[android-developers] Re: how to deflate/hide(invisible) ViewStub from Menu (onOptionsItemSelected)?

2011-11-04 Thread Abhi
Hi Kostya,

I have a GalleryView in my ViewStub and I dynamically add images to
the Gallery. I would like to control from a menu option, the
visibility of the complete ViewStub view. So basically, when the
ViewStub is up displaying the gallery and I press the menu option, the
whole view gets hidden but the content (i.e. Gallery items) remain in
the stub. On pressing menu option again, the whole view is displayed
again with the gallery items selected earlier.

I don't know what you mean by replacing the stub with include and
toggle its contents' visibility. Could you elaborate a little more?



On Nov 4, 6:16 pm, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com wrote:
 Inflating a view stub has two important properties:

 1) It's irreversible: once inflated, the stub's content is always there
 2) The stub's content replaces the stub.

 Sounds like you need to replace the stub with include and toggle its
 contents' visibility as needed.

 -- Kostya

 05.11.2011 2:07, Abhi пишет:

  I keep getting NullPointerException trying to deflate or make
  invisible the ViewStub from my UI. I just wanted to be sure I am doing
  it right.

  I am inflating my ViewStub in onItemLongClick method of GalleryView by
  doing the following:

               public boolean onItemLongClick(AdapterView?  arg0, View
  viu, int arg2,
                       long arg3) {
                   Toast.makeText(GalleryView.this, New item added to
  Favorites, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


                  //checking to see if ViewStub is already inflated or
                   stub = (ViewStub) findViewById(R.id.stub1);
                   stubvis = true;
                   trayUP = true;

                   return true;


  and then in onPrepareOptionsMenu() I am adding the menu item based on
  the visibility of ViewStub. If inflated and visible, I create a menu
  item to hide it, otherwise, a menu item to show/make visible.


  public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {


  if(trayUP) {

  menu.add(0, HIDETRAY, 0, Hide Favorites Tray);

  } else {

  menu.add(0, SHOWTRAY, 0, Show Favorites Tray);


  return super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu);

  Next, in onOptionsItemSelected(), I am writing the two cases based on
  the menu item selection. Case 1 when the tray is not visible, so I
  make it visible. Case 2 when it is visible, so I hide it by doing the

  public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {

       switch (item.getItemId()) {

           case HIDETRAY:

               Log.v(TAG, Hiding Favs Tray);
               trayUP = false;

           case SHOWTRAY:

               Log.v(TAG, Showing Favs Tray);
               trayUP = true;


       return true;

  I know I am making a silly mistake somewhere. And my mind is too
  saturated to think straight at the moment. Need help :(



 Kostya Vasilyev

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[android-developers] how to retrieve images from a sql database?

2011-08-22 Thread Abhi

I have a database of low res images that I am trying to use for one of
my applications. What I would like to do is to retrieve the images one
by one and display them in a slideshow. I was told that images are
stored as byte arrays in sql database. I am new to sql and looking for
some direction on how to do this, what query to put and how to extract
the byte array from the database for further use.

Any help appreciated.


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[android-developers] Re: how to retrieve images from a sql database?

2011-08-22 Thread Abhi
Well, that's an option I don't have at the moment. I have a pre-
existing sql database that has to go into the application.

On Aug 22, 4:09 pm, lbendlin l...@bendlin.us wrote:
 generally with mobile databases like SQLite it may be easier to keep the
 images in the RAW resource folder and only maintain the (string) pointers in
 the database.

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[android-developers] Re: how to retrieve images from a sql database?

2011-08-23 Thread Abhi
@Ibendlin - Yes, SQLite on device is what I meant. Sorry about the
@Drezden - I somehow don't have that option to add images to
MediaStore, keeping the file path in the SQLite database. I would like
to still try retrieving those images stored in the database before
deciding which way to really go. Anything you could tell me about
doing that?



On Aug 22, 5:45 pm, Drezden mmjohns...@gmail.com wrote:
 What you're looking for in SQLite is called a BLOB (Binary Large
 Object) but this is usually NOT recommended, the better approach would
 be to add the images to your MediaStore and then store the file path
 in your SQLite database.  Then you can retrieve the images as needed
 from the resource path like this:

 BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
 options.inSampleSize = 2;
 options.inTempStorage = new byte[16*1024];
 options.inJustDecodeBounds = false;

 Bitmap preview =

 Hope this helps.

 On Aug 22, 3:04 pm, Abhi abhishek.r.sha...@gmail.com wrote:


  I have a database of low res images that I am trying to use for one of
  my applications. What I would like to do is to retrieve the images one
  by one and display them in a slideshow. I was told that images are
  stored as byte arrays in sql database. I am new to sql and looking for
  some direction on how to do this, what query to put and how to extract
  the byte array from the database for further use.

  Any help appreciated.


