[ansible-project] Re: Problem looping over JSON data returned from URI call

2015-11-18 Thread Brian Green
Try using from_json filter


On Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 12:09:30 PM UTC-6, Andris Bjornson wrote:
> Hello - I have a question about looping over json data I’ve received from 
> calling a REST api using the URI module.  I’ve been tearing my hair out 
> over the last several days trying to sort this out…and have googled 
> extensively - but haven’t gotten anywhere.  I think it has to do with the 
> difference between a dict, and array, and a list…but i’m new-ish to ansible 
> and not understanding what i’m doing wrong.  Any help greatly appreciated.
> Here is the data returned and registered by the URI module call.  Lets say 
> I registered it in a variable called "registered_variable"  
> https://gist.github.com/andris/77dcdfd17eef0cdd3563
> I can access individual items from the array by doing this: 
>  registered_variable.json.data[1]
> I can access attributes of individual items from the array by doing this: 
>  registered_variable.json.data[1].name
> But whenever I try to use with_dict or with_items to loop over 
> registered_variable.json.dataI just get an "item is undefined error" 
> (for example)
> - debug:
> msg: "{{item.name}} is the name of the device"
> with_dict: "{{registered_variable.json.data}}"
> I also tried first storing the object in a variable first:
> - set_fact:
> devices: "{{ registered_variable.json.data }}"
> - debug:
> msg: "{{item.name}} is the device name"
> with_dict: devices
> I am running on the latest dev from checkout (2.0.0)
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance!

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Re: [ansible-project] YAML syntax error (beginner)

2014-04-11 Thread Brian Green
While this may not be the cause of your issues, the following is (or will 
be) an issue for you.

  - name: ensure joe is installed yum
apt: name=joe state=latest
when: ansible_os_family == CentOS or ansible_os_family == Fedora

change to:

  - name: ensure joe is installed yum
yum: name=joe state=latest
when: ansible_os_family == CentOS or ansible_os_family == Fedora

On Friday, April 11, 2014 11:06:48 AM UTC-5, James Tanner wrote:

  On 04/11/2014 03:20 AM, WS wrote:

  I just started to use ansible so please bear with me. I managed to run a 
 few basic playbooks but I am stuck with the following one (basic as well):

 - hosts: all
   - name: copy bashrc to .bashrc
 action: copy src=files/bashrc dest=~root/.bashrc backup=yes
   - name: copy bashrc to .bash_profile
 action: copy src=files/bashrc dest=~root/.bash_profile backup=yes
   - name: ensure joe is installed apt
 apt: pkg=joe state=latest update_cache=yes
 when: ansible_os_family == Debian
   - name: ensure joe is installed yum
 apt: name=joe state=latest
 when: ansible_os_family == CentOS or ansible_os_family == Fedora


  I get the following error when running it:

   ERROR: Syntax Error while loading YAML script, commonconfig.yml
 Note: The error may actually appear before this position: line 7, column 1

   - name: copy bashrc to .bash_profile
 action: copy src=files/bashrc dest=~root/.bash_profile backup=yes
  The script runs fine when there is only one name/action pair (the first 

  Sorry if this is obvious but I am just starting with YAML.

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 It seems like the error is pointing out that action: is not aligned with 

 I'm not sure what editor you are using but perhaps you could replace all 
 tabs with spaces and then make sure things are lined up correctly.



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Re: [ansible-project] Ansible conditions and logics

2014-04-03 Thread Brian Green
I've never seen this syntax used with when:

- name: Moving on
  debug: msg=doing something with {{ item.item }}
- item.stat.exists == true
- item.stat.islnk != true
  with_items: st.results

Is that a valid conditional? Is it equivalent to 'and' ?

On Wednesday, April 2, 2014 5:53:52 AM UTC-5, Maxim Odinintsev wrote:


 I'm tried make it over ansible, but in final, i think much easiest way is 
 using script module.

 If someone interesting, when i tried it, i'm used this construction for 
 getting files attributes and states:

 - name: Getting files stats
   stat: path={{ item }}
   register: st
- /etc/asterisk
- /etc/bind
- /etc/GeoIP.conf
- /etc/iptables
- /etc/jabber
- /etc/monit
- /etc/mysql
- /etc/nginx
- /etc/postfix
- /etc/ppp
- /etc/snmp
- /etc/sphinx
- /etc/xl2tpd

 - name: Moving on
   debug: msg=doing something with {{ item.item }}
 - item.stat.exists == true
 - item.stat.islnk != true
   with_items: st.results

 Thank you


 Yes, you understand correctly. How can I synchronize files on remote node 
 (not from local host to remote) ?

 Thank you.

