The following newsworthy events took place during the course of ApacheCon North 
America 1-5 November:

1) Foundation Updates

- Membership count: 330 (31 new Members; 52 emeritus)

- Committer count: +2,500 (approximately 200 additional Committers over the 
past year)

The ASF is governed by the community it most directly serves -- the people 
collaborating within its projects. Apache Committers are developers who 
contribute (individuals who "commit" or "write" code, patches, or 
documentation) directly to the Apache code repository. Apache Members are 
Committers who have demonstrated merit in the Foundation’s growth, evolution, 
and progress, and have been nominated for and elected to be awarded ASF 
Membership by existing Members. ASF Members have the right to vote on 
community-related decisions; and and the ability propose an active user for 

- Sponsors: the ASF welcomed new Sponsors AMD and IBM at the Gold level, and 
Lucid Imagination at the Bronze level.

- Java Community Process: the ASF's seat on the JCP Executive Committee was 
ratified on 2 November 2010.

2) Apache Projects

- Apache Top-level Projects: 82 total; new Apache Projects added are Avro, 
Axis, Cassandra, Click, HBase, Hive, Karaf, Mahout, Nutch, Pivot, Shindig, 
Subversion, Tika, Traffic Server, UIMA.

Project updates include Apache Hive v0.6.0; Apache James Server 3.0-M1; Apache 
Jackrabbit v2.0.3 and v2.1.2; Apache Tomcat Connectors v1.2.31; and Apache 
Mahout v0.4.

- Apache Incubator: 41 projects are currently under development. New to the 
Apache Incubator are: Alois, Clerezza, Deltacloud, Etch, Isis, libcloud, Lucene 
Connector Framework, Lucy, Nuvem, OODT, Whirr, and Zeta Components. 

- Apache Labs: 32 initiatives being sandboxed. Apache Labs projects are created 
to quickly explore technical viability without the necessity of community 

3) Events

- BarCampApache: the ASF will be hosting its first event in Australia at the 
University of Sydney on 11 December 2010.

- ApacheCon: the next North American conference will be in Vancouver, British 
Columbia, Canada, 7-11 November 2011.

For more information, contact Sally Khudairi, VP Marketing & Publicity at

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