[ansible-project] lookup inside another dictionary

2019-02-13 Thread Reza Azimi

I have this playbook:

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: False
- nsxanswer.yml
- "firewall-rules.yml"
  - name: Add multiple firewall rules
nsxmanager_spec: "{{ nsxmanager_spec }}"
mode: "create"
edge_id: '{{ edge_id }}'
  tcpPickOngoingConnections: true
  dropInvalidTraffic: false
  tcpTimeoutEstablished: 3600
  enableSynFloodProtection: true
default_action: reject
rules: '{{ fwRules }}'

Also this is a my firewall-rules file:

name: "Allow windows updates"
ruleType: user
enabled: true
loggingEnabled: false
action: accept
  vnicGroupId: internal
  groupingObjectId: "{{ lookup(vars,'mysource') }}"
 protocol: tcp
 dstPort: 135
 srcPort: any
 protocol: udp
 dstPort: "137-138"
 srcPort: any
 protocol: tcp
 dstPort: 139
 srcPort: any
 protocol: tcp
 dstPort: 445
 srcPort: any

But i can't get this working as i get this error:

TASK [Add multiple firewall rules] 
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "An unhandled exception occurred 
while templating '[{u'ruleType': u'user', u'name': u'Allow windows 
updates', u'service': [{u'protocol': u'tcp', u'dstPort': 135, u'srcPort': 
u'any'}, {u'protocol': u'udp', u'dstPort': u'137-138', u'srcPort': u'any'}, 
{u'protocol': u'tcp', u'dstPort': 139, u'srcPort': u'any'}, {u'protocol': 
u'tcp', u'dstPort': 445, u'srcPort': u'any'}], u'loggingEnabled': False, 
u'destination': {u'groupingObjectId': u\"{{ lookup(vars,'mysource') }}\"}, 
u'enabled': True, u'source': {u'vnicGroupId': u'internal'}, u'action': 
u'accept'}]'. Error was a , original 
message: 'dict' object has no attribute 'lower'"}
to retry, use: --limit @/etc/ansible/vcd/edg-fw.retry

What i need to do is lookup to go and find mysource variable form another 
file but it doesn't work

Can anyone see what is the problem here/T

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[ansible-project] Custom module to allocate_private_virtual_interface

2019-02-13 Thread Kishore Ponniah
Hi All,

I am creating Direct Connect Private Virtual Interface but as a hosted 
interface. Currently, there are no ansible modules to 
allocate_private_virtual_interface. This will create a private virtual 
interface to be owned by specified AWS account. 

This is the boto3 link for that


response = client.allocate_private_virtual_interface(
'virtualInterfaceName': 'string',
'vlan': 123,
'asn': 123,
'mtu': 123,
'authKey': 'string',
'amazonAddress': 'string',
'addressFamily': 'ipv4'|'ipv6',
'customerAddress': 'string'

The current ansible module does not have ownerAccount parameter. Can 
someone help create one?

Current ansible module:



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Re: [ansible-project] select one and two caracter of variable

2019-02-13 Thread Hugo Gonzalez

On 2/13/19 3:26 AM, ryad9200...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi all,

I don't now why this task not works:

- set_fact:
      my_variable: "{{ ansible_user[0 and 1] + 'gis' if 
ansible_user!='wildfly' else 'wildfly' }}"

But *ansible_user[0] + ansible_user[1]* works but i want one syntaxe 
shorter, exemple *ansible_user[0 and 1] *but this syntax not works !!

Why would you expect it to work?  'and' is a logical operator. Jinja2 
(which is used for templating a in Ansible) uses python slicing and 

Take a look here:


The syntax you're looking for is slicing:   variable[start:end]

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[ansible-project] Ansible plugin and Number of parallel processes

2019-02-13 Thread eric . dunn
I'm using Jenkins with the ansible plugin.


I'm trying to figure out why an ansible project run in Jenkins on 20 hosts 
is slower than running ansible on the command line.

I tried the increasing the "Number of parallel processes" but the Jenkins 
node seems to run the tasks sequentially.

Any help appreciated.