 If I understand correctly, you're copying the contents of several 
 directories to a central location, removing the old path, and then creating 
 a symlink to the new location? To do that with ansible you'd just need to 
 call the synchronize module to copy the files (or use command/shell to do 
 the rsync), and then use the file module to create the symlink.

 On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 6:56 AM, Maxim Odinintsev gwyn...@gmail.comwrote:


 I'm trying migrate out my infrastructure under ansible control, but 
 stopped on simple things realization with ansible.

 I would be very grateful if some one can explain, best way for moving 
 on this simple shell script under ansible. 
 May be simplest way is running external shell, and not try to push it 
 all under ansible logic ?

 pushd /
 for i in \
   /etc/ipsec* \
   /home \
   /root \
   [[ -r $i ]] || continue
   [[ -L $i ]]  continue
   dst_dir=$(readlink -m /protected$(dirname $i))
   dst_name=${dst_dir}/$(basename $i)
   mkdir -p $dst_dir
   rsync -a $i $dst_dir  rm -rf $i  ln -s $dst_name $i
   ls -ld $i

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[ansible-project] Re: Delegated cronjobs with time vars per target host

2014-04-03 Thread Brian Green
Where are you using the rsnap_daily_hour variable? The task you pasted 
doesn't have it included.  

The vars file you included is host specific for 'newhost', if you are 
trying to use those variables in a play involving the backuphost (not a 
delegated_to task), you'll either need to use hostvars or restructure your 
variables in a different manner.

So, using hostvars, accessing rsnap_daily_hour in a play on backuphost 
would be {{ hostvars['newhost']['rsnap_daily_hour'] }}.

If it was me, I'd use group_vars with separate groups for each time slot, 
and then make the backuphost a member of each time slot group.  That may or 
may not scale well, but I try to avoid using hostvars if at all possible. 
I'd change my mind if I was in an environment absolutely destined to remain 
small  stable of course.


On Wednesday, April 2, 2014 6:29:09 PM UTC-5, Martin Božič wrote:


 I want to dynamically every new host to the backup server with rsnapshot. 
 have no problems putting SSH keys on backup target hosts and putting a 
 and exclude config for the target host into /etc/rsnapshot.d on backup 

 The problem is when I try to add the rsnapshot cronjob for the new host. 
 here's the trick - I'm trying to add different times for each host because 
 don't want them to all hit the backup disk at the same time. So I figured 
 could put several cron time vars for each host in host_vars/ directory. 
 an example of what I'm trying to pull-off with cron module: 

 FILE: roles/common/backup.yml 
 - name: weekly rsnapshot cron 
cron: name=rsnap {{ ansible_fqdn }} (upravlja Ansible) 
 weekday={{ rsnap_weekly_day }} hour={{ rsnap_weekly_hour }} 
 minute={{ rsnap_weekly_min }} user=root 
 job=rsnapshot -c /etc/rsnapshot.d/{{ ansible_fqdn }}.conf weekly 
 cron_file=rsnap-{{ ansible_fqdn }} 
delegate_to: backuphost 

 FILE: host_vars/newhost 
 rsnap_hourly_min: 12 
 rsnap_daily_min: 45 
 rsnap_daily_hour: 1 
 rsnap_weekly_min: 30 
 rsnap_weekly_hour: 21 
 rsnap_weekly_day: 3 

 What happens is that backuphost picks up the var of newhost and then cries 

  fatal: [backuphost] = One or more undefined variables: 
 is undefined 

 I'm running out of ideas how I could do it. I've looked into several loops 
 I'm still a beginner with Ansible and YAML syntax, so if anyone has any 
 idea how 
 this delegation could work I'd really appreciate it! 


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[ansible-project] Re: Rebooting the server

2014-03-28 Thread Brian Green
If the server is taking a longer than the default timeout value, increase 
that value. Default is 300 seconds, might need to increase that.


Or there could be a connectivity issue. Is it listening on port 22? Does 
FQDN name resolution work?

On Friday, March 28, 2014 9:00:28 AM UTC-5, Rafał Hajduk wrote:


 I want to reboot my server and continue with other instructions. My code 

 - name: reboot
   command: reboot
   - wait until rebooted

 - name: wait until rebooted
   local_action: wait_for host={{ansible_fqdn}} port=22 state=started delay
   sudo: false

 After execution I get an error:

 failed: [xxx] = {elapsed: 300, failed: true, item: }
 msg: Timeout when waiting for myhostname:22

 FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting

 How can I fix it?

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[ansible-project] Re: Rebooting the server

2014-03-28 Thread Brian Green
What entry is in your inventory host file? Is it IP address, short 
hostname, fqdn? 

