The Apache Struts group is pleased to announce that Apache Struts
6.1.1 is available as a “General Availability” release. The GA
designation is our highest quality grade.

Below is a full list of all changes.

WW-3529 - NamedVariablePatternMatcher does not properly escape characters
WW-3737 - Parsing of excludePattern breaks regex
WW-4514 - DefaultUrlHelper.buildParametersString appends just ? if
collection is empty
WW-5145 - Checkbox with multiple values do not default correctly
WW-5214 - When value for SELECT element is greater than 2147483647,
the value does not pre-select
WW-5238 - Strict Method Invocation (SMI) too strict or wrong ActionMapping?
WW-5239 - regression btw struts 2.5.30 and 6.0.30 / submit s:checkbox
unchecked -> NPE
WW-5241 - is generating an invalid url when used in conjunction with
ExecuteAndWait interceptor
WW-5247 - Related to: [WW-5117] - %{id} evaluates different for data-*
and value attribute
WW-5248 - action attribute on submit tag not working as espected
WW-5255 - and tags are broken

New Feature
WW-4173 - Add option to disable a given interceptor

WW-2815 - No way to configure XStream engine
WW-3691 - BackgroundProcess should use a java.util.concurrent.Executor
alternatively to spawning a new thread
WW-3715 - Allow for dynamic validation xml files, by building
validator cache based on action AND context
WW-3725 - Remove unused tag templates from
WW-4440 - Add basic to all subprojects
WW-4567 - Drop unused dependencies or put a proper scope
WW-4692 - Extract encoding logic from UrlHelper into a dedicated bean
WW-5133 - Remove deprecated labelposition
WW-5137 - Remove class attribute
WW-5184 - Add optional parameter value check to ParametersInterceptor
WW-5219 - Move TestNGXWorkTestCase from the Core into the TestNG plugin
WW-5220 - Move XWorkJUnit4TestCase from the Core into the JUnit plugin
WW-5232 - Use Github Actions instead of Travis to build PRs
WW-5234 - Normalise DTD definitions
WW-5235 - Reduce “OGNL Expression Max Length enabled with 256” log
entry to trace
WW-5240 - doubleOnchange attribute of the doubleselect tag is not supported
WW-5242 - Make “struts.mapper.action.prefix.crossNamespaces” deprecated
WW-5252 - Completely disable external entities declarations in XML config
WW-5254 - Document how to use the Async plugin
WW-5257 - output is followed by a newline in simple theme (diff to Struts 2)
WW-5259 - Extract UrlHelper#parseQueryString into a dedicated plugin
WW-5260 - Checkbox tag default value for attribute submitUnchecked

WW-5213 - Bump javax.el from 3.0.1-b11 to 3.0.1-b12
WW-5226 - Upgrade weld-core to version 2.4.8.Final
WW-5227 - Upgrade Apache Log4j to version 2.19.0
WW-5228 - Upgrade dependency-check-maven from 7.1.2 to 7.2.0
WW-5229 - Upgrade Spring to version 5.3.23
WW-5230 - Upgrade OGNL to version 3.3.4
WW-5231 - Upgrade apache-rat-plugin to version 0.15
WW-5244 - Upgrade commons-text to ver. 1.10.0
WW-5245 - Upgrade jackson-databind to version
WW-5258 - Upgrade Struts Annotation to version 1.0.8

Version Notes

**All developers are strongly advised to perform this upgrade.**

The 6.x series of the Apache Struts framework has a minimum
requirement of the following specification versions:
Servlet API 3.1, JSP API 2.1, and Java 8.

Should any issues arise with your use of any version of the Apache
Struts framework, please post your comments to the user list, and, if
appropriate, file a tracking ticket.

You can download this version from our download page

+ 48 606 323 122

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