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[ansible-project] https://plugins.jenkins.io/ansible

2019-02-13 Thread eric . dunn
I'm using Jenkins with the ansible plugin.


I'm trying to figure out why an ansible project run in Jenkins on 20 hosts 
is slower than running ansible on the command line.

I tried the increasing the "Number of parallel processes" but the Jenkins 
node seems to run the tasks sequentially.

Any help appreciated.

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[ansible-project] Re: Does not run against windows targets anymore

2019-02-13 Thread Jordan Borean
pyOpenSSL (python-openssl) is not used for standard SSL connections in 
Python. It is a requirement of CredSSP auth in Ansible but that's unrelated 
to the problem here.

I think you still have a mismatch of compatible TLS protocols just in the 
opposite direction we initially thought. I believe your Debian host only 
supports TLS 1.2 but your Windows 7 host only supports up to TLS 1.0. TLS 
1.0 is old and potentially insecure which is why more and more 
distributions are disabling TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 and older, see 

Luckily for you, Windows 7 does support TLS 1.2 just not by default. You 
need to make sure you have installed the latest updates on your Windows 
host then create the following registry keys, you can use the below script 
to do so;

Function Enable-TLS12 {
[ValidateSet("Server", "Client")]
[String]$Component = "Server"

$protocols_path = 
New-Item -Path "$protocols_path\TLS 1.2\$Component" -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path  "$protocols_path\TLS 1.2\$Component" -Name 
Enabled -Value 1 -Type DWORD -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path  "$protocols_path\TLS 1.2\$Component" -Name 
DisabledByDefault -Value 0 -Type DWORD -Force
Enable-TLS12 -Component Server

# Not required but highly recommended to enable the Client side TLS 1.2 
Enable-TLS12 -Component Client

You definitely need to enable the Server component but I also highly 
recommend you enable the Client component as well. Once you've created the 
registry keys you need to reboot the host and try again.

To verify independently what protocol is being negotiated by OpenSSL you 
can run the comman below;

openssl s_client -connect :5986

Near the bottom of the output you can see something like the following;

SSL handshake has read 1884 bytes and written 293 bytes
New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
Server public key is 2048 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
No ALPN negotiated
Protocol  : TLSv1.2
Start Time: 1550089169
Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
Verify return code: 21 (unable to verify the first certificate)

We can see that the Protocol negotiated was TLSv1.2 and it negotiated the 
cipher suite 'ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384'. Try running that before and 
after you enable TLS 1.2 on your Windows host and reboot to check for 



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Re: [ansible-project] Re: Ansible - write only specific output

2019-02-13 Thread Hugo Gonzalez


I've seen this use case before. It's easier to build the reporting 
directly into the playbook. You can, for exmaple, create a template that 
will print what you want for each managed host, and assemble the pieces 

On 2/13/19 11:55 AM, DM wrote:

The example below is a yaml file to gather data from a Juniper 
Networks Switch device.

How would you do it this?

I've seen this exact same use case. It's better to build the reporting 
directly into the playbook. You can, for exaple, create a template that 
will print what you want for each managed host, and assemble the pieces 

- name: Get Facts
    - Juniper.junos
  connection: local
  gather_facts: no
    - name: ADMUSER
      prompt: Username
      private: no
    - name: ADMPASS
      prompt: password
      private: yes
    - name: Retrieve LLDP Neighbor Information Using PyEZ-included Table
        file: "lldp.yml"
        table: "RouteTable"
        host: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
        user: '{{ ADMUSER }}'
        passwd: '{{ ADMPASS }}'
        port: 830
      register: response
    - name: Print response
        var: response
    - copy: content="{{ your_json_feed }}" dest=/etc/ansible/file-1

Something like adding a template file like:

|{{ inventory_hostname }} : {{ response }} |


Then templating it:

|- name: create part of the report for {{ inventory_hostname }} 
template: src: my_template.j2 dest: "{{ inventory_hostname.report }}" |


Then you can use the  fetch module to bring it over to the controller 
and the assemble module to generate a full report.

Hope that helps,


On Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 8:45:06 AM UTC-5, DM wrote:

How do you write to a file the output of a yaml?

If possible, how do you only write to a file specific info if?


