Can someone else recommend an In app payment solution besides Google?
This is for digital files. Not for unlocking trials, not for unlocking
features of an app.

I re read my Market agreement.

I do not believe it forbids digital downloads from another payment
processor, such as the MP3s sold in Amazon MP3 app.

The only reason I bring this up is because In App billing is horribly
broken.  Google is just not a partner I would choose for payment
processing if there were any other choice.

The fact that 1.6 and 2.1 don't get purchase confirmations has been a
medium priority defect for 3 months now.

Worse, in the last week, managed purchases are getting double billed
and purchase state changes are not being received at all for managed
purchases, even with restoretransactions. Customers are angry -
cancellations are through the roof.

Both the inability to receive purchase state broadcasts and the
multiple charges on managed products appear to be related to this bug,
from those discussions.

I've been tearing my hair out for a week or two trying to implement in
app billing with some help from a third party library. I blamed my own
code; I blamed the third party, but now it seems is at Google's end.

I don't really blame the one (1) guy that they appear to have
responsible for all in-app billing functionality. But maybe I should
go to a payment processor that is willing to fund a staff of more than
one person.  Any ideas?


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