Now that I'm working on a tablet-centric version of my app, I'm considering
how it will impact my existing application in the Market.  As far as I can
see it, there are two ways this can go:

1) Leave your existing app as-is in the Market.  Build a tablet version
taking full advantage of Android 3.0, setting your minSdk to 11, using your
existing code base (as applicable) as a library to share core code, and sell
the apps independent of each other.  Here you'll need to manage two code
bases, even if "only" the UI side which we all know varies greatly from app
to app.  You're also requiring users to purchase twice effectively, assuming
they want the app on both their phone and the tablet-centric version on
their tablet.  I guess the phone version would still work on the tablet,
just not optimized for it.

2) Integrate fragments into your existing application and bundle in the
tablet version along with the phone version.  You'll need to drop support
for Android 1.5 for the compatibility library, work around API differences
between the phone and tablet APIs at run-time, and handle your UI activities
and views differently between platforms.  I'm not sure about that last part
-- but it seems like with such a different UI concept behind 3.0 with the
Action Bar and the general flow of an application can be so different, that
you might need to break that apart.  Could be very wrong there however and
would love for someone to show me otherwise.

There are a few things at play here.  It's the battle on the technical side
of dealing with different applications (package names, projects in Eclipse,
apks, etc).  It's also bringing into question how you want to manage your
app; whether you want to charge for a tablet-optimized version or include it
with the phone app someone has already purchased.

Depending on what I learn related to packaging tablet specific features to
an existing phone app, I'm quite undecided on which way I'll go.  I suspect
many of you have already been thinking about this very subject and I'm
curious how you're planning to handle it.  Please do include more options as
you see them.  How do the different API versions impact your thinking on the

Chris Stewart

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