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Hugo F. gonzalez

Senior Consultant

Red Hat LATAM 

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[ansible-project] Re: Ansible - write only specific output

2019-02-13 Thread DM
Thanks to all who responded.

The example below is a yaml file to gather data from a Juniper Networks 
Switch device.
How would you do it this?

- name: Get Facts
- Juniper.junos
  connection: local
  gather_facts: no
- name: ADMUSER
  prompt: Username
  private: no
- name: ADMPASS
  prompt: password
  private: yes
- name: Retrieve LLDP Neighbor Information Using PyEZ-included Table
file: "lldp.yml"
table: "RouteTable"
host: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
user: '{{ ADMUSER }}'
passwd: '{{ ADMPASS }}'
port: 830
  register: response
- name: Print response
var: response
- copy: content="{{ your_json_feed }}" dest=/etc/ansible/file-1

On Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 8:45:06 AM UTC-5, DM wrote:
> How do you write to a file the output of a yaml?
> If possible, how do you only write to a file specific info if?
> Thanks

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[ansible-project] Re: using json_query against integers?

2019-02-13 Thread Justin DynamicD
NM all ... turns out i need the illustrious backtick (`) and not a single 
quote to denote a integer ...

On Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 9:34:11 AM UTC-8, Justin DynamicD wrote:
> Ill let a fast sample bit of code do the talking:
> ---
> - name: query test
>   hosts: "localhost"
>   gather_facts: no
>   tasks:
> - set_fact:
> drives:
>   - lun: 0
> size: "25gb"
>   - lun: 1
> size: "100gb"
> - vars:
> json_query: "[?lun=='0']"
>   set_fact:
> output: "{{ drives | json_query(json_query) }}"
> - debug:
> var: output
> So in the above example, output = [], because json_query looks for a 
> string and not an integer.  If I were to change the dictionary to use only 
> strings I'd have no issues.
> So ... does anyone know how to use json_query against integers?

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Re: [ansible-project] using json_query against integers?

2019-02-13 Thread Matt Martz
Change your `json_query` var to use backticks (``) instead of quotes ('')
around the 0

- vars:
json_query: "[?lun==`0`]"

On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 11:34 AM Justin DynamicD 

> Ill let a fast sample bit of code do the talking:
> ---
> - name: query test
>   hosts: "localhost"
>   gather_facts: no
>   tasks:
> - set_fact:
> drives:
>   - lun: 0
> size: "25gb"
>   - lun: 1
> size: "100gb"
> - vars:
> json_query: "[?lun=='0']"
>   set_fact:
> output: "{{ drives | json_query(json_query) }}"
> - debug:
> var: output
> So in the above example, output = [], because json_query looks for a
> string and not an integer.  If I were to change the dictionary to use only
> strings I'd have no issues.
> So ... does anyone know how to use json_query against integers?
> --
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Matt Martz

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Re: [ansible-project] Re: Ansible - write only specific output

2019-02-13 Thread Will McDonald
There's nothing in the ansible CLI that supports explicitly dumping the
output to a file. You could just use a simple shell redirect.

$ ansible -i inventories/aws -m setup all > host-facts.yaml

It's worth noting that the CLI's output doesn't make a distinction between
failed plays or tasks in terms of shell standard in/standard out, all the
output goes to standard out (unless it's something to do with command line
parsing or something lower-level than play execution).

So for example if I remove a pubkey on a host and run the setup module to
gather facts, all the output goes to STDOUT:

xx.xx.xx.xx | UNREACHABLE! => {
"changed": false,
"msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: ec2-u...@xx.xx.xx.xx:
Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).\r\n",
"unreachable": true
yy.yy.yy.yy | SUCCESS => {
"ansible_facts": {
"ansible_all_ipv4_addresses": [

On Wed, 13 Feb 2019 at 16:46, DM  wrote:

> Thanks I do have the "---" at the top
> When I run t he ansible-playbook how do get all that info to write to a
> file?
> It only shows up on  the cli which I know I can copy and paste to a file,
> but would like to output to a file
> Thanks
> On Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 8:45:06 AM UTC-5, DM wrote:
>> How do you write to a file the output of a yaml?
>> If possible, how do you only write to a file specific info if?
>> Thanks
>> --
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[ansible-project] using json_query against integers?

