[AngularJS] Re: running angular multiple apps from one folder

2017-08-04 Thread Tito

This is what I currently have. My two apps are ptcmfg and vim. app1 is 
point at vim and app2 is pointing at ptcmfg. the app.js for vim folder is 
under vim\src\server and for ptcmfg it is under ptcmfg\src\server. This is 
where I get cross eyed.

app1.js has

// app1.js
var express = require('express');

const router = require('express').Router();
router.use('/vim', (req, res) => {
res.json({ message: 'Here is something that is specific for this app' });

module.exports = { router };

On Wednesday, June 21, 2017 at 1:16:28 AM UTC-7, Zlatko Đurić wrote:
> Hi Tito,
> Congratulations on your first production deployment! :)
> There are multiple ways to run multiple "apps" from one Node (express) 
> app. You're saying Angular apps, but it seems like Node.js is involved too, 
> so I'll try to address some cases. If you have one very specific 
> TL;DR:
> - if it's just angular apps, serve app.use('/app-virtual-path', 
> express.static('/path/to/app'))
> - if it's Node.js code as well, write those in their own modules, and 
> export their routers (not the whole express apps), than mount the 
> individual routers on a global express server.
> If it's just multiple angular apps, than it's pretty simple - serve apps 
> on different routes (or even domains/network interfaces/whatnot).
> E.g. simplest way to serve those with Node on different paths, e.g.
> server.example.com/app1 -> serves angular app 1
> server.example.com/app2 -> serves angular app 2
> etc.
> app.use('/app1', express.static('/path/to/app1'));
> app.use('/app2', express.static('/path/to/app2'));
> // ...
> app.use('/appN', express.static('/path/to/appN'));
> Basically, every app is served in its own virtual path.
> Alternatively, you can serve the angular apps on different subdomains, 
> e.g.:
> app1.server.com -> serves app1
> app2.server.com -> serves app2.
> How to do this depends on your server setup. You can route it directly 
> with node, using something like this: 
> https://www.npmjs.com/package/express-subdomain. Alternatively, you can 
> use the simpler version above, but than use some rewrite rule on the 
> reverse proxy that's in front of node (such as nginx, or IIS since you're 
> on windows).
> If you also need some server-side specific code, those separate routes 
> handle the stuff, for you. For clarity, maybe just separate those in their 
> own files/folders with their own routers, than mount it all on one global 
> express router and handle routing properly. The added benefit of running it 
> all on a single node instance is that you get to share common middleware 
> like authentication or authorization, which is likely to be useful in an 
> environment that you describe.
> Example:
> // app1.js
> const router = require('express').Router();
> router.use('/app-specific-endpoint', (req, res) => {
>   res.json({ message: 'Here is something that is specific for this app' });
> });
> router.use(express.static('/path/to/angular/code'));
> module.exports = { router };helps a bit
> // app2 -> the same, just for the different angular app.
> const router = ...
> module.exports = { router };
> // global express app file, e.g. server.js
> const express = require('express')
> const app = express();
> const middleware = require('./middleware/'); // optionally, if ou need it.
> const router1 = require('./app1').router;
> const router2 = require('./app2').router;
> app.use(middleware.auth()); 
> app.use('/angular-app-1', router1);
> app.use('/angular-app-2', middleware.hasRole('admin')); // specific for 
> app2, say, permissions check
> app.use('/angular-app-2', router2);
> const port = 8080;
> app.listen(port, (err) => console.log(err || `Listening on ${port}`));
> I hope this gives you ideas on how to start. If you share more details, 
> maybe you can get more specific answers.

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Re: [AngularJS] Re: running angular multiple apps from one folder

2017-07-27 Thread Sander Elias
Hi Tito,

Yes I do encourage programming following the styleguide. At least you 
should read the guide 2 times or more, even when you disagree with (parts) 
of it.
Also, even while the gulp-patterns repo is a bit stale, yes it's mostly 
according to the style-guide. That's not a surprise as my friend John wrote 
both of those ;)
it is a good way to start your angularJS story. I switched away from gulp 
to webpack, but getting started is hard enough as it is!