The following variables are valid in your playbook, and the 'right' one 
depends on your environment.
ansible_fqdn, ansible_hostname, inventory_hostname, inventory_hostname_short

The ansible_fqdn and ansible_hostname are facts determined at the remote 
host. Inventory_hostname and inventory_hostname_short are parsed from your 
Ansible inventory file. 
For instance, in your current playbook, if you have an entry for the reboot 
target of dbserver, and for some reason the 'dbserver' node reports its 
fqdn as webserver.example.org then your reboot command will wait for 
webserver.example.org:22 to be available, which may not resolve from your 
Ansible management node.

Given that Ansible has no problem connecting using the value in your 
inventory file, you might start with inventory_hostname which will use the 
entry in your inventory file.

Relevant docs here: http://docs.ansible.com/playbooks_variables.html

On Friday, March 28, 2014 10:28:06 AM UTC-5, Rafał Hajduk wrote:

 The server reboots very quickly (10-15 seconds), so timeout is not the 

 However the problem might be the FQDN name. I used it because I found it 
 in some Ansible snippet.

 Which variable should I place there in order to get current host rebooted? 
 (in my case it would be xxx)

 My hosts file:

 W dniu piątek, 28 marca 2014 16:13:27 UTC+1 użytkownik Brian Green napisał:

 If the server is taking a longer than the default timeout value, increase 
 that value. Default is 300 seconds, might need to increase that.


 Or there could be a connectivity issue. Is it listening on port 22? Does 
 FQDN name resolution work?

 On Friday, March 28, 2014 9:00:28 AM UTC-5, Rafał Hajduk wrote:


 I want to reboot my server and continue with other instructions. My code 

 - name: reboot
   command: reboot
   - wait until rebooted

 - name: wait until rebooted
   local_action: wait_for host={{ansible_fqdn}} port=22 state=started 
   sudo: false

 After execution I get an error:

 failed: [xxx] = {elapsed: 300, failed: true, item: }
 msg: Timeout when waiting for myhostname:22

 FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting

 How can I fix it?

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[ansible-project] Re: using one playbook to install two versions of a software in one run

2014-03-26 Thread Brian Green
You have to restructure the playbooks to loop within the role itself 
(perhaps have a list with versions to install in your variables), or call 
the role twice.  I would really like to see some mechanism to loop over a 
role, but with that said, you should be able to find a solution.

Why is calling the role twice not acceptable? I have a playbook that calls 
a role in 50 different ways, depending on how it's executed. While it's a 
bit long, it is structured simply, and easily understood.

I had similar decisions to make, and looping within the role wasn't 
something I was happy with, so I ended up applying the role multiple times, 
which really isn't all that painful IMO.  My problems with looping within 
the role (for my use case) was that I needed to use with_items for many 
tasks, which led to added complexity of the playbook - I understood 
perfectly what was required and being performed, but collaboration with 
other folks at my organization that are new to Ansible would prove 

On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 6:04:19 AM UTC-5, Prune wrote:

 For me the use case is : 

 - I have a playbook that installs elasticsearch using a role
 - elasticsearch version is defined in the host file as a variable along 
 each server name
 - I have a group with all the hosts needing elasticsearch

 Until then, we were using elasticsearch 0.90.x (x is 2,3 or 9).
 Now, I need to install BOTH the 0.90.x and the new 1.0.1 version at the 
 same time.
 While the playbook can handle that, I can't find a way to have the role 
 played twice, once for each version ?
 The only solution so far is calling the role twice and statically setting 
 the version on each call, which is not acceptable.

 One solution would be to call the role using a with_item statement to have 
 it run for every version is defined in a dict... but this is deprecated
 Any clue ? 



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[ansible-project] group_by adding all hosts?

2014-03-09 Thread Brian Green
I ran into odd issues when using group names with hyphens in them. Similar 
situation of not using variable names with hyphens in them. Not sure if this is 
the case but its worth mentioning.

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[ansible-project] Should move shell module from sh to bash?

2014-02-08 Thread Brian Green
Unless I'm missing something, can't you just set executable: /bin/bash ?

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[ansible-project] Re: How would you set variables in this case?

2014-01-10 Thread Brian Green
How about keep your default variables in roles/vars/main.yml and then for 
variables that would be considered special case or overrides you put them 
elsewhere with higher precedence. For your RHEL 5 example, take a look at 
http://docs.ansible.com/playbooks_variables.html#conditional-imports and 
you could use something similar like
vars/{{  ansible_lsb.id }}_{{ ansible_lsb.major_release }}.yml  where you'd 
populate the RedHat_5.yml file with any of the variables you need 
overridden (my variable names/values might need some checking though).


