Re: [Anima] WGLC for draft-ietf-anima-brski-cloud-05, ends Nov. 28th, 2022

2022-11-29 Thread Esko Dijk
Hi all,

Since the WGLC period is now past let me post my viewpoint: the draft is not 
yet ready. Some editorial updates are to be done by the WG and the YANG module 
definition needs fixing.
I will provide my comments as Github PRs in the coming days, which should make 
it easiest to integrate. There I will propose changing "EST Registrar" to "EST 


-Original Message-
From: Anima  On Behalf Of Esko Dijk
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2022 10:41
To: Anima WG ;
Subject: Re: [Anima] WGLC for draft-ietf-anima-brski-cloud-05, ends Nov. 28th, 

Hello all,

I'm reviewing the draft currently and agree it needs at least one more editing 
pass. So far no technical issues came up, only editorial ones and YANG-nits.

To help write up my review comments I do have these questions to the authors:

- should I provide my comments in email, as Github issues, or Github PRs? (any 

- what is the "EST Registrar"? It is not defined so far. Wouldn't it be better 
to use RFC 8995 terminology of "EST server" ?   So if the cloud Registrar 
supplies the Voucher and that redirects to an owner's EST server, we can call 
that "EST server" or "owner EST server".  It's not a Registrar, so not "EST 
Registrar" or "owner Registrar".The latter term is already used for the 
server that provides a voucher to the pledge.
 (Interesting to consider that the owner's EST server *could* be a Registrar 
i.e. handing out vouchers in theory, even if the 
cloud-Registrar-supporting-pledge already got its voucher from the 
cloud-Registrar.  But let's not say such things in the document to avoid 
complicating it.)

- the YANG contains "RFC : Voucher Profile for Cloud redirected Devices" - 
it seems the name needs updating and there should be an RFC ednote here saying 
the reference is "this RFC". Correct?

- YANG contains this:
 description "Base the constrained voucher upon the regular one";
This looks like a copy/paste leftover from constrained-voucher; correct that it 
should be modified? (Would this also bump the YANG version and date then?)

- YANG description for leaf "est-domain" does not explicitly say the word "EST 
server" which I think it should. So this URI directs to the EST server in the 
owner's domain.

- could YANG support the use case of combining the voucher-constrained  format 
(that extends base voucher) and the voucher-redirected format (from current 
draft) ?  Would that require yet another new YANG module?


-Original Message-----
From: Anima  On Behalf Of Brian E Carpenter
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2022 22:27
To: Anima WG 
Subject: Re: [Anima] WGLC for draft-ietf-anima-brski-cloud-05, ends Nov. 28th, 



This draft is very clear and almost ready, but I think it needs one more 
editing pass. I have some minor substantive comments followed by some nits.

Substantive comments:

> Abstract

This is a bit short. I think it should provide a little context for a casual 
reader (what is BRSKI, what is a pledge, what is a registrar).

>  1. Introduction
> Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key Infrastructures [BRSKI] specifies automated 
> bootstrapping of an Autonomic Control Plane.

Not quite. It specifies secure bootstrapping of the individual nodes. It's RFC 
8994 that bootstraps the ACP.

>  2. Architecture
> The high level architecture is illustrated in Figure 1.

I find the "??" in the figure confusing. The Cloud Registrar and the MASA could 
just be shown as adjacent boxes; the explanation in the text is fine.

> TWO CHOICES: 1. Cloud Registrar redirects to Owner Registrar 2. Cloud 
> Registrar returns VOUCHER pinning Owner Register.

That looks ugly as a single pseudo-sentence, and I'm not sure what it means. A 
more complete explanation would be good.

>  2.1. Interested Parties 

I find this section too telegraphic. Needs a bit more grammar...

>  2.2. Network Connectivity
> The assumption is that the pledge already has network connectivity prior to 
> connecting to the cloud registrar. The pledge must have an IP address, 

Should specify that you mean "routeable" IP address, I think. (I suppose it 
could be a ULA in some deployments?)

>  2.3. Pledge Certificate Identity Considerations
> ...
> EST [RFC7030] is not clear on how the CSR Attributes response should be 
> structured, and in particular is not clear on how a server can instruct a 
> client to include specific attribute values in its CSR. 
> [I-D.richardson-lamps-rfc7030-csrattrs] clarifies how a server can use CSR 
> Attributes

I'm not entirely comfortable with this being an Informative reference. Isn't 
this essential for interoperable implementations?