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Re: [AngularJS] Re: running angular multiple apps from one folder

2017-07-26 Thread wax miguel


> On Jul 26, 2017, at 6:21 AM, Zlatko Đurić  wrote:
> Certainly! Personally I would strongly suggest separating the codebases 
> completely (backend is 1 repo, for now, frontend is another completely. Takes 
> care of so much confusing things.)
> Anyway, you need a few things set up. Like, you don't wanna let your entire 
> node_modules/ folder public. You might have something that's critical or can 
> even jeopardize the underlaying system (like, exposing the del, rimraf or 
> similar). Which means, angular and other public code is limited to, say, 
> public/ folder.
> But, how do you do the sharing then? Well, another thing you should be doing 
> anyway (and luckily it's easy to do) is run a production build. Something 
> like webpack/rollup. You know, tree shaking and all. What it does is it takes 
> your Angular code, and Angular libs from node_modules/, and any other libs 
> your code uses, and bundles it all up in one (or a few) nice file - and you 
> only serve this file to public.
> Which again means you'll have to setup to deal with. Say your 
> compilation/build step (what I said above) puts stuff from public/src to 
> public/dist folder. You tell express to use only that code.
> And that's basically it. Maybe a few more things, like namespacing your npm 
> scripts better and you should be good.
> Of course, while you're developing, you probably have some sort of local 
> angular dev server, which autocompiles your changes in typescript and other 
> files, and reloads the browser. So you could either run that dev server on a 
> separate port or somehow adding tihs compilation step into your dev pipeline 
> for your node server. So you run your node server and whatever's watching for 
> those changes, is also watching for frontend changes to restart or refresh 
> the statically served routes and fire off a browser reload.
> That's why I strongly suggest that you take the other, IMHO much better 
> approach. Build the node backend in one folder. Clean and simple, and make 
> tests for your endpoints. Don't bother with unit tests if you don't have 
> those already. Just make sure your GET /api/users returns an array and can do 
> paging and make sure that POST /api/comments asks for proper authentication 
> or permissions.
> Than make your frontend app in a separate repository. Also write all the 
> tests and ignore anything on the backend.
> That's much easier to reason about. When you're working on backend, you don't 
> care about pixels or form alignment or whatever. Just index the database 
> properly. And when you're done, you go align the pixels and forms and don't 
> have a singlest worry about database indexes. And as a bonus, you could still 
> add another build task to your frontend code, that takes whatever frontend is 
> built currently and copies it to the backend /public folder.
> Although I suggest splitting that one too, because again it simplifies 
> deployment and stuff. Don't worry about numbers of servers. You can serve 
> Angular apps off of S3 for probably less than a dolar, or off of a 5$ digital 
> ocean bucket if you really need something advanced. And your node backend is 
> deployed wherever you deploy it anyway. And you sleep much better, trust me.
> Also, don't worry about your node_modules sprawling for now. If you have an 
> older android phone, it might be a problem. I mean, if you're developing 
> stuff on it. Because I've just looked at size of all my node modules on this 
> laptop:
> find projects -name node_modules -maxdepth 2 | xargs du -shc
> ...
> 2.5G  total
> It has my major work projects, 2 node backends, 3 angular2 projects and some 
> of it is just a copy of itself (for stupid reasons, don't ask), and some 
> random nonrelated stuff.
> My main workstation probably has like 6 gigs of node modules. I have a last 
> year's phone and this all could fit on it and still leave ton of space for my 
> photos. Although I don't know what I'd do with it on the phone.
> Well, there's my totally oversized and unnecessary, but probably not harmful 
> midnight answer to your question. Just like my node_modules/, oversized and 
> all, but it's not in anybodies' way.
> Cheers and ask specific questions if you have them.
>> On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 6:38 PM, Tito  wrote:
>> ok been a while and now I am ready to dive in. so yes I am using angular 
>> code with node.js 
>> I would also like to use same node_modules for these I do not want 
>> node_modules sprawl. Is that possible to have shared modules folder for both 
>> to use?
>> Thanks
>>> On Wednesday, June 21, 2017 at 1:16:28 AM UTC-7, Zlatko Đurić wrote:
>>> Hi Tito,
>>> Congratulations on your first production deployment! :)
>>> There are multiple ways to run multiple "apps" from one Node (express) app. 
>>> You're saying Angular apps, but it seems like Node.js is involved too, so 
>>> I'll 

