[ANNOUNCE] Apache Onami Persist 1.0.1

2014-10-24 Thread Stephan Classen

The Apache Onami Team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Onami 
Persist 1.0.1.

Apache Onami Persist is a Google Guice extension for JPA and JTA.

It supports:

 * multiple persistence units
 * application manged and container managed persistence units
 * resource local and JTA transactions.

Release Notes:

[ONAMI-115] - PersistenceFilter should be bound in Singleton scope

[ONAMI-116] - Prefer javax.inject.* over com.google.inject.*

Have Fun,
Stephan Classen, on behalf of the Apache Onami PMC

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Onami Persist 1.0.0

2014-07-22 Thread Stephan Classen
The Apache Onami Team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Onami 
Persist 1.0.0.

Apache Onami Persist is a Google Guice extension for JPA and JTA.

It supports:

 * multiple persistence units
 * application manged and container managed persistence units
 * resource local and JTA transactions.

Have Fun,
Stephan Classen, on behalf of the Apache Onami PMC