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[android-developers] Re: how to retrieve images from a sql database?

2011-08-24 Thread Abhi
The field type for image column is BLOB. And I have no idea what that
means. I am trying to figure out a way to retreive BLOB data into my
Android application and display it on the screen.

On Aug 23, 9:39 pm, lbendlin l...@bendlin.us wrote:
 so you have an existing database. Can you look at the relevant table with
 the Firefox SQLite Manager plugin (on your computer) and see which field
 type is used for the image column?

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[android-developers] NullPointerException on displaying ImageView of a bitmap

2011-08-25 Thread Abhi

I have the following piece of code which is resulting in a
NullPointerException and I am not able to understand why. I am able to
get the correct size of the bitmap in the Log statement below before
displaying the image, so up to that point everything is good.

//result is a byte array which contains the jpeg image

ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(result);
b = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream);

Log.i(TAG, Size of bitmap is  + b.getWidth() +  x  +

ImageView imageview1 = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.ImageV);

The exception I am getting is below :

08-25 11:46:25.578: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12564): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
08-25 11:46:25.578: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12564):
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity
com.android.databasetest.DatabaseTest}: java.lang.NullPointerException
08-25 11:46:25.578: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12564): at
08-25 11:46:25.578: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12564): at
08-25 11:46:25.578: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12564): at
08-25 11:46:25.578: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12564): at
08-25 11:46:25.578: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12564): at
08-25 11:46:25.578: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12564): at
08-25 11:46:25.578: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12564): at
08-25 11:46:25.578: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12564): at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
08-25 11:46:25.578: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12564): at
08-25 11:46:25.578: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12564): at
08-25 11:46:25.578: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12564): at
08-25 11:46:25.578: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12564): at
dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

08-25 11:46:25.578: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12564): Caused by:
08-25 11:46:25.578: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12564): at
08-25 11:46:25.578: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12564): at
08-25 11:46:25.578: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12564): at
08-25 11:46:25.578: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12564): ... 11 more

Any help is appreciated.



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[android-developers] Gallery View and SQLite database

2011-09-13 Thread Abhi
Hi all,

I have a sqlite database of 100+ low res images saved as Blob data. I
am creating an App that has a GalleryView and I would like to display
the 100+ images from my database in this view. The user can scroll
through the horizontally scrolling list and select the one he wants to
see full screen.

I am using a sample app that takes sample images from 'res/drawable'
folder to display them on the gallery view. I would like to do the
same but pull images from the database instead. Can someone guide me?



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[android-developers] Curved Gallery view

2011-09-21 Thread Abhi
Hi all,

I would like to know if it is possible to create a curved gallery view
from the default horizontal one that Android offers? I don't know if
that entails changing the Gallery code in Android framework which I
want to avoid. Is there any other way to make a custom Gallery view
from scratch? Again, how to go about doing that?

Thanks. Any help would be appreciated.


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[android-developers] Android Game : Pause Resume Issue

2012-10-06 Thread Abhi

I am coding for my first game.
I am facing problem while pausing my game and resuming it.
I have posted for this issue on StackOveflow 
I am unable to find the root cause of my issue.

Issue I face is, when I click Home button or Back button or leave my Game 
Screen (surfaceview with thread) and again click on my Game Icon
I see a deadlock and in 5-6 sec see Force Close and Wait dialog coming.

I have put SOPs on onCreate, onResume and onPause of my game screen 
activity, but they are not getting printed in LogCat when I try to resume 
my game.

Please help me to get out of this issue.


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[android-developers] How to extend the preview layout in Google camera to enable the control panel to look transparent in android 4.0

2013-03-12 Thread Abhi
I am currently building a custom OS build of android 4.0. One of the 
requirements we have is to make the stock google camera look similar to 
android 4.2. In android 4.0 the controlPanel present at the bottom has a 
black background. I have tried to change the background to transparent but 
there is no effect. After some experiments i think the reason for 
this is because the GLCanvasImpl does not cover full screen. Is there was i 
can modify this functionality of GLCanvasImpl to extend full screen. This 
is the first time i working on Android source code so i am not sure if i am 
in the right direction. It would be great if someone could let me know if 
my assumption is the right one? Or is there an easier way of doing this?

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[android-developers] In app billing and trial query.

2013-06-13 Thread Abhi
   I am building an application which I wish to upload to the app store as 
a paid app. But i would like to post it as a trial app for a set amount of 
time. I looked at all the options in the app billing version 3. I have 
found a few problems.
1. If I create my app with a non-consumable inapp item then i will not be 
able to keep it for a set duration as a trial app(Please let me know if my 
assumption is correct).
2. I f I create it via a subscription based model then is there a way I can 
make the subscriptions last forever and not yearly?

Any help regarding this will be extremely helpful.