2019-02-13 Thread Justin DynamicD
Ill let a fast sample bit of code do the talking:

- name: query test
  hosts: "localhost"
  gather_facts: no
- set_fact:
  - lun: 0
size: "25gb"
  - lun: 1
size: "100gb"

- vars:
json_query: "[?lun=='0']"
output: "{{ drives | json_query(json_query) }}"

- debug:
var: output

So in the above example, output = [], because json_query looks for a string 
and not an integer.  If I were to change the dictionary to use only strings 
I'd have no issues.

So ... does anyone know how to use json_query against integers?

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[ansible-project] Re: Ansible - write only specific output

2019-02-13 Thread ryad9200000

If you want include task in your playbook, you must only do it :

*- include_task: /my_path/.../.../my_file_externe.yml*

This answer answers your question ?


Le mercredi 13 février 2019 17:46:48 UTC+1, DM a écrit :
> Thanks I do have the "---" at the top
> When I run t he ansible-playbook how do get all that info to write to a 
> file?
> It only shows up on  the cli which I know I can copy and paste to a file, 
> but would like to output to a file
> Thanks
> On Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 8:45:06 AM UTC-5, DM wrote:
>> How do you write to a file the output of a yaml?
>> If possible, how do you only write to a file specific info if?
>> Thanks

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[ansible-project] Re: Ansible - write only specific output

2019-02-13 Thread DM
Thanks I do have the "---" at the top
When I run t he ansible-playbook how do get all that info to write to a 
It only shows up on  the cli which I know I can copy and paste to a file, 
but would like to output to a file


On Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 8:45:06 AM UTC-5, DM wrote:
> How do you write to a file the output of a yaml?
> If possible, how do you only write to a file specific info if?
> Thanks

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[ansible-project] date module is not working as expected

2019-02-13 Thread vinod93pop
HI team,

I have a below playbook, where it works fine if I enter dates manually in 
vars. but it fails when passing through register. tried max possibilities.

need your help

- hosts: one
  become: true
- shell: " dsmc query filespace / | tail -n 1 | awk '{print$2}'"
  register: backup
- shell: "date +'%Y-%m-%d'"
  register: today
- shell: "date -d '{{backup.stdout}}' +'%Y-%m-%d'"
  register: test
- set_fact:
 date1: "{{test.stdout}}"
 date2: "{{today.stdout}}"
- debug:
 msg: "{{date1}} and {{date2}}"
- template:
 src:  /home/viraj4/ansible/date.j2
 dest: /tmp/date.txt
- shell: "cat /tmp/date.txt"
  register: date
- debug:
 msg: "{{ date.stdout }}"
- shell: "> /tmp/date.txt"
[viraj4@* ansible]$ cat /home/viraj4/ansible/date.j2
{{ (date1 -  date2).days }}
TASK [debug] 
ok: [ => {
"msg": "2019-02-13 and 2019-02-13"
Perform task: TASK: template (N)o/(y)es/(c)ontinue: y
Perform task: TASK: template (N)o/(y)es/(c)ontinue: 

TASK [template] 

fatal: [***]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": 
"AnsibleError: Unexpected templating type error occurred on ({{ (date1 -  
date2).days }}\n): unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'AnsibleUnsafeText' 
and 'AnsibleUnsafeText'"}
to retry, use: --limit @/home/viraj4/ansible/time.retry

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[ansible-project] ASG Volume tags

2019-02-13 Thread James Morgan

Does anybody know how to get tags applied to volumes associated with 
instances created as part of an ASG?

Instances tags are propagated fine, just no way to tag the volumes that I 
can see

Many thanks


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[ansible-project] Re: ansible loop iteration on result

2019-02-13 Thread ryad9200000

I think that you must use gather_fact in your playbook.

If this answer not answers your question, you can use option in ansible. 
for example : ansible --help for get ip of someone computer.

