[android-developers] Re: Android Emma Code Coverage

2010-07-06 Thread raghava
Is creating another build of android created by following the steps
specified in the below blog :


is the solution for the 0% code coverage or is there any other

I don't think that this is the solution I think I am missing
something while generating the code coverage.

Please help me in this regard

Thanks in Advance
Raghava Reddy

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[android-developers] Re: Android Emma Code Coverage

2010-07-02 Thread raghava
For the above project I am creating the project using the "android"
tool and command "android create project" and "android create test-
project" to create the projects.  To make the build I am using ant and
for coverage I am using command "ant coverage" to make the coverage
report. Building is working fine but the coverage.ec has no coverage
data in it resulting in 0% coverage.
The complete logs of the build process are as follows:
Buildfile: C:\AndroidWorkSpace3\CalculatorTest\build.xml
[setup] Android SDK Tools Revision 6
[setup] Project Target: Android 2.1
[setup] API level: 7
[setup] WARNING: No minSdkVersion value set. Application will
install on all Android versions.
[setup] Importing rules file: platforms\android-7\templates


[setup] Android SDK Tools Revision 6
[setup] Project Target: Android 2.1
[setup] API level: 7
[setup] WARNING: No minSdkVersion value set. Application will
install on all Android versions.
[setup] Importing rules file: platforms\android-7\templates

 [echo] Creating output directories if needed...
[mkdir] Created dir: C:\AndroidWorkSpace3\CalculatorTest
[mkdir] Created dir: C:\AndroidWorkSpace3\CalculatorTest

 [echo] Generating R.java / Manifest.java from the resources...
 [exec] (skipping index file 'C:\AndroidWorkSpace3\Calculator

 [echo] Compiling aidl files into Java classes...

[javac] C:\android\android-sdk-windows\platforms
\android-7\templates\android_rules.xml:248: warning:
'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to
build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
[javac] Compiling 2 source files to C:

 [echo] Instrumenting classes from C:

 [echo] Converting compiled files and external libraries into C:

 [echo] Packaging resources
 [aaptexec] Creating full resource package...
 [null] (skipping index file 'C:\AndroidWorkSpace3\Calculator

[apkbuilder] Creating Calculator-debug-unaligned.apk and signing it
with a debug key...
[apkbuilder] Using keystore: C:\Documents and Settings\Amit\.android

 [echo] Running zip align on final apk...

 [echo] Installing C:\AndroidWorkSpace3\CalculatorTest\instrumented
\Calculator-debug.apk onto default emulator or device...
 [exec] pkg: /data/local/tmp/Calculator-debug.apk
 [exec] Success
 [exec] 624 KB/s (0 bytes in 169822.000s)


 [echo] Creating output directories if needed...

 [echo] Generating R.java / Manifest.java from the resources...
 [exec] (skipping index file 'C:

 [echo] Compiling aidl files into Java classes...

[javac] C:\android\android-sdk-windows\platforms
\android-7\templates\android_rules.xml:248: warning:
'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to
build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
[javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:

 [echo] Converting compiled files and external libraries into C:

 [echo] Packaging resources
 [aaptexec] Creating full resource package...
 [null] (skipping index file 'C:

[apkbuilder] Creating CalculatorTest-debug-unaligned.apk and signing
it with a debug key...
[apkbuilder] Using keystore: C:\Documents and Settings\Amit\.android

 [echo] Running zip align on final apk...
 [echo] Debug Package: C:\AndroidWorkSpace3\CalculatorTest\bin

 [echo] Installing C:\AndroidWorkSpace3\CalculatorTest\bin
\CalculatorTest-debug.apk onto default emulator or device...
 [exec] pkg: /data/local/tmp/CalculatorTest-debug.apk
 [exec] Success
 [exec] 336 KB/s (0 bytes in 16173.000s)

 [echo] Running tests ...
 [exec] com.example.android.test.CalculatorTest:.Generated code
coverage data to /data/data/com.example.android/files/coverage.ec
 [echo] Downloading coverage file into project directory...
 [exec] 0 KB/s (0 bytes in 37.000s)
 [echo] Extracting coverage report...
   [report] no collected coverage data found in any of the data files
[all reports will be empt

[android-developers] Re: Android Emma Code Coverage

2010-06-29 Thread raghava
to add to the above in the logs I could see that no coverage is
generated. I am testing on emulator with 2.1 platform . The logs I
have got are as follows:

Extracting coverage report...
   [report] [EMMA v2.0, build 5312 (2005/06/12 19:32:43)]
   [report] input data path:
   [report] {
   [report]   C:\AndroidWorkSpace3\CalculatorTest\coverage.ec
   [report]   C:\AndroidWorkSpace3\CalculatorTest\coverage.em
   [report] }
   [report] source path:
   [report] {
   [report]   C:\AndroidWorkSpace3\Calculator\src
   [report] }
   [report] processing input file [C:\AndroidWorkSpace3\CalculatorTest
\coverage.ec] ...
   [report]   loaded 0 coverage data entries
   [report] processing input file [C:\AndroidWorkSpace3\CalculatorTest
\coverage.em] ...
   [report]   loaded 9 metadata entries
   [report] 2 file(s) read and merged in 0 ms
   [report] no collected coverage data found in any of the data files
[all reports will be empty]
   [report]   merged metadata contains 9 entries
   [report]   merged coverage data contains 0 entries
   [report] writing [html] report to [C:
\AndroidWorkSpace3\CalculatorTest\coverage\coverage.html] ...
   [report]   report: processing package [com.example.android] ...
 [echo] Saving the report file in C:

Thanks in advance
Raghava Reddy

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