I am using the showDialog and dismissDialog methods to show progress
dialogs in my app. Moved from creating the dialog and calling show()
on it to using this in order to save state when changing orientation.
But when I change the orientation from portrait->landscape->portrait,
the dismissDialog method call no longer dismisses the dialog. The
dialog stay there all the time and I need to press the back button for
it to disappear.
To overcome this issue, I tried adding a removeDialog in onDestroy so
that the dialog is not created/displayed twice and before orientation
change, the dialog is removed. Tried adding log statements and this is
what happens
05-21 12:35:14.064: DEBUG/MyClass(193): *************callingShowDialog
05-21 12:35:14.064: DEBUG/MyClass(193): *************onCreareDialog

05-21 12:35:15.385: DEBUG/MyClass(193):
05-21 12:35:15.415: DEBUG/MyClass(193): *************onDestroy

05-21 12:35:15.585: DEBUG/MyClass(193): *************callingShowDialog
05-21 12:35:15.585: DEBUG/MyClass(193): *************onCreareDialog
05-21 12:35:15.715: DEBUG/MyClass(193): *************onCreareDialog
05-21 12:35:17.214: DEBUG/MyClass(193):
05-21 12:35:17.214: DEBUG/MyClass(193): *************onDestroy

05-21 12:35:17.275: ERROR/WindowManager(193):
android.view.WindowLeaked: Activity com.android.MyClass has leaked
window com.android.internal.policy.impl.phonewindow$decorv...@43362088
that was originally added here
Some error statements....
05-21 12:35:17.395: DEBUG/MyClass(193): *************callingShowDialog
05-21 12:35:17.395: DEBUG/MyClass(193): *************onCreareDialog
05-21 12:35:17.475: DEBUG/MyClass(193): *************onCreareDialog

Initially when the activity is displayed, the onCreateDialog is called
once and on changing the orientation, onSaveInstanceState and
onDestroy are called.
But after that, onCreateDialog is called twice (once by a call to
showDialog which I make, but why the 2nd time?) and this happens every
time I change the orientation hence forth.
Any idea why that happens?
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