>  1.2. Target Use C

Re: [Anima] WGLC for draft-ietf-anima-brski-cloud-05, ends Nov. 28th, 2022

2022-11-21 Thread Esko Dijk
Hello all,

I'm reviewing the draft currently and agree it needs at least one more editing 
pass. So far no technical issues came up, only editorial ones and YANG-nits.

To help write up my review comments I do have these questions to the authors:

- should I provide my comments in email, as Github issues, or Github PRs? (any 

- what is the "EST Registrar"? It is not defined so far. Wouldn't it be better 
to use RFC 8995 terminology of "EST server" ?   So if the cloud Registrar 
supplies the Voucher and that redirects to an owner's EST server, we can call 
that "EST server" or "owner EST server".  It's not a Registrar, so not "EST 
Registrar" or "owner Registrar".The latter term is already used for the 
server that provides a voucher to the pledge.
 (Interesting to consider that the owner's EST server *could* be a Registrar 
i.e. handing out vouchers in theory, even if the 
cloud-Registrar-supporting-pledge already got its voucher from the 
cloud-Registrar.  But let's not say such things in the document to avoid 
complicating it.)

- the YANG contains "RFC : Voucher Profile for Cloud redirected Devices" - 
it seems the name needs updating and there should be an RFC ednote here saying 
the reference is "this RFC". Correct?

- YANG contains this:
 description "Base the constrained voucher upon the regular one";
This looks like a copy/paste leftover from constrained-voucher; correct that it 
should be modified? (Would this also bump the YANG version and date then?)

- YANG description for leaf "est-domain" does not explicitly say the word "EST 
server" which I think it should. So this URI directs to the EST server in the 
owner's domain.

- could YANG support the use case of combining the voucher-constrained  format 
(that extends base voucher) and the voucher-redirected format (from current 
draft) ?  Would that require yet another new YANG module?


-Original Message-
From: Anima  On Behalf Of Brian E Carpenter
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2022 22:27
To: Anima WG 
Subject: Re: [Anima] WGLC for draft-ietf-anima-brski-cloud-05, ends Nov. 28th, 



This draft is very clear and almost ready, but I think it needs one more 
editing pass. I have some minor substantive comments followed by some nits.

Substantive comments:

> Abstract

This is a bit short. I think it should provide a little context for a casual 
reader (what is BRSKI, what is a pledge, what is a registrar).

>  1. Introduction
> Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key Infrastructures [BRSKI] specifies automated 
> bootstrapping of an Autonomic Control Plane.

Not quite. It specifies secure bootstrapping of the individual nodes. It's RFC 
8994 that bootstraps the ACP.

>  2. Architecture
> The high level architecture is illustrated in Figure 1.

I find the "??" in the figure confusing. The Cloud Registrar and the MASA could 
just be shown as adjacent boxes; the explanation in the text is fine.

> TWO CHOICES: 1. Cloud Registrar redirects to Owner Registrar 2. Cloud 
> Registrar returns VOUCHER pinning Owner Register.

That looks ugly as a single pseudo-sentence, and I'm not sure what it means. A 
more complete explanation would be good.

>  2.1. Interested Parties 

I find this section too telegraphic. Needs a bit more grammar...

>  2.2. Network Connectivity
> The assumption is that the pledge already has network connectivity prior to 
> connecting to the cloud registrar. The pledge must have an IP address, 

Should specify that you mean "routeable" IP address, I think. (I suppose it 
could be a ULA in some deployments?)

>  2.3. Pledge Certificate Identity Considerations
> ...
> EST [RFC7030] is not clear on how the CSR Attributes response should be 
> structured, and in particular is not clear on how a server can instruct a 
> client to include specific attribute values in its CSR. 
> [I-D.richardson-lamps-rfc7030-csrattrs] clarifies how a server can use CSR 
> Attributes

I'm not entirely comfortable with this being an Informative reference. Isn't 
this essential for interoperable implementations?


>  1.2. Target Use Cases
> ...
> for many smaller sites (such as teleworkers) no further infrastructure are 
> expected.


> ...
> While a Cloud Registrar will typically handle all the devices of a particular 
> product line from a particular manufacturer there are no restrictions on how 
> the Cloud Registrar is horizontally (many sites) or vertically (more 
> equipment at one site) scaled.

That sentence is really hard to decode. Please rewrite using more words!

> It is also entirely possible that all devices sold by through a particular 
> VAR 

Please define VAR.

>  1.2.2. Bootstrapping with no Owner

Re: [Anima] WGLC for draft-ietf-anima-brski-cloud-05, ends Nov. 28th, 2022

2022-11-20 Thread Brian E Carpenter



This draft is very clear and almost ready, but I think it needs one more 
editing pass. I have some minor substantive comments followed by some nits.