[AngularJS] Re: running angular multiple apps from one folder

2017-07-26 Thread Tito
very interesting. so a server dedicated to serving my api. I like that and 
I used to do that but somewhere in the process of learning angular, I kind 
of got away from it for some reason. because I was thinking other 
applications could use the api and it is not tied to one specific 
application. (consuming application agnostic - caa, make up my own tech 
acronyms woohoo!) :)

On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 6:44:44 PM UTC-7, Sander Elias wrote:
> Hi Tito,
> The advice Zlatko gave is solid. Create a separate backend/API server. 
> keep that out of your frontend folder.
> Developing nowadays will give you a enormous amount of code in 
> node_modules. For your angular project, this is totally unimportant. Once 
> you build for staging/production, everything is neatly packed in a ./dist 
> folder you can then deploy. No node_modules needed wherever.
> That can not be said when you need to deploy a nodejs server. But you only 
> need 1 of those on your production. (and probably also on your dev machine)
> While you develop, you can use the CLI, and configure it to proxy all all 
> calls to for 
> example /api/* through to your nodejs Server. This way, you can develop 
> using everything the CLI provides, and still use your nodeJS server for the 
> backend/api calls. 
> This has an added bonus, that once you are ready to deploy your app, you 
> can separately host your frontend(for example on AWS S3) from your backend. 
> Regards
> Sander 

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Re: [AngularJS] Re: running angular multiple apps from one folder

2017-07-26 Thread Tito
wow this is very thorough, thanks so much.
I am using this repo as my starting point which follows what Sander Elias I 
think encourages which is following style guide right?


Thank you so very much!!

On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 3:23:09 PM UTC-7, Zlatko Đurić wrote:
> Certainly! Personally I would strongly suggest separating the codebases 
> completely (backend is 1 repo, for now, frontend is another completely. 
> Takes care of so much confusing things.)
> Anyway, you need a few things set up. Like, you don't wanna let your 
> entire node_modules/ folder public. You might have something that's 
> critical or can even jeopardize the underlaying system (like, exposing the 
> *del*, *rimraf* or similar). Which means, angular and other public code 
> is limited to, say, public/ folder.
> But, how do you do the sharing then? Well, another thing you should be 
> doing anyway (and luckily it's easy to do) is run a production build. 
> Something like webpack/rollup. You know, tree shaking and all. What it does 
> is it takes your Angular code, and Angular libs from node_modules/, and any 
> other libs your code uses, and bundles it all up in one (or a few) nice 
> file - and you only serve this file to public.
> Which again means you'll have to setup to deal with. Say your 
> compilation/build step (what I said above) puts stuff from public/src to 
> public/dist folder. You tell express to use only that code.
> And that's basically it. Maybe a few more things, like namespacing your 
> npm scripts better and you should be good.
> Of course, while you're developing, you probably have some sort of local 
> angular dev server, which autocompiles your changes in typescript and other 
> files, and reloads the browser. So you could either run that dev server on 
> a separate port or somehow adding tihs compilation step into your dev 
> pipeline for your node server. So you run your node server and whatever's 
> watching for *those* changes, is also watching for frontend changes to 
> restart or refresh the statically served routes and fire off a browser 
> reload.
> That's why I strongly suggest that you take the other, IMHO much better 
> approach. Build the node backend in one folder. Clean and simple, and make 
> tests for your endpoints. Don't bother with unit tests if you don't have 
> those already. Just make sure your GET /api/users returns an array and can 
> do paging and make sure that POST /api/comments asks for proper 
> authentication or permissions.
> Than make your frontend app in a separate repository. Also write all the 
> tests and ignore anything on the backend.
> That's much easier to reason about. When you're working on backend, you 
> don't care about pixels or form alignment or whatever. Just index the 
> database properly. And when you're done, you go align the pixels and forms 
> and don't have a singlest worry about database indexes. And as a bonus, you 
> could still add another build task to your frontend code, that takes 
> whatever frontend is built currently and copies it to the backend /public 
> folder.
> Although I suggest splitting that one too, because again it simplifies 
> deployment and stuff. Don't worry about numbers of servers. You can serve 
> Angular apps off of S3 for probably less than a dolar, or off of a 5$ 
> digital ocean bucket if you really need something advanced. And your node 
> backend is deployed wherever you deploy it anyway. And you sleep much 
> better, trust me.
> Also, don't worry about your node_modules sprawling for now. If you have 
> an older android phone, it might be a problem. I mean, if you're developing 
> stuff on it. Because I've just looked at size of all my node modules on 
> this laptop:
> find projects -name node_modules -maxdepth 2 | xargs du -shc
> ...
> 2.5G total
> It has my major work projects, 2 node backends, 3 angular2 projects and 
> some of it is just a copy of itself (for stupid reasons, don't ask), and 
> some random nonrelated stuff.
> My main workstation probably has like 6 gigs of node modules. I have a 
> last year's phone and this all could fit on it and still leave ton of space 
> for my photos. Although I don't know what I'd do with it on the phone.
> Well, there's my totally oversized and unnecessary, but probably not 
> harmful midnight answer to your question. Just like my node_modules/, 
> oversized and all, but it's not in anybodies' way.
> Cheers and ask specific questions if you have them.
> On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 6:38 PM, Tito  
> wrote:
>> ok been a while and now I am ready to dive in. so yes I am using angular 
>> code with node.js 
>> I would also like to use same node_modules for these I do not want 
>> node_modules sprawl. Is that possible to have shared modules folder for 
>> both to use?
>> Thanks
>> On Wednesday, June 21, 2017 at 1:16:28 AM UTC-7, Zlatko Đurić wrote:
>>> Hi Tito,

