Dear all,
I tried to make Android to support NTFS file system.
First, I modified menuconfig in kernel, like
    File systems  --->
    <*> FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) support
    DOS/FAT/NT Filesystems  --->
        [*]   NTFS write support
So, I can mount the sdcard of NTFS but it can't be written.

After google, I found NTFS-3G should support read/write NTFS.
NTFS-3G can be compiler directly on linux distribution, like
# ./configure
# make
# make install
The last step will copy a lot of head files, scripts into relative

I want to put NTFS-3G to arm base Android.
So I used arm-2009q3 toolchain to compiler source codes completely.
Now I got a big problem.
I can't type "# make install" command in Android system.
Because the install process will create several new folders, like /usr/
In the Android system, these folders can't be created.
How can I put NTFS-3G binary files into Android?
Have anyone implement NTFS-3G on Android?
Or give me some suggestions?

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