Hi Guys ,
i need Weather Updates in my applications.
for this purpose, m using this api


Everything is fine with this api, its gives correct xml tags,

i need only

<aws:weather xmlns:aws="http://www.aws.com/aws";>

<aws:api version="2.0" />



My main problem is that i cant fetch the value of <aws:WebURL> using this


*void* startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName,

 Attributes attributes) *throws* SAXException {

 // reset

 tempVal = "";



 track=*new* Track();

 Log.*d*("**************","coming in current conditions tag; :");

   }   }

 *public* *void* characters(*char*[] ch, *int* start, *int* length)

 *throws* SAXException {

 tempVal = *new* String(ch, start, length);


 *public* *void* endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName)

 *throws* SAXException {




Log.*d*("*******************","ending of  aws wheather tag; :");


   *else* *if*

* *





 Log.*d*("+++++++++++++++++++", "WebUrl:"+tempVal);




Now suggest me how to fetch this webUrl's value.

if i will fetch this value , i will fetch all values.

Please suggest,

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