On Friday, January 10, 2014 5:59:53 PM UTC-6, Adam Morris wrote:

 I have been building up a bunch of tasks for some standard configuration 
 items.  I have the basic tasks all working perfectly for new installs for 
 both AIX and RedHat/CentOs 6.  Now I'm testing against one of the older 
 RedHat installs that we have (RedHat 5) and having to make some changes... 
  So far things have been going well until I got to configuring syslog.  On 
 RedHat 6 I have to modify /etc/rsyslog.conf and restart rsylogd.  On AIX it 
 is slightly different so I set variables in my current OS specific 
 group_vars files RedHat and AIX...  On RedHat 5 most of the variables work 
 perfectly for me, except /etc/rsyslog.conf becomes /etc/syslog.conf and 
 rsyslogd becomes syslogd.  So I can easily modify the variables I'm using 
 to take that into account.  But this means I need to set different 
 variables for RedHat 5 and RedHat 6.  although most of the variables are 
 the same.

 So how would you suggest setting variables in this case?  I can split 
 tasks out so I don't need to set variables, but then I have much larger 
 task files that contain essentially the same steps. I'm trying to reuse as 
 much as possible, but I'm at a bit of a loss here.

 I was wondering if I could include a RedHat variable file into a RedHat5 
 or RedHat6 variable file but I can't see how to do it.

 I could keep the tasks the same and have almost identical variable files 
 with minor changes for RedHat 5 and RedHat 6, but that is still not as 
 clean as I would like.

 Any thoughts.


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[ansible-project] Re: How would you set variables in this case?

2014-01-10 Thread Brian Green
Would the following work?  For the few variables that differ, substitute 
them at the beginning of the playbook. It could even allow you to use a 
single variable file if you extrapolate all your variables in this manner.

   syslog_var: {{ ansible_lsb.id }}_{{ ansible_lsb.major_release 
   syslog_var2: {{ ansible_lsb.id }}_{{ ansible_lsb.major_release 
and use {{ syslog_var }} in the tasks/templates.

Then in your RHEL vars file:
RedHat_5_syslog_var: foo
RedHat_6_syslog_var: bar
RedHat_5_syslog_var2: foo2
RedHat_6_syslog_var2: bar2

And similar for the AIX vars file.

You could use conditionals at the task level, or in templates, but if you 
only have a couple differences, I think this is a simpler method.

Lots of ways to accomplish this, depends on your wants and needs. My 
biggest concern is having others use/maintain the playbooks and being able 
to understand what's going on, and without having to grok the more 
difficult concepts. Ansible is pretty simple, but having a junior level 
sysadmin try to do things like address complex data or understanding 
variable precedence are items I'd like to avoid.


On Friday, January 10, 2014 7:19:12 PM UTC-6, Adam Morris wrote:

 On Friday, January 10, 2014 4:16:47 PM UTC-8, Brian Green wrote:

 How about keep your default variables in roles/vars/main.yml and then for 
 variables that would be considered special case or overrides you put them 
 elsewhere with higher precedence. For your RHEL 5 example, take a look at 
 http://docs.ansible.com/playbooks_variables.html#conditional-imports and 
 you could use something similar like
 vars/{{  ansible_lsb.id }}_{{ ansible_lsb.major_release }}.yml  where 
 you'd populate the RedHat_5.yml file with any of the variables you need 
 overridden (my variable names/values might need some checking though).


 I guess I wasn't as clear as I could have been...

 I currently have a single task that updates the syslog configuration file 
 and restarts the syslog daemon.  It works perfectly for AIX, RedHat 5 and 
 RedHat 6.  This is one of many tasks I have written so far.  

 The problem I have is that for most of my tasks I have differences between 
 RedHat and AIX that require variables...  So I had two variables files that 
 I am picking up, one for AIX and one for RedHat.  This is the one place 
 that RedHat 5 and RedHat 6 differ in a way that can easily be fixed with 
 variables (rsylog versus syslog)... But I either copy my RedHat variable 
 file and create two almost identical files with a difference of two lines 
 out of 11, or I find another way of doing this... 

 For the moment I've copied the RedHat file into RedHat5 and RedHat6.  I 
 was just wondering if there was a better way than treating RedHat 5 and 
 RedHat 6 as different operating systems.


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[ansible-project] Re: How to skip Role Dependencies?

2013-12-08 Thread Brian Green
Have you tried something like:

- { role: some_role, when: some_role_dependency is not defined }

ansible-playbook -i hosts some_role.yml -e some_role_dependency=false 
- skips dependency
ansible-playbook -i hosts some_role.yml 
   - executes dependency

On Sunday, December 8, 2013 3:34:19 AM UTC-6, howa...@gmail.com wrote:

 Sometimes, we would like deploy a machine without the need for checking 
  the Role Dependencies, because it is very slow for our playbook (up to 5 
 mins), is it possible?


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