[AngularJS] Re: running angular multiple apps from one folder

2017-07-25 Thread Sander Elias
Hi Tito,

The advice Zlatko gave is solid. Create a separate backend/API server. keep 
that out of your frontend folder.
Developing nowadays will give you a enormous amount of code in 
node_modules. For your angular project, this is totally unimportant. Once 
you build for staging/production, everything is neatly packed in a ./dist 
folder you can then deploy. No node_modules needed wherever.
That can not be said when you need to deploy a nodejs server. But you only 
need 1 of those on your production. (and probably also on your dev machine)

While you develop, you can use the CLI, and configure it to proxy all all 
calls to for 
example /api/* through to your nodejs Server. This way, you can develop 
using everything the CLI provides, and still use your nodeJS server for the 
backend/api calls. 
This has an added bonus, that once you are ready to deploy your app, you 
can separately host your frontend(for example on AWS S3) from your backend. 


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Re: [AngularJS] Re: running angular multiple apps from one folder

2017-07-25 Thread Zlatko Đurić
Certainly! Personally I would strongly suggest separating the codebases
completely (backend is 1 repo, for now, frontend is another completely.
Takes care of so much confusing things.)

Anyway, you need a few things set up. Like, you don't wanna let your entire
node_modules/ folder public. You might have something that's critical or
can even jeopardize the underlaying system (like, exposing the *del*,
*rimraf* or similar). Which means, angular and other public code is limited
to, say, public/ folder.

But, how do you do the sharing then? Well, another thing you should be
doing anyway (and luckily it's easy to do) is run a production build.
Something like webpack/rollup. You know, tree shaking and all. What it does
is it takes your Angular code, and Angular libs from node_modules/, and any
other libs your code uses, and bundles it all up in one (or a few) nice
file - and you only serve this file to public.

Which again means you'll have to setup to deal with. Say your
compilation/build step (what I said above) puts stuff from public/src to
public/dist folder. You tell express to use only that code.

And that's basically it. Maybe a few more things, like namespacing your npm
scripts better and you should be good.

Of course, while you're developing, you probably have some sort of local
angular dev server, which autocompiles your changes in typescript and other
files, and reloads the browser. So you could either run that dev server on
a separate port or somehow adding tihs compilation step into your dev
pipeline for your node server. So you run your node server and whatever's
watching for *those* changes, is also watching for frontend changes to
restart or refresh the statically served routes and fire off a browser

That's why I strongly suggest that you take the other, IMHO much better
approach. Build the node backend in one folder. Clean and simple, and make
tests for your endpoints. Don't bother with unit tests if you don't have
those already. Just make sure your GET /api/users returns an array and can
do paging and make sure that POST /api/comments asks for proper
authentication or permissions.

