So, I have an AppWidget that  am working on and am wondering if I am
expecting something it isn't supposed to do, or if I am doing
something wrong. Basically, I have an AppWidget that spawns a
background thread to retrieve data (a la Jeff Sharkey's Sky widget)
but what I am finding is that while the phone is in "sleep" mode (the
screen is off) I am not getting any UI updates on the default home
screen. I have logging in several parts of the update service and have
confirmed that the updates themselves are being run, but when I turn
the screen back on and go the the Widget on my home screen it still
has the old data. I've tried simply waiting a little, I've tried doing
other things and then going back the the Home screen, it never updates
despite continued requests from the background thread until I manually
refresh it. My manual refresh and update service run the exact same

In my update alarm I have the following:
AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager)getSystemService
alarmManager.set(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, (System.currentTimeMillis()
+ updateFrequency), pendingIntent);

Any help would be appreciated.

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