Kevin TeslaCoil Software 
> Make sure you have:
>     android:installLocation="internalOnly"
> In your AndroidManifest.xml, Widgets don't work when installed to the
> sdcard.
> Full example:
> http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android";
>       package="com.teslacoilsw.widgetlocker"
>       android:versionCode="25001"
>       android:versionName="2.1.1beta1"
>       android:installLocation="internalOnly"
>       >
> On Aug 5, 12:17 pm, ndiiie 90  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I have problem in developing app widget.
> > When i try it in real device, after i reboot my phone, the widget is
> > automatically deleted from my home and i must reinstall the app to have the
> > widget in widget list.
> > Is there any specific code must be done to prevent that thing?
> > Thanks

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[android-developers] Re: Motion Sensor in Android

2011-08-03 Thread ndiiie90
Ohh really? I didn't found any api that is sold in its website..

On Aug 3, 11:47 pm, Chrystian Vieyra  wrote:
> The tablet on the video is making use of its front facing camera, Crunchfish
> sells the api to do that.

yeah i have searched it in its website but found nothing..

On Aug 3, 11:48 pm, ajaykumar kanchak 
> every thing will be supported there some api which u can use it in ur
> application and just the thing is u need to search it
> On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 6:57 AM, ndiiie 90  wrote:
> > HI guys,
> > this is a random question in my mind. Does Android support for motion
> > sensor like Microsoft Kinect does?
> > Thanks,
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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> > android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en
> --
> Thanks & Regards
> K. Ajay Kumar
> 9700188853

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[android-developers] Re: Motion Sensor in Android

2011-08-03 Thread ndiiie90
Ohh..Because I just watched a really good video


it shows that it moves from one image to other image like how kinect
does and it runs in Android..
And I wonder what is the technology is called behind it..Does anyone
know it?


On Aug 2, 12:05 am, nadam  wrote:
> No.
> However, you usually have accelerometer and compass for detecting
> motion of the device. Some devices also have gyroscope and front-
> facing camera that you could experiment with.
> On 1 Aug, 03:27, ndiiie 90  wrote:
> > HI guys,
> > this is a random question in my mind. Does Android support for motion sensor
> > like Microsoft Kinect does?
> > Thanks,

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[android-developers] Re: Access External Database

2011-08-01 Thread ndiiie90
yes it possible, you can use HttpClient and HttpPost/HttpGet. You can
find some good tutorial in google.

On Jul 31, 6:54 pm, Sumedh  wrote:
> I want to access data which is stored on external database server.
> is it possible?
> if yes please tell me how
> thanx in advance

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[android-developers] Re: Focus in Listview

2011-07-29 Thread ndiiie90
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[android-developers] Re: How to linkify between two activities?

2011-07-29 Thread ndiiie90
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[android-developers] Re: Focus in Listview

2011-07-27 Thread ndiiie90
Ohh sure!
Sorry I forgot to put the code

Here is the code:

private class MyAdapter extends ArrayAdapter {

private ArrayList items;

public MyAdapter(Context context, int textViewResourceId,
ArrayList items) {
super(context, textViewResourceId, items);
this.items = items;
public View getView(final int position, View convertView,
ViewGroup parent) {
View v = convertView;

if (v == null) {
LayoutInflater vi =
v = vi.inflate(R.layout.cartlistview, null);

final Item myClass = items.get(position);
if (myClass != null) {
//here I initialize all widgets including the editable 
text and set
its key listener here

return v;

public boolean areAllItemsEnabled() {
return false;

Is there any code I miss? NB: I haven't put any focus method in any
line of my source code and its xml layout..

On Jul 28, 11:42 am, yasir perwez  wrote:
> Hi,
> Can you please put relevant portion of code here?
> Yasir
> On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 8:03 AM, ndiiie 90  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I have a case where I have custom listview with the editable text in each of
> > the item.
> > The strange case is when I click the editable text, not the first one item
> > (for example, 2nd, 3rd, 4th item, etc), the listview will focus to the 1st
> > item, so that I can't modify the content of 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc editable
> > text.
> > How can I solve this problem?
> > Thanks
> > --
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> --
> --
> Yasir Perwez

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