
it seems like the number of alternative markets is exploding recently.
Every other week I seem to get another invitation.
Even in Germany, which is one of the few countries where you can pay
and receive payments, (at least?) three big alternative markets were
opened within the last few months.
While I can understand why there are so many alternatives, I'm a bit
concerned about this trend. I'd prefer *not* having to upload my app
to about two dozens of alternative stores with different registration
requirements, payment options, and languages I only partially
understand thanks to Google Translate.

Sometimes I wonder why Google even bothered to start an own
"centralized" Market if at the end of the day
- developers need to upload their apps to more stores than ever
existed for Palm and Windows Mobile (combined)
- people in most countries can't pay for apps, and in even more
countries can't receive money for their apps (not to mention the
available payment possibilities aren't common in all of the supported
- users have to know the exact name of the desired app to find it, or
need either forums or lots of luck to find one fitting their needs
(nitpicking search that wouldn't find "markets" if you searched for
"market", no keywords, no filters, no sorting of search results, ...)
- lots of devices are excluded because they miss required hardware
- apps temporarily vanish for some users every now and again

The only advantage Google's Market seems to have is that it actually
regards other limitations than the Android version, like supports-
screens, uses-feature/-configuration, etc., unlike most alternatives.
But this advantage's spoiled as well if users prefer the alternatives.

How's your response to the Market fragmentation? Do you still upload
only to Google's Market to simplify updates, support a single place to
go, and hope it get's better one day? Do you support some selected
alternatives? (Which ones and why?) Or any alternative you get to know
and are able to support?


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