[ANNOUNCE] Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.6.1 released

2017-03-06 Thread Davide Giannella
The Apache Jackrabbit community is pleased to announce the release of
Apache Jackrabbit Oak. The release is available for download at:


See the full release notes below for details about this release:

Release Notes -- Apache Jackrabbit Oak -- Version 1.6.1


Jackrabbit Oak is a scalable, high-performance hierarchical content
repository designed for use as the foundation of modern world-class
web sites and other demanding content applications.

Jackrabbit Oak 1.6.1 is a patch release that contains fixes and
improvements over Oak 1.6. Jackrabbit Oak 1.6.x releases are
considered stable and targeted for production use.

The Oak effort is a part of the Apache Jackrabbit project.
Apache Jackrabbit is a project of the Apache Software Foundation.

Changes in Oak 1.6.1


[OAK-4648] - Improve documentation about structure of TAR files

Technical task

[OAK-5547] - Document TarMK design
[OAK-5554] - RDB*Store: update postgresql JDBC driver reference to
[OAK-] - RDB*Store: update Tomcat JDBC pool dependency to
[OAK-5751] - RDBDocumentStore: properly handle null values for
system properties


[OAK-5017] - Standby test failures
[OAK-5239] - Test failure:
ExternalPrivateStoreIT. testSyncUpdatedBinaryProperty()
[OAK-5388] - Test failure:
[OAK-5408] - Test failure: segment.standby.BrokenNetworkTest
[OAK-5482] - Test failure: LdapProviderTest - Address already in
[OAK-5485] - Test failure: LdapDefaultLoginModuleTest address
already in use
[OAK-5536] - Facets on relative properties do not work properly
[OAK-5542] - Test failure:
security.authentication.ldap.LdapProviderTest (Address already in
[OAK-5557] - incomplete diffManyChildren during commitHook
evaluation in a persisted branch
[OAK-5561] - TestFailure:

[OAK-5587] - Node counter index estimates must not be used before
first async index cycle
[OAK-5601] - documentMk backgroundRead should handle missing
journal entries
[OAK-5612] - Test failure:

[OAK-5619] - withIncludeAncestorsRemove reports unrelated
top-level node deletion
[OAK-5621] - Warn traversal queries: false positives for joins and
SQL-2 queries using "or"
[OAK-5626] - ChangeProcessor doesn't reset 'blocking' flag when
items from queue gets removed and commit-rate-limiter is null
[OAK-5636] - potential NPE in ReplicaSetInfo
[OAK-5649] - Error in RefreshPolicy can lead to IndexNode lock
[OAK-5651] - java.lang.IllegalStateException logged when migrating
Segment to Document
[OAK-5657] - leverage project.version in oak-examples
[OAK-5668] - Test failure:
[OAK-5703] - The replica set info gets invalid cluster id
[OAK-5738] - Potential NPE in LargeLdapProviderTest
[OAK-5773] - BlobCache does not implement Closeable
[OAK-5783] - Test failure:
[OAK-5875] - project.version in oak-example fails release-plugin


[OAK-4243] - Oak Segment Tar Module


[OAK-5275] - The check command should accept the path to the store
as a positional argument
[OAK-5276] - The check command overloads the meaning of the "deep"
[OAK-5350] - Improve code coverage of oak-segment-tar
[OAK-5559] - Reduce reads with overlapping previous documents
[OAK-5589] - GlobbingPathFilter constructor is expensive
[OAK-5594] - leaderboard of consolidated listener stats should
show path as well
[OAK-5595] - The check command should do deep traversals by
[OAK-5604] - The check command should accept a non-argument "bin"
option for checking binaries
[OAK-5654] - Improve log output with UserImporter
[OAK-5666] - oak-upgrade should validate the paths
[OAK-5742] - more logging when ChangeProcessor.stopAndWait fails
[OAK-5784] - hashCode of RestrictionImpl doesn't include value
[OAK-5873] - Improve SegmentNodeStoreService OSGi description for
customBlobStore to remove default False

New Feature

[OAK-5210] - Ability to resolve principal name from
ExternalIdentityRef without IDP roundtrip


[OAK-4292] - Document oak-segment-tar


[OAK-5633] - Builds on travis-ci time out
[OAK-5663] - Improve LogCutomizer to allow filtering on log
messages too

In addition to the above-mentioned changes, this release contains
all changes included up to the Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.4.x release.

For more detailed information about all the 

Success at Apache: Rule of the Makers.

