[ansible-project] Re: how to use ansible tags with conditional includes?

2020-06-02 Thread misterT1958
well I guess the number of replies says it all: I must be trying to do 
something the language does not support.  Ansible conditions operate on 
"include_vars" - include* statements in ansible are dynamic.  Similarly, 
import* statements in ansible are static.  Tags are applicable to 
statically imported constructs; tags are not applicable to dynamic 
inclusions such as include_roles or include_tasks.

Therefore, since ansible conditionals are applicable to dynamic constructs, 
and ansible tags are applicable to static constructs; the two are mutually 
exclusive.  The language does not support the ability to tag variables that 
are included via include_vars.  Bummer.

This begs the question: how does one conditionally include vars files in 
tagged tasks in ansible??  Anybody?

On Friday, May 29, 2020 at 11:24:28 AM UTC-4, misterT1958 wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I have run into a problem that I have not been able to solve -- I hope 
> somebody out there has had better luck than I have.  Here's the setup:
> At the top level directory there is an executive shell script that calls a 
> playbook, the particular playbook called is based on inputs to the script.  
> For each playbook there is a corresponding role subdirectory, and each role 
> subdirectory is further divided into a tasks subdirectory and a vars 
> subdirectory.  There is one vars file corresponding to each task file. Each 
> role contains a set of unique tasks.  If a task is used in more than one 
> playbook then the tasks and vars files are located under the common 
> subdirectory.
> The structure of my current ansible hierarchy is shown below. Note that 
> the common subdirectory and the compA and compB subdirectories look similar 
> to the compN subdirectory, but only the compN subdirectory is shown in 
> detail for simplification.
> top-level directory:
>   compA_playbook.yaml
>   compB_playbook.yaml
>   …
>   compN_playbook.yaml
>   executive.sh
>   roles
> |- common
> |- compA
> |- compB
> …
> |- compN
> |- tasks
> |  task1.yaml
> |  task2.yaml
> |  …
> |  taskm.yaml
> |- vars
> task1.yaml
> task2.yaml
>  …
> taskm.yaml
> A typical playbook looks like this:
> ---
> - hosts: localhost
>   vars_files:
> - roles/common/vars/fxn_1.yaml
>   tasks:
>   - name: function 1
> import_tasks: roles/common/tasks/fxn_1.yaml
> …
> A typical vars file looked like this:
> ---
> fxn_1_bool: true
> fxn_1_id: ddtnn35
> fxn_1_cfgfile: '"/xyz/home/user2/.functionX.cfg"'
> fxn_1_starttime: "2020-09-30 07:30:00"
> fxn_1_pauseinterval: 1
> and a typical task file looked like this:
> ---
>   - name: set downtime
> shell: >
>   /opt/bin/set_downtime.py {{ item }} downtime add
>   -t {{fxn_1_starttime}} -u {{fxn_1_id}};
> loop: "{{ query('inventory_hostnames', '{{ HPC }}-spares') }}"
> loop_control:
>   pause: "{{ fxn_1_pauseinterval }}"
> when: fxn_1_bool
> register: set_fxn_1
> tags: [ FXN_1 ]
> The code is written so that the user may specify that an entire playbook 
> be executed (by default) OR that one or more tasks within a playbook could 
> be executed by specifying the appropriate tags (each task has a unique tag).
> This setup worked fine until I needed to add conditionals to choose 
> between var files for certain tasks.  I could only get the conditionals to 
> work by replacing “vars_files:” with  “include_vars:”; so now a typical 
> playbook looks like this:
>   ---
>   - hosts: localhost
>   tasks:
>- include_vars: roles/common/vars/fxn_1.yaml
>   when: newVar1 == true or newVar2 == true
>- include_vars: /some/other/dir/fxn_1.yaml
>  when: newVar1 == false and newVar2 == false
>- name: function 1
>  import_tasks: roles/common/tasks/fxn_1.yaml
> The conditional clauses work fine – the correct var file is chosen based 
> on the values on newVar1 and newVar2.  The problem comes when I use tags.  
> When I specify a tag the tag is only associated with the task, but NOT 
> associated with the include_vars, so when the task executes it fails 

[ansible-project] how to use ansible tags with conditional includes?

