So the answer is to use the MapController.zoomToSpan(...) method.
Further information can be found here : 
Getting map zoom level for given bounds on Android like on JS Google Maps 

On Monday, 30 April 2012 09:46:08 UTC+2, Simon Giddings wrote:
> This is a question I asked on Stackoverflow for which I got no answer.
> When I make a query to the Google Maps Api Geocode web service, the answer 
> comes back with a number of elements :
>    - Coordinates lat / lng
>    - Viewport NE and SW
>    - .... others ....
> The viewport is that which "contains the recommended viewport for 
> displaying the returned result, specified as two latitude,longitude values 
> defining the southwest and northeast corner of the viewport bounding box. 
> Generally the viewport is used to frame a result when displaying it to a 
> user."
> Example given in the documentation :
> "viewport" : {
>                "northeast" : {
>                   "lat" : 37.42426708029149,
>                   "lng" : -122.0840722197085
>                },
>                "southwest" : {
>                   "lat" : 37.42156911970850,
>                   "lng" : -122.0867701802915
>                }
> I have not been able to figure out how to adjust the zoom level to best 
> match this viewport.
> Can anyone advise me on this ?
> Perhaps someone has already done this and would be willing to share ?

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