2017-03-06 Thread Sally Khudairi
[this announcement is available online at https://s.apache.org/yFgQ ]

By Nick Kew
I started working on a range of Web applications in the 1990s, the first of 
them internal to my (then) workplace where it provided an operator interface to 
the daily processing, archiving and distribution of satellite image data; the 
second a forerunner of what is now called social media, and my first use of an 
Apache server. The release of Apache HTTPD 2.0 drew me from server user to 
developer: in part because I needed to re-implement some existing functions, 
but more excitingly because I saw tremendous potential for the server itself to 
become a powerful applications platform. This led me to working on the core 
software and interacting with the Apache community alongside releasing my own 
modules and documentation. In 2003 I gave my first ApacheCon presentation, and 
sometime after that was invited into the Foundation first as a Committer, and 
became a Member in 2005. Since then my interests have encompassed not just the 
Web server and related projects, but also the Apache community and its 
dynamics. I’ve been involved in mentoring several projects through the 
Incubator. If you were to ask me today about the single goal I’d most like to 
accomplish, it’s a framework for Identity management that is not merely 
cryptographically strong, but sufficiently straightforward for the world to 
use, and robust against social engineering attacks such as phishing, while at 
the same time free of any centralised authority (such as government) whose 
motives might come under suspicion. An end to identity fraud, and to password 
management nightmares.

Much has been said and written about The Apache Way [1]. It typically focusses 
on the importance of community, and on the democratic and meritocratic elements 
of project governance. And on the role of an Apache project's formal governing 
body, the Project Management Committee (PMC), comprising contributors elected 
by the community on the basis of their track record of contributions and 
constructive engagement.

In practice, the role of the PMC is largely reactive. The big, interesting 
questions like "what direction does our project go from here" are discussed in 
public, where inputs from the wider community are welcomed. A lot of the 
nitty-gritty detail is determined by the needs of the community as measured by 
feedback received and seen, and by the needs of individual developers. The 
latter is often described as "scratch your own itch".

Setting aside the purely reactive, the detail of what actually happens is often 
determined as much by what a developer is prepared to work on than by any grand 
plan. If you do the work, then you control what happens. If you need something, 
you go ahead and make it happen. This has occasionally been described by a 
clumsy English-Greek hybrid word "do-ocracy". In the hope that it's not too 
late to nip that in the bud before it becomes as ubiquitous as the Greek/Latin 
hybrid of which CP Scott memorably told us no good would come [2], I shall 
instead call it Pratocracy. Rule of the Makers. It applies both within an 
Apache core team and in the broader community.

So how does a Pratocratic project work?  How does it avoid the chaos of a Tower 
of Babel?  How does it remain cohesive and focussed? And if an Apache project 
looks like a good basis for your company's needs, how best can you work with 
the Pratocracy towards your goals?

Taking the first question first, how does the Pratocracy work? Eric Raymond 
proposed the contrast of the Cathedral vs the Bazaar: the autocracy of the 
traditional project vs a free ecosystem. The Bazaar ecosystem is essentially 
Darwinian, in that the strongest projects prosper and evolve, while a Long Tail 
go nowhere very much and are forgotten as their authors move on to new things.

The Apache processes are all about ensuring our projects are fit to be among 
the winners in that ecosystem. An Apache project is a graduate of an incubation 
process [3] that requires it to build a broad development community, with 
sufficient diversity to survive the loss not merely of a key individual, but 
even of a key company team that might have been the originators of the project. 
The key principle is that if the community is healthy, the software will follow.

Thus the context of the Pratocracy is selective: it is the well-known 
Meritocracy element of Apache. Members of the core community are elected based 
on demonstrated commitment to the project. That means they understand the 
distinction between Apache work and company work, and are comfortable holding 
multiple allegiances and avoiding or resolving potential conflicts between them.

So, to the crucial question. Suppose I have identified an Apache project that 
doesn't fully meet my company's needs, but is the ideal starting point for our 
project. How do I best work with the Pratocracy to make it happen?

Let's consider some possible approaches:

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Ignite 1.9.0 Released

2017-03-06 Thread Denis Magda
The Apache Ignite Community is pleased to announce the release of Apache Ignite 

Apache Ignite In-Memory Data Fabric [1] is a high-performance, integrated and 
distributed in-memory platform for computing and transacting on large-scale 
data sets in real-time, orders of magnitude faster than possible with 
traditional disk-based or flash-based technologies.

The Fabric is a collection of independent and well integrated components some 
of which are the following:  
Data Grid
SQL Grid
Compute Grid
Streaming & CEP
Service Grid

In this release the community provided an integration with Kubernetes cluster 
manager, improved performance of core and SQL Grid components, expanded Data 
Modification Language support to the level of .NET and C++ API, integrated with 
.NET TransactionScope API and more.

Learn more details from our blog post: 

The full list of the changes can be found here [2].

Please visit this page if you’re ready to try the release out:

Please let us know [3] if you encounter any problems.


The Apache Ignite Community

[1] https://ignite.apache.org
[2] https://github.com/apache/ignite/blob/master/RELEASE_NOTES.txt
[3] https://ignite.apache.org/community/resources.html#ask

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Curator 2.12.0 and 3.3.0 released

2017-03-06 Thread Cameron McKenzie

The Apache Curator team is pleased to announce the release of versions
2.12.0 and 3.3.0. The Apache Curator Java libraries make using Apache
ZooKeeper much easier and more reliable.

Link to release notes:


The most recent source release can be obtained from an Apache Mirror:
(mirror sync times may vary)

The binary artifacts for Curator are available from Maven Central and
its mirrors.

For general information on Apache Curator, please visit the project website:


The Curator Team