2020-05-29 Thread misterT1958
Hey folks,

I have run into a problem that I have not been able to solve -- I hope 
somebody out there has had better luck than I have.  Here's the setup:

At the top level directory there is an executive shell script that calls a 
playbook, the particular playbook called is based on inputs to the script.  
For each playbook there is a corresponding role subdirectory, and each role 
subdirectory is further divided into a tasks subdirectory and a vars 
subdirectory.  There is one vars file corresponding to each task file. Each 
role contains a set of unique tasks.  If a task is used in more than one 
playbook then the tasks and vars files are located under the common 


The structure of my current ansible hierarchy is shown below. Note that the 
common subdirectory and the compA and compB subdirectories look similar to 
the compN subdirectory, but only the compN subdirectory is shown in detail 
for simplification.


top-level directory:







|- common

|- compA

|- compB


|- compN

|- tasks

|  task1.yaml

|  task2.yaml

|  …

|  taskm.yaml

|- vars






A typical playbook looks like this:


- hosts: localhost


- roles/common/vars/fxn_1.yaml



  - name: function 1

import_tasks: roles/common/tasks/fxn_1.yaml





A typical vars file looked like this:


fxn_1_bool: true

fxn_1_id: ddtnn35

fxn_1_cfgfile: '"/xyz/home/user2/.functionX.cfg"'

fxn_1_starttime: "2020-09-30 07:30:00"

fxn_1_pauseinterval: 1



and a typical task file looked like this:


  - name: set downtime

shell: >

  /opt/bin/set_downtime.py {{ item }} downtime add

  -t {{fxn_1_starttime}} -u {{fxn_1_id}};

loop: "{{ query('inventory_hostnames', '{{ HPC }}-spares') }}"


  pause: "{{ fxn_1_pauseinterval }}"

when: fxn_1_bool

register: set_fxn_1

tags: [ FXN_1 ]


The code is written so that the user may specify that an entire playbook be 
executed (by default) OR that one or more tasks within a playbook could be 
executed by specifying the appropriate tags (each task has a unique tag).


This setup worked fine until I needed to add conditionals to choose between 
var files for certain tasks.  I could only get the conditionals to work by 
replacing “vars_files:” with  “include_vars:”; so now a typical playbook 
looks like this:


  - hosts: localhost



   - include_vars: roles/common/vars/fxn_1.yaml

  when: newVar1 == true or newVar2 == true


   - include_vars: /some/other/dir/fxn_1.yaml

 when: newVar1 == false and newVar2 == false


   - name: function 1

 import_tasks: roles/common/tasks/fxn_1.yaml


The conditional clauses work fine – the correct var file is chosen based on 
the values on newVar1 and newVar2.  The problem comes when I use tags.  
When I specify a tag the tag is only associated with the task, but NOT 
associated with the include_vars, so when the task executes it fails 
because the variables are undefined.


I need some way to attach the tag to the variable files as well as the 
tasks files.  I have tried using ansible block, but couldn’t get that to 
work.  Any input appreciated!


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[ansible-project] Re: simple problem has me stumped

2020-02-11 Thread misterT1958

now I see what you mean - got it working!  Thanks so much for the hand!

