My app used to use a standard ListView, and
registerForContextMenu(getListView()) and everything worked just fine.

I needed to change my app to accommodate nested lists so I replaced
the ListView with ExpandableListView. I changed the Activity to
ExpandableListActivity. I also changed my adapter to a tree adapter
and implemented a custom view class to populate the list with (based
on a LinearLayout viewgroup).

I have been trying to track down where I screwed it up and I've found
several things.

The most important is that when I add a longclick listener to my
custom view and return false from it, my context menu pops up and
functions properly.  However, I don't get the fading orange-to-white
long click animation because the long click is being sucked up
somewhere else until it is handled by a longclicklistener and ignored
(thus being thrown back up the chain until it reaches the
ExpandableListView (which is registered for context menus).

I am using a TouchInterceptor model to handle certain gestures from my
listview with the following implementation:

public class TouchInterceptor extends ExpandableListView {
        protected MotionEvent downStart = null;

        public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {

                switch(event.getAction()) {
                case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
                        // keep track of the starting down-event
                        downStart = MotionEvent.obtain(event);
                case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
                        // if moved horizontally more than slop*2, capture the 
event for
                        if(downStart == null)
                        float deltaX = event.getX() - downStart.getX();
                        if(Math.abs(deltaX) > ViewConfiguration.getTouchSlop() 
* 2)
                                return true;

                // otherwise let the event slip through to children
                return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(event);

        public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {

                // check if we crossed an item
                if(downStart != null)
                        float targetWidth = this.getWidth() / 4;

                        float deltaX = event.getX() - downStart.getX(),
                                deltaY = event.getY() - downStart.getY();

                        boolean movedAcross = (Math.abs(deltaX) > targetWidth);
                        boolean steadyHand = (Math.abs(deltaX / deltaY) > 2);

                        if(movedAcross && steadyHand) {
                                boolean crossRight = (deltaX > 0);

                                // figure out which child view we crossed
                                ListView list = 
                                int position = 

                                // pass crossed event to any listeners
                                onCross(crossRight, position);
                                downStart = null;
                                // and return true to consume this event
                                return true;
                return super.onTouchEvent(event);

Is there something wrong with how I'm handling these events?

Note: although my context menu pops up, it only does so when the long-
click event is triggered, not a long OK button click.

Something is screwed up here and I'm not sure how to track it down.

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