Than make your frontend app in a separate repository. Also write all the
tests and ignore anything on the backend.

That's much easier to reason about. When you're working on backend, you
don't care about pixels or form alignment or whatever. Just index the
database properly. And when you're done, you go align the pixels and forms
and don't have a singlest worry about database indexes. And as a bonus, you
could still add another build task to your frontend code, that takes
whatever frontend is built currently and copies it to the backend /public

Although I suggest splitting that one too, because again it simplifies
deployment and stuff. Don't worry about numbers of servers. You can serve
Angular apps off of S3 for probably less than a dolar, or off of a 5$
digital ocean bucket if you really need something advanced. And your node
backend is deployed wherever you deploy it anyway. And you sleep much
better, trust me.

Also, don't worry about your node_modules sprawling for now. If you have an
older android phone, it might be a problem. I mean, if you're developing
stuff on it. Because I've just looked at size of all my node modules on
this laptop:

find projects -name node_modules -maxdepth 2 | xargs du -shc
2.5G total

It has my major work projects, 2 node backends, 3 angular2 projects and
some of it is just a copy of itself (for stupid reasons, don't ask), and
some random nonrelated stuff.

My main workstation probably has like 6 gigs of node modules. I have a last
year's phone and this all could fit on it and still leave ton of space for
my photos. Although I don't know what I'd do with it on the phone.

Well, there's my totally oversized and unnecessary, but probably not
harmful midnight answer to your question. Just like my node_modules/,
oversized and all, but it's not in anybodies' way.

Cheers and ask specific questions if you have them.

On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 6:38 PM, Tito  wrote:

> ok been a while and now I am ready to dive in. so yes I am using angular
> code with node.js
> I would also like to use same node_modules for these I do not want
> node_modules sprawl. Is that possible to have shared modules folder for
> both to use?
> Thanks
> On Wednesday, June 21, 2017 at 1:16:28 AM UTC-7, Zlatko Đurić wrote:
>> Hi Tito,
>> Congratulations on your first production deployment! :)
>> There are multiple ways to run multiple "apps" from one Node (express)
>> app. You're saying Angular apps, but it seems like Node.js is involved too,
>> so I'll try to address some cases. If you have one very specific
>> TL;DR:
>> - if it's just angular apps, serve app.use('/app-virtual-path',
>> express.static('/path/to/app'))
>> - if it's Node.js code as well, write those in their own modules, and
>> export their routers (not the whole express apps), than mount the

[AngularJS] Re: running angular multiple apps from one folder

2017-07-25 Thread Tito
ok been a while and now I am ready to dive in. so yes I am using angular 
code with node.js 
I would also like to use same node_modules for these I do not want 
node_modules sprawl. Is that possible to have shared modules folder for 
both to use?


