Hi all,

Based on earlier discussions in the design team meeting, I'm proposing an 
improvement / fix for cBRSKI that includes 2 main things:

  1.  New (simple) format for the EST-coaps "CA certificates" response:  
existing spec requires PKCS#7 container to distribute multiple CA certs. New 
proposal is CBOR-only; using the application/multipart-core format.
  2.  Updates to all procedures to enable a Pledge/IoT-device to enroll in a 
domain with 2 or 3 tiers of CAs, and be managed in such a domain - including 
EST re-enrollment, change of root-CA/sub-CA/owner, etc.

There was a trade-off here between keeping the Pledge lightweight and enabling 
full participation in a 2-tier/3-tier CAs domain. With an eye on the future, 
the proposal is to go for the full participation, expecting this will become 
common for IoT devices.

See https://github.com/anima-wg/constrained-voucher/pull/291/files
for the new text proposal. Any comments are welcome.


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