
I am looking for any Archos5 owners who can help me debug a problem with my
app (PuzzleQube) that appears to only occur on this particular device. Over
50 other phone/device types have no problem.


>From my crash reporting I see that a crash occurs with the following stack


      at com.google.android.gles_jni.EGLImpl.eglSwapBuffers(Native Method)

      at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$EglHelper.swap(GLSurfaceView.java:901)


      at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.run(GLSurfaceView.java:968)


All the calls listed are outside my code and inside the core Android
libraries. My app uses OpenGL and GLSurfaceView and I let GLSurfaceView set
the surface parameters so I am uncertain why the above problem should occur.
Perhaps someone has some thoughts?


If any Archos5 owners are willing to spend some time  helping me to debug (I
could send a debug version of my code with the OpenGL debug turned on) I
would be very grateful.


Regards, Paul


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