[ansible-devel] Re: winrm send_input failed. help needed.

2019-07-04 Thread Tony Chia
Btw you can use ARA to display the output of each registered variables without 
using the debug module 

Another side benefits is that it keeps your execution logs so you can refers to 
it later 


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[ansible-devel] Re: winrm send_input failed. help needed.

2019-07-04 Thread Chris Jackson
Thanks Tony,

Yes, you were right - I needed {{ this_artifact.value.name }}


On Wednesday, July 3, 2019 at 7:24:11 PM UTC+1, Tony Chia wrote:
>  Can you use the debug module and print out the variable 
> this_artifact.name ? 
> It appears you have registered this_artifact in previous tasks but I 
> suspect it doesn't have name attribute after this_artifact.  You might have 
> to use this_artifact.stdout.name or something like that.
> Tony 

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[ansible-devel] Re: winrm send_input failed. help needed.

2019-07-03 Thread Chris Jackson
Thanks Jordan,

The playbook has now moved on and now i am getting the following error:-

'ansible.utils.unsafe_proxy.AnsibleUnsafeText object' has no attribute 

this is being generated from an include_tasks on the following YAML:

 name: Get the package from the artifactory
url: "{{ artifactory_path }}/{{ this_artifact.name }}/{{ 
this_artifact.version }}/{{ this_artifact.package }}"
method: GET
  X-JFrog-Art-Api: "{{ artifactory_api_key }}"
dest: "{{ package_install_home }}"

- name: Install the .msi package
path: "{{ package_install_home }}\\{{ this_artifact.package }}"
arguments: "/i /qb TARGETDIR=d:\\perl  INSTALLDIR=d:\\strawberry\\perl"
state: present

Any ideas?


On Wednesday, July 3, 2019 at 12:02:41 PM UTC+1, Jordan Borean wrote:
> You can’t use Python modules on a Windows host, use win_file and not file. 
> Thanks 
> Jordan

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