Or : ansible my_name_computer -m .  --help


Le mardi 12 février 2019 12:28:03 UTC+1, Ankur Gupta a écrit :
> Hello All,
> I am trying to get ip address from ec2_fact. 
> So I have lists of tags. on the basis of tags, i am searching the ec2 
> using the ec2_fact module and storing the result in the register variable.
> I am trying to get the ip address which from the register variable, I am 
> not able to get. Can you please help me which i am doing wrong ?
> here is code 
> Enter code here...
> - name: Task | get ec2 remote facts of   instances
>   ec2_remote_facts:
> aws_secret_key: "{{ session_secret_key }}"
> aws_access_key: "{{ session_access_key }}"
> security_token: "{{ session_security_token }}"
> region: "{{ aws_region }}"
> filters:
>   instance-state-name: running
>   "tag:Name": "{{ site_id }}*-{{ item.0 }}"
>   "tag:teradata:type": "{{ item.1 }}"
>   register: stack_metadata
>   ignore_errors: yes
>   with_together:
>  - "{{ inventory_search_tag }}"
>  - "{{ inventory_search_tag_type }}"
> - debug: var="{{ item.instances[0].private_ip_address }}"
>   with_items: "{{ stack_metadata.results }}"
> here is the result
> ok: [localhost] => {
> "stack_metadata": {
> "changed": false,
> "msg": "All items completed",
> "results": [
> {
> "_ansible_ignore_errors": true,
> "_ansible_item_result": true,
> "_ansible_no_log": false,
> "_ansible_parsed": true,
> "changed": false,
> "failed": false,
> "instances": [
> {
> "ami_launch_index": "0",
> "architecture": "x86_64",
> "block_device_mapping": [
> {
> "attach_time": "2019-02-11T15:33:45.000Z",
> "delete_on_termination": true,
> "device_name": "/dev/xvdbx",
> "status": "attached",
> "volume_id": "vol-003a86fc21a79d6de"
> },
> {
> "attach_time": "2019-02-11T15:33:45.000Z",
> "delete_on_termination": true,
> "device_name": "/dev/xvdbs",
> "status": "attached",
> "volume_id": "vol-03d179813b791f975"
> },
> {
> "attach_time": "2019-02-11T15:33:45.000Z",
> "delete_on_termination": true,
> "device_name": "/dev/xvdbr",
> "status": "attached",
> "volume_id": "vol-0ba220c9c6b283445"
> },
> {
> "attach_time": "2019-02-11T15:33:45.000Z",
> "delete_on_termination": true,
> "device_name": "/dev/xvdbq",
> "status": "attached",
> "volume_id": "vol-0bb0c210af73393fd"
> },
> {
> "attach_time": "2019-02-11T15:33:45.000Z",
> "delete_on_termination": true,
> "device_name": "/dev/xvdbp",
> "status": "attached",
> "volume_id": "vol-0c22ddab4d0f9e8b9"
> },
> {
> "attach_time": "2019-02-11T15:33:45.000Z",
> "delete_on_termination": true,
> "device_name": "/dev/xvdbw",
> "status": "attached",
> "volume_id": "vol-01f2572a1c5b36bf7"
> },
> {
> "attach_time": "2019-02-11T15:33:45.000Z",
> "delete_on_termination": true,
> "device_name": "/dev/xvdbv",
> "status": "attached",
> "volume_id": "vol-09106be4cf4e4e5ca"
> },
> {
> "attach_time": "2019-02-11T15:33:45.000Z",
> "delete_on_termination": true,

[ansible-project] Re: Ansible - write only specific output

2019-02-13 Thread ryad9200000

You must create file with extension .yml and beginning this file with "---" 
at the top.
It's simply.

And launch file with line command "ansible-playbook my_file.yml"

This answer answers your question ?


Le mercredi 13 février 2019 14:45:06 UTC+1, DM a écrit :
> How do you write to a file the output of a yaml?
> If possible, how do you only write to a file specific info if?
> Thanks

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[ansible-project] How to pass variable of in memory inventory to next plays using hostvars

2019-02-13 Thread Pandu jh
How to pass variable of in memory inventory to following next plays using 
"nfs_server" variable to be passed from play 2 to play 3 and these plays 
are using in-memory inventories.


