
Second time the same problem: latest sources from MASTER branch have
compilation error. (QEMU compilation failure).

I think problem is in way how Google engineers committing own code
into GIT repository.

Please fill the difference: other developers publish code on GitWeb
then waiting approve from at least two code reviewers and only after
that Google engineer MERGE our changes with MASTER branch... Looks
like Google developers simply commit own changes into GIT without
passing similar loop as other developers do.

It's OK, but at least check those changes before making them MERGED
into MASTER branch. With all respect to all developers, but such
behavior is not a good professional move.

P.S. I don't want to blame anyone, but I want to notify Google Android
Team that other developers watching them and expecting highly
professional behavior. I hope google team will find proper solution
for that "development cycle" problem.

P.P.S. sorry for bad English.


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