On Wednesday, June 21, 2017 at 1:16:28 AM UTC-7, Zlatko Đurić wrote:
> Hi Tito,
> Congratulations on your first production deployment! :)
> There are multiple ways to run multiple "apps" from one Node (express) 
> app. You're saying Angular apps, but it seems like Node.js is involved too, 
> so I'll try to address some cases. If you have one very specific 
> TL;DR:
> - if it's just angular apps, serve app.use('/app-virtual-path', 
> express.static('/path/to/app'))
> - if it's Node.js code as well, write those in their own modules, and 
> export their routers (not the whole express apps), than mount the 
> individual routers on a global express server.
> If it's just multiple angular apps, than it's pretty simple - serve apps 
> on different routes (or even domains/network interfaces/whatnot).
> E.g. simplest way to serve those with Node on different paths, e.g.
> server.example.com/app1 -> serves angular app 1
> server.example.com/app2 -> serves angular app 2
> etc.
> app.use('/app1', express.static('/path/to/app1'));
> app.use('/app2', express.static('/path/to/app2'));
> // ...
> app.use('/appN', express.static('/path/to/appN'));
> Basically, every app is served in its own virtual path.
> Alternatively, you can serve the angular apps on different subdomains, 
> e.g.:
> app1.server.com -> serves app1
> app2.server.com -> serves app2.
> How to do this depends on your server setup. You can route it directly 
> with node, using something like this: 
> https://www.npmjs.com/package/express-subdomain. Alternatively, you can 
> use the simpler version above, but than use some rewrite rule on the 
> reverse proxy that's in front of node (such as nginx, or IIS since you're 
> on windows).
> If you also need some server-side specific code, those separate routes 
> handle the stuff, for you. For clarity, maybe just separate those in their 
> own files/folders with their own routers, than mount it all on one global 
> express router and handle routing properly. The added benefit of running it 
> all on a single node instance is that you get to share common middleware 
> like authentication or authorization, which is likely to be useful in an 
> environment that you describe.
> Example:
> // app1.js
> const router = require('express').Router();
> router.use('/app-specific-endpoint', (req, res) => {
>   res.json({ message: 'Here is something that is specific for this app' });
> });
> router.use(express.static('/path/to/angular/code'));
> module.exports = { router };helps a bit
> // app2 -> the same, just for the different angular app.
> const router = ...
> module.exports = { router };
> // global express app file, e.g. server.js
> const express = require('express')
> const app = express();
> const middleware = require('./middleware/'); // optionally, if ou need it.
> const router1 = require('./app1').router;
> const router2 = require('./app2').router;
> app.use(middleware.auth()); 
> app.use('/angular-app-1', router1);
> app.use('/angular-app-2', middleware.hasRole('admin')); // specific for 
> app2, say, permissions check
> app.use('/angular-app-2', router2);
> const port = 8080;
> app.listen(port, (err) => console.log(err || `Listening on ${port}`));
> I hope this gives you ideas on how to start. If you share more details, 
> maybe you can get more specific answers.

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[AngularJS] Re: running angular multiple apps from one folder

2017-06-21 Thread Tito
Thanks Zlatko Đurić . I think I will try the ngnix route!

On Wednesday, June 21, 2017 at 1:16:28 AM UTC-7, Zlatko Đurić wrote:
> Hi Tito,
> Congratulations on your first production deployment! :)
> There are multiple ways to run multiple "apps" from one Node (express) 
> app. You're saying Angular apps, but it seems like Node.js is involved too, 
> so I'll try to address some cases. If you have one very specific 
> TL;DR:
> - if it's just angular apps, serve app.use('/app-virtual-path', 
> express.static('/path/to/app'))
> - if it's Node.js code as well, write those in their own modules, and 
> export their routers (not the whole express apps), than mount the 
> individual routers on a global express server.
> If it's just multiple angular apps, than it's pretty simple - serve apps 
> on different routes (or even domains/network interfaces/whatnot).
> E.g. simplest way to serve those with Node on different paths, e.g.
> server.example.com/app1 -> serves angular app 1
> server.example.com/app2 -> serves angular app 2
> etc.
> app.use('/app1', express.static('/path/to/app1'));
> app.use('/app2', express.static('/path/to/app2'));
> // ...
> app.use('/appN', express.static('/path/to/appN'));
> Basically, every app is served in its own virtual path.
> Alternatively, you can serve the angular apps on different subdomains, 
> e.g.:
> app1.server.com -> serves app1
> app2.server.com -> serves app2.
> How to do this depends on your server setup. You can route it directly 
> with node, using something like this: 
> https://www.npmjs.com/package/express-subdomain. Alternatively, you can 
> use the simpler version above, but than use some rewrite rule on the 
> reverse proxy that's in front of node (such as nginx, or IIS since you're 
> on windows).
> If you also need some server-side specific code, those separate routes 
> handle the stuff, for you. For clarity, maybe just separate those in their 
> own files/folders with their own routers, than mount it all on one global 
> express router and handle routing properly. The added benefit of running it 
> all on a single node instance is that you get to share common middleware 
> like authentication or authorization, which is likely to be useful in an 
> environment that you describe.
> Example:
> // app1.js
> const router = require('express').Router();
> router.use('/app-specific-endpoint', (req, res) => {
>   res.json({ message: 'Here is something that is specific for this app' });
> });
> router.use(express.static('/path/to/angular/code'));
> module.exports = { router };helps a bit
> // app2 -> the same, just for the different angular app.
> const router = ...
> module.exports = { router };
> // global express app file, e.g. server.js
> const express = require('express')
> const app = express();
> const middleware = require('./middleware/'); // optionally, if ou need it.
> const router1 = require('./app1').router;
> const router2 = require('./app2').router;
> app.use(middleware.auth()); 
> app.use('/angular-app-1', router1);
> app.use('/angular-app-2', middleware.hasRole('admin')); // specific for 
> app2, say, permissions check
> app.use('/angular-app-2', router2);
> const port = 8080;
> app.listen(port, (err) => console.log(err || `Listening on ${port}`));
> I hope this gives you ideas on how to start. If you share more details, 
> maybe you can get more specific answers.