-  add_host:
 name: "{{ group1_host }}"
 groups: group1

Play 2:

- name: 
  hosts: group1
  become: yes
- name: 
nfs_server: "{{ nfs_server  }}"

- shell:  /usr/sbin/exportfs -av 2> /dev/null | awk {'print $2'} | cut 
-d ':' -f1 | grep -v '*'
  register: nfs_clients_out

 - add_host:
name: "{{ item  }}"
group:  "group 2"
  with_items: "{{ nfs_clients_out.stdout_lines }}"

Play 3:

- name: 
  hosts: group2
  become: yes
- name: Fetch Variable from Previous Play
nfs_server: "{{ hostvars['item']['nfs_server'] }}"
  with_items: "{{ groups['group1'] }}"

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[ansible-project] Re: select one and two caracter of variable

2019-02-13 Thread ryad9200000
upp please !!

Someone have an idea please guy !!!

If my var = "jesuisla"

How get only "jesuis"


Le mercredi 13 février 2019 10:26:22 UTC+1, ryad9...@gmail.com a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I don't now why this task not works:
> - set_fact:
>   my_variable: "{{ ansible_user[0 and 1] + 'gis' if 
> ansible_user!='wildfly' else 'wildfly' }}"
> But *ansible_user[0] + ansible_user[1]* works but i want one syntaxe 
> shorter, exemple *ansible_user[0 and 1] *but this syntax not works !!
> Someone have an idea please guy !!
> Thank you very much

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[ansible-project] Ansible - write only specific output

2019-02-13 Thread DM
How do you write to a file the output of a yaml?

If possible, how do you only write to a file specific info if?


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[ansible-project] Re: Does not run against windows targets anymore

2019-02-13 Thread YvanM
I think I found the solution, but maybe you can confirm: the python-openssl 
package on Debian is only for python2, and I am currently missing the 
python3-openssl package.

I will install it and and let you know as soon as possible.

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[ansible-project] Re: Does not run against windows targets anymore

2019-02-13 Thread YvanM
I suppose I will need to check on the Windows side the supported 
protocols/cyphers. Do you think running the following command would be 
sufficient (I can not do it today but maybe tomorrow) ?

$ nmap --script ssl-enum-ciphers -p 5986 my-host

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[ansible-project] Re: Does not run against windows targets anymore

2019-02-13 Thread YvanM
Other information which might be useful (or not):

Packages versions: openssl 1.1.1a-1, python-openssl 19.0.0-1

$ openssl ciphers 


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[ansible-project] Re: Does not run against windows targets anymore

2019-02-13 Thread YvanM
Thanks for this very informative answer! But it seems the SSL library is 
not very old:

$ python3 -c "import ssl; print(ssl.OPENSSL_VERSION)"
OpenSSL 1.1.1a  20 Nov 2018

Maybe it is the contrary (SSL is too new on my side and does not accept old 

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[ansible-project] select one and two caracter of variable

2019-02-13 Thread ryad9200000
Hi all,

I don't now why this task not works:

- set_fact:
  my_variable: "{{ ansible_user[0 and 1] + 'gis' if 
ansible_user!='wildfly' else 'wildfly' }}"

But *ansible_user[0] + ansible_user[1]* works but i want one syntaxe 
shorter, exemple *ansible_user[0 and 1] *but this syntax not works !!

Someone have an idea please guy !!

Thank you very much

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[ansible-project] Re: Does not run against windows targets anymore

2019-02-13 Thread Jordan Borean
That sounds like your Windows host has been updated recently and it's list 
of supported cipher suites or TLS protocols has changed. Unfortunately 
there's now no common cipher suites and TLS protocol versions between your 
linux and Windows host hence the message unsupported protocol.

Ansible or pywinrm has no control over this as this all happens down deep 
in the Python layers and really even further into the OpenSSL provider. It 
sounds like your Python 3 has been compiled against an old OpenSSL version 
which doesn't support the protocol or cipher suites that is required. Are 
you able to run 

python3 -c "import ssl; print(ssl.OPENSSL_VERSION)"

and post back the results here.



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