Thanks and Regards,
Abhijeeth Hiliyana

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[android-developers] Re: display PNG images as icons

2014-06-20 Thread abhi
probably you can do it in Photoshop or Gimp tool itself, as you might only 
want to remove the white background

On Friday, June 20, 2014 9:34:07 AM UTC+5:30, prudhvi wrote:

 Hi Guys , 



 I am using grid view layout for home page display . For this  , I intend 
 to display an icon for each functionality (ex: home , print , people , 


 When I copy the image ICON  into drawable folder they are being converted 
 into PNG images . Is there any way to display those PNG Images as icons in 
 the gridview .

 I have to exclude the background of an  image(white color as shown in 







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[android-developers] How to access Camera stream inside Webview

2015-01-27 Thread Abhi
I want to access phone camera stream inside webview.
I have HTML pages which are working absolutely fine on Chrome for android

I want the same features inside webview now.

Right now I see dark thumbnail only and no camera permission alert is 
getting invoked.
On browser as soon as I open the page, I am asked for Audio,Camera 
Permission and once approved
I am able to see my camera stream inside video tag

This is not happening in webview.

Please check my stackoverflow 
question for the same

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[android-developers] How to access Camera stream inside Webview

2015-01-29 Thread Abhi
Can someone help me here ??

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[android-developers] Receive Callback from Service

2015-04-18 Thread abhi
Is there any mechanism to receive a callback from service through AIDL 
without any client intervention.Already i have implemented a two way 
communication through AIDL, but still i couldnt figure out how to sent a 
callback without a client call.Any insights into this will be very helpfull.

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[android-developers] Offline Advertisement - Article

2016-08-16 Thread Abhi
Hi friends,

I have written an article about Offline advertisement and love to share 
with you.
Offline Advertisement 

Would love to hear some constructive feedback from all of you :)

Abhinav Tyagi

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[android-developers] Coding design pattern consideration

2016-09-08 Thread Abhi
How should we design our code base for Android Apps:

   1. Should we follow traditional web style with proper abstract classes, 
   interfaces, different design patterns?
   2. Or Should we try to avoid these as much as possible to get a minimal, 
   maintainable code for better performance?

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[android-developers] unable to write to sdcard and the permission is not set

2010-12-28 Thread Abhi Rao
Android 2.2 using the emulator
I am unable to read and write sdcard

When I do ls -l after adb shell - this is what I see
# ls -l
ls -l
drwxr-xr-x root system2010-12-27 05:24 asec
drwx-- root root  2010-12-27 05:24 secure
d- system   system2010-12-27 05:24 sdcard

Here is how I prepared the SDCARD
- Run mksdcard 8192K C:\android-dev\emu_sdcard\emu_logFile
- Create a new AVD, then assign emu_logFile to it so that when I view
the AVD Details it says C:\android-dev\emu_sdcard\emu_logFile against
the field SD Card

In the code, sdDir.canWrite returns false - please note it is not the

I have added the following to AndroidManifest.xml
android:name=android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE **

I have posted this in stackoverflow - I have gone through the postings
related to sdcard and emulator - no success yet!

Please help -

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[android-developers] Hot Requirement :: Software Engineer(Java Developer With AWS) :: Baltimore, MD (Need Locals)

2018-04-11 Thread abhi . softions

Hi Greetings,


This is Abhi From Softion inc ,I am a Sr. Recruiter Here I have job 
opportunity for you below is the job description mentioned go through it 
and if it’s matches your skill and you are looking for change or available 
in the market do attach your updated resume and let me know the rate/salary 
you are looking for.


Role: Software Engineer(Java Developer) With AWS

Location: Baltimore, MD


*Required Skills: *


· Professional Experience on Java development / Spring experience

· AWS experience

· In-depth and hands-on experience with Spring Boot and Tomcat

· Delivering SOAP and RESTful services

· Experience with API management tool (e.g. APIGEE)

· Experience with automated delivery pipelines, agile delivery and 
test-driven development 

· Familiarity with a variety of programming styles (e.g. OO, 
functional) and in-depth knowledge of software design patterns

· In-depth RDBMS development experience (e.g. SQL Server, 
PostgreSQL, MySQL)

· Familiarity with modern front-end frameworks such as AngularJS, 
Backbone, React, etc.

· Experience with cloud computing platforms such as AWS, React, 
etc. is a strong plus

· Experience with defining and delivering enterprise integration 
solutions for large organizations including experience with at least one 
major ESB platform (e.g. IBM Integration Bus, Mulesoft, Microsoft BizTalk, 
Tibco, etc.)

· Solid understanding of cloud native architectures for 
containerized micro-services

· Experience with HR Management (Workday), Procurement, Risk, 
Compliance and Contract Management tools is a plus




*Abhi Kumar*

Recruitment /Sales - Business Development Manager

Softions Consulting Inc.

732-410-6112 Office


Softions | www.softions.com


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