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[AngularJS] Re: running angular multiple apps from one folder

2017-06-21 Thread Zlatko Đurić
Hi Tito,

Congratulations on your first production deployment! :)

There are multiple ways to run multiple "apps" from one Node (express) app. 
You're saying Angular apps, but it seems like Node.js is involved too, so 
I'll try to address some cases. If you have one very specific 

- if it's just angular apps, serve app.use('/app-virtual-path', 
- if it's Node.js code as well, write those in their own modules, and 
export their routers (not the whole express apps), than mount the 
individual routers on a global express server.

If it's just multiple angular apps, than it's pretty simple - serve apps on 
different routes (or even domains/network interfaces/whatnot).

E.g. simplest way to serve those with Node on different paths, e.g.
server.example.com/app1 -> serves angular app 1
server.example.com/app2 -> serves angular app 2

app.use('/app1', express.static('/path/to/app1'));
app.use('/app2', express.static('/path/to/app2'));
// ...
app.use('/appN', express.static('/path/to/appN'));

Basically, every app is served in its own virtual path.

Alternatively, you can serve the angular apps on different subdomains, e.g.:
app1.server.com -> serves app1
app2.server.com -> serves app2.

How to do this depends on your server setup. You can route it directly with 
node, using something like this: 
https://www.npmjs.com/package/express-subdomain. Alternatively, you can use 
the simpler version above, but than use some rewrite rule on the reverse 
proxy that's in front of node (such as nginx, or IIS since you're on 

If you also need some server-side specific code, those separate routes 
handle the stuff, for you. For clarity, maybe just separate those in their 
own files/folders with their own routers, than mount it all on one global 
express router and handle routing properly. The added benefit of running it 
all on a single node instance is that you get to share common middleware 
like authentication or authorization, which is likely to be useful in an 
environment that you describe.


// app1.js
const router = require('express').Router();
router.use('/app-specific-endpoint', (req, res) => {
  res.json({ message: 'Here is something that is specific for this app' });
module.exports = { router };helps a bit

// app2 -> the same, just for the different angular app.
const router = ...
module.exports = { router };

// global express app file, e.g. server.js
const express = require('express')
const app = express();
const middleware = require('./middleware/'); // optionally, if ou need it.
const router1 = require('./app1').router;
const router2 = require('./app2').router;

app.use('/angular-app-1', router1);
app.use('/angular-app-2', middleware.hasRole('admin')); // specific for 
app2, say, permissions check
app.use('/angular-app-2', router2);
const port = 8080;
app.listen(port, (err) => console.log(err || `Listening on ${port}`));

I hope this gives you ideas on how to start. If you share more details, 
maybe you can get more specific answers.

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[AngularJS] Re: running angular multiple apps from one folder

2017-06-20 Thread Tito
Greetings Sander,

So, how do I do that any write up or reads you recommend. It is windows 
server. I cannot see myself opening 15 different node js command prompts 
and running npm start and different ports :)


On Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at 8:02:33 AM UTC-7, Sander Elias wrote:
> Hi Tito,
> You can host as many apps as you like on a node server.
> I would put in authorization anyway, but you can share that among apps.
> Regards
> Sander

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[AngularJS] Re: running angular multiple apps from one folder

2017-06-20 Thread Sander Elias
Hi Tito,

You can host as many apps as you like on a node server.
I would put in authorization anyway, but you can share that among apps.


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