
I have a problem accessing my web site from the Android browser, see
the error below. On a desktop in Chrome for instance it works
I think it has do do with DNS or something in the setup, Im using
Google Apps as the WEB-site provider and another company as the domain

Anyone know whats going on?

Also the browser add some characters in the end of the call:


09-15 14:00:22.067: DEBUG/MobileDataStateTracker(85): replacing old
mInterfaceName (rmnet0) with rmnet0 for dun
09-15 14:00:22.067: DEBUG/MobileDataStateTracker(85): replacing old
mInterfaceName (rmnet0) with rmnet0 for hipri
09-15 14:00:22.067: DEBUG/MobileDataStateTracker(85): replacing old
mInterfaceName (rmnet0) with rmnet0 for supl
09-15 14:00:22.077: DEBUG/MobileDataStateTracker(85): replacing old
mInterfaceName (rmnet0) with rmnet0 for mms
09-15 14:00:22.077: DEBUG/MobileDataStateTracker(85): default Received
state= CONNECTED, old= CONNECTED, reason= (unspecified), apnTypeList=
09-15 14:00:22.077: DEBUG/NetworkLocationProvider(85):
onDataConnectionStateChanged 3
09-15 14:00:22.447: WARN/InputManagerService(85): Window already
focused, ignoring focus gain of:
09-15 14:00:24.457: DEBUG/dalvikvm(154): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 2459
objects / 121592 bytes in 105ms
09-15 14:00:25.672: DEBUG/SearchDialog(8058): launching Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.SEARCH flg=0x10000000
cmp=com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity (has extras) }
09-15 14:00:25.677: INFO/SearchDialog(8058): Starting (as ourselves)
09-15 14:00:25.677: INFO/ActivityManager(85): Starting activity:
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SEARCH flg=0x10000000
cmp=com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity (has extras) }
09-15 14:00:26.407: INFO/ActivityManager(85): Starting activity:
Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW
cat=[android.intent.category.BROWSABLE] dat=http://
cmp=com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity }
09-15 14:00:28.427: DEBUG/dalvikvm(8058): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 6082
objects / 507880 bytes in 87ms
09-15 14:00:28.457: ERROR/Tab(8058): onReceivedError -7
http://www.unidevsolutions.com/ The server failed to communicate. Try
again later.
09-15 14:00:29.197: DEBUG/dalvikvm(85): GC_EXPLICIT freed 30865
objects / 1359096 bytes in 122ms

Regards Jonas.

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