kind regards,

On Monday, February 10, 2020 at 4:33:14 PM UTC-5, misterT1958 wrote:
> I have a simple scenario that fails, but I can't figure out why.  Here's 
> the command line invocation and the result:
> [root@cluster-mgmt tasks]# ansible-playbook -i ./hosts main.yml
> PLAY [CLUSTERS team downtime orchestration play] 
> TASK [Gathering Facts] 
> **
> ok: [localhost]
> TASK [set nagios downtime] 
> **
> fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The task includes an option with 
> an undefined variable. The error was: 'myTestVar' is undefined\n\nThe error 
> appears to have been in 
> '/autofs/nccs-svm1_home1/tw58/SANDBOX/ANSIBLE_VARDIR/testVar/tasks/main.yml': 
> line 9, column 5, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact 
> syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n  tasks:\n  - name: 
> set nagios downtime\n^ here\n"}
>  [WARNING]: Could not create retry file 
> '/autofs/nccs-svm1_home1/tw58/SANDBOX/ANSIBLE_VARDIR/testVar/tasks/main.retry'.
>[Errno 13] Permission denied:
> u'/autofs/nccs-svm1_home1/tw58/SANDBOX/ANSIBLE_VARDIR/testVar/tasks/main.retry'
> **
> localhost  : ok=1changed=0unreachable=0failed=1
> The playbook is simple:
> ---
> # tasks file for testVar
> - hosts: localhost
>   name: CLUSTERS team downtime orchestration play
>   gather_facts: true
>   tasks:
>   - name: set nagios downtime
> debug:
>   msg: "the value of the variable {{ myTestVar }}"
> and the variable definition file is even more simple:
> [root@cluster-mgmt vars]# more main.yml
> ---
> # vars file for testVar
> myTestVar: 58
> This is my directory tree:
> [root@cluster-mgmt testVar]# tree
> .
> ├── ansible.cfg
> ├── defaults
> │   └── main.yml
> ├── files
> ├── handlers
> │   └── main.yml
> ├── hosts
> ├── meta
> │   └── main.yml
> ├── README.md
> ├── tasks
> │   ├── ansible.cfg -> ../ansible.cfg
> │   ├── hosts -> ../hosts
> │   └── main.yml
> ├── templates
> ├── tests
> │   ├── inventory
> │   └── test.yml
> └── vars
> └── main.yml
> Been staring at this all day, trying different things, always get the 
> "undefined variable"!!
> Does anybody out there see the problem?
> Thanks
> T

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[ansible-project] simple problem has me stumped

2020-02-10 Thread misterT1958
I have a simple scenario that fails, but I can't figure out why.  Here's 
the command line invocation and the result:

[root@cluster-mgmt tasks]# ansible-playbook -i ./hosts main.yml

PLAY [CLUSTERS team downtime orchestration play] 

TASK [Gathering Facts] 
ok: [localhost]

TASK [set nagios downtime] 
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The task includes an option with an 
undefined variable. The error was: 'myTestVar' is undefined\n\nThe error 
appears to have been in 
line 9, column 5, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact 
syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n  tasks:\n  - name: 
set nagios downtime\n^ here\n"}
 [WARNING]: Could not create retry file 
   [Errno 13] Permission denied:

localhost  : ok=1changed=0unreachable=0failed=1

The playbook is simple:

# tasks file for testVar

- hosts: localhost
  name: CLUSTERS team downtime orchestration play
  gather_facts: true

  - name: set nagios downtime
  msg: "the value of the variable {{ myTestVar }}"

and the variable definition file is even more simple:

[root@cluster-mgmt vars]# more main.yml
# vars file for testVar
myTestVar: 58

This is my directory tree:

[root@cluster-mgmt testVar]# tree
├── ansible.cfg
├── defaults
│   └── main.yml
├── files
├── handlers
│   └── main.yml
├── hosts
├── meta
│   └── main.yml
├── README.md
├── tasks
│   ├── ansible.cfg -> ../ansible.cfg
│   ├── hosts -> ../hosts
│   └── main.yml
├── templates
├── tests
│   ├── inventory
│   └── test.yml
└── vars
└── main.yml

Been staring at this all day, trying different things, always get the 
"undefined variable"!!

Does anybody out there see the problem?


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[ansible-project] module like expect, but on windows

2017-04-12 Thread misterT1958
Ansible folk

I have a package that I want Ansible to download and install on my host 
computer.  After the download, the next step in the installation process is 
a configure - first step in the configure process is to respond to the 
question: "Do you accept the license?".

If host box was Linux I could use the expect module.  But my host is a 
Windows box.  What is the Ansible *Windows* equivalent of expect?


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