I have tested at HTC Desire now as well and there is no problems at
that device either.

I can't find any qualifier for localization based on phone model.
Is there a way to turn off Translucent theme on only the Samsung
Galaxy i9000 device?

On Sep 30, 12:16 pm, felix <felixwal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I got a graphical problem regarding the Translucent theme at Samsung
> Galaxy i9000. It works well in the emulator with android version
> ranging from 1.6 to 2.2 as well as on SE x10 mini. I have yet to test
> on more devices.
> I am starting an activity from a broadcast receiver. The activity
> started got the theme @android:style/Theme.Translucent
> If all the activities in my application are destroyed when the
> broadcast occurs, then the new activity got a working translucent
> theme and is presented on top of the activity currently in front.
> However, if the user left the application with the HOME-key, not
> destroying the activity, I get a graphical bug when the broadcast
> triggers.
> The application gets brought to the front with the activity the user
> last visited showing instead of the new activity that I started from
> my broadcast receiver.
> When I press the back key I can see my Translucent activity quickly
> showing itself and then getting destroyed.
> This flow results in the graphical bug:
> Start application. Activity A will be shown.
> Leave application by pressing HOME-key. Home screen is shown.
> Trigger broadcast.
> Start activity B.
> Application gets brought to foreground and activity A is shown.
> Press BACK-key. Activity B quickly shows itself and disappears. Now
> activity A is shown.
> Also, after activity B is started and when activity A is shown in its
> place. Pressing the screen will triggers buttons that belong in
> activity B even if the user can’t see them.
> If I remove the theme, then activity B will show itself when it’s
> supposed to.
> Is there anyone else who have encountered a similar problem?
> Is there any good workarounds I can apply? (I don’t want to rebind
> home to finish all activities)
> Is the problem my fault or can there possibly be some glitch in
> Touchwiz?

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