Substantive comments:


This is a bit short. I think it should provide a little context for a casual 
reader (what is BRSKI, what is a pledge, what is a registrar).

 1. Introduction

Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key Infrastructures [BRSKI] specifies automated 
bootstrapping of an Autonomic Control Plane.

Not quite. It specifies secure bootstrapping of the individual nodes. It's RFC 
8994 that bootstraps the ACP.

 2. Architecture

The high level architecture is illustrated in Figure 1.

I find the "??" in the figure confusing. The Cloud Registrar and the MASA could 
just be shown as adjacent boxes; the explanation in the text is fine.

TWO CHOICES: 1. Cloud Registrar redirects to Owner Registrar 2. Cloud Registrar 
returns VOUCHER pinning Owner Register.

That looks ugly as a single pseudo-sentence, and I'm not sure what it means. A 
more complete explanation would be good.

 2.1. Interested Parties 

I find this section too telegraphic. Needs a bit more grammar...

 2.2. Network Connectivity

The assumption is that the pledge already has network connectivity prior to connecting to the cloud registrar. The pledge must have an IP address, 

Should specify that you mean "routeable" IP address, I think. (I suppose it 
could be a ULA in some deployments?)

 2.3. Pledge Certificate Identity Considerations
EST [RFC7030] is not clear on how the CSR Attributes response should be 
structured, and in particular is not clear on how a server can instruct a 
client to include specific attribute values in its CSR. 
[I-D.richardson-lamps-rfc7030-csrattrs] clarifies how a server can use CSR 

I'm not entirely comfortable with this being an Informative reference. Isn't 
this essential for interoperable implementations?


 1.2. Target Use Cases
for many smaller sites (such as teleworkers) no further infrastructure are 


While a Cloud Registrar will typically handle all the devices of a particular 
product line from a particular manufacturer there are no restrictions on how 
the Cloud Registrar is horizontally (many sites) or vertically (more equipment 
at one site) scaled.

That sentence is really hard to decode. Please rewrite using more words!

It is also entirely possible that all devices sold by through a particular VAR 

Please define VAR.

 1.2.2. Bootstrapping with no Owner Registrar
In one use case, an organization has an EST service 

Please define EST.

The pledge is deployed in the organization's domain, but does not discover a local domain, or owner, registrar. 

Hard to parse. Maybe you mean "does not discover a local domain registrar or an 
owner registrar"?

 3.1.1. Cloud Registrar Discovery

BRSKI defines how a pledge MAY contact a well-known URI of a cloud registrar if 
a local domain registrar cannot be discovered. Additionally, certain pledge 
types may never attempt to discover a local domain registrar and may 
automatically bootstrap against a cloud registrar.

The two occurences of lower-case "may" might be clearer as "might".

 3.1.2. Pledge - Cloud Registrar TLS Establishment Details

The pledge MUST use an Implicit Trust Anchor database (see [EST]) to authenticate the cloud registrar service. The Pledge can be done with pre-loaded trust-anchors 

"The Pledge can be done with" 

 3.2.2. Cloud Registrar Redirects to Owner Registrar

Once the cloud registrar has determined pledge ownership, the cloud registrar 
may redirect the pledge

"may" or "MAY"?

 3.3.1. Redirect Response 
 3.3.2. Voucher Response 

There are a few occurences of "should" and "must" in these sections, and I wondered about 
"SHOULD" and "MUST".

 8. References 

[EST] and [RFC7030] are duplicates.

   Brian Carpenter

Anima mailing list

[Anima] WGLC for draft-ietf-anima-brski-cloud-05, ends Nov. 28th, 2022

2022-11-13 Thread Sheng JIANG
Dear ANIMAers, This message starts the two-week (*) ANIMA Working Group Last 
Call to advance draft-ietf-anima-brski-cloud-05, which specifies the behavior 
of a BRSKI Cloud Registrar, and how a pledge can interact with a BRSKI Cloud 
Registrar when bootstrapping. This document's intended status is Standards 
Track.At present, there is no IPR filed against this document. This document 
has been ANIMA WG document since May, 2021 and has received a lot of feedback 
from the WG and work from its authors. The authors therefore think is ready for 
WGLC.Please send your comments by Nov. 28th 2022. If you do not feel this 
document should advance, please state your reasons why. Sheng Jiang is now the 
document shepherd. Regards,Sheng___
Anima mailing list