[ansible-project] win_package how can it know package has been installed when product_id is not specified

2022-12-22 Thread Alex Lu
Hi everyone,

About win_package, in the official document, it mentions: product_id value 
is ignored if path is set to a local accesible file path and the package is 
not an exe.

So, if I want to install MSI package, and I specify the path to a local 
accessible file path, then I don't need to set product_id, correct ? If I 
don't set product_id, how it can know if the package has been installed?  
by searching for the InstallSource in registry?

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[ansible-project] win_package

2019-09-09 Thread Manish Kumar
Dear All,

I am getting a very weird result while using win_package,  It is succeeding 
and no error is visible on ansible command prompt however the package is 
not installed while checking manually .

We are able to install notepad++ successfully  but other application 
setup.exe  is having issue with no error .

What could be the reason and how it can be resolved ?  Any help is much 
appreciated .


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[ansible-project] win_package and check_mode

2019-02-22 Thread Igor Turovsky

I have a question about running win_package in check_mode.

My playbook (part of it):

- name: Copy Splunk Forwarder MSI
  src: "{{ splunk_forwarder_distro }}"
  dest: "{{ splunk_forwarder_distro_local }}"
  force: yes
  remote_src: no

- name: Install Splunk Forwarder
  expected_return_code: 0,3010
  state: present
  arguments: "{{ splunk_forwarder_arguments }}"
  path: "{{ splunk_forwarder_distro_local }}"

When I run it in check_mode, the first task will work correctly and say 
that it would copy the file. 
The second task fails since the file in path is missing. 

I do not want to set *check_mode:no* for the first task and copy the file 
in check_mode just to have win_package working. 

What is the best way to make win_package working in check_mode if the file 
in path is missing?

Thank you,
- Igor

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[ansible-project] win_package

2018-04-11 Thread William Dossett

Fairly new to Ansible, but  I am just finishing a fairly extensive course 
on Linux Academy.  I have some good use cases... the first one is 
configuring windows VMs to have a number of packages installed 
automatically.  Currently I can uninstall old versions of java and install 
the most current version of java on a number of VMs.

I have a problem with the install thought that I can't seem to put my 
finger on, but have reproduced several times now specifically on windows 
2016 servers and possibly on windows 2012.

These VMs are automatically put on the domain when they are provisioned.  
We are an engineering shop and we add all domain users to the local 
administrator group as any engineer can logon to any VM as administrator.  
These are engineering clusters only.

I have configured Kerberos and it works fine in general, however when I try 
to use win_package to install from a network share I have problems.

 - name: Install Java from network share
 path: \\fileserver.mycorp.local\share\java\JavaSetup8u161.exe
 product_id: '{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F32180161F0}'
 state: present
 arguments: /s
 user_name: MYCORP\myuser
 user_password: secretpassword

it fails with permissions

"failed to connect network drive with credentials: Access is denied"

I am a member of domain admins, and administrators... I can logon to these 
systems and execute the package from PS console and it works fine, but not 
using win_package

If I change the user from myuser to administrator, then it works.  It seems 
like this is to do with ansible as I can execute it from console as me 
fine, but if anyone has any advice on what the problem might be, I would 
sure appreciate it as this is kind of stumbling block to move on to a full 
configuration that I am trying to achieve.


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[ansible-project] win_package with no path in 2.3.2

2017-09-09 Thread Jim Heald
I'm currently using Ansible 2.3.2, and I want to uninstall a program from a 
group of computers. According to the UninstallString from the registry, it 
just uses msiexec /x with a certain product ID. Therefore, I'd think it 
should be very trivial to uninstall using win_package.

However, my problem is that the program that was installed didn't come with 
an MSI and I can't find any MSIs for it within the filesystem. I did, 
however, confirm that msiexec can uninstall the program with the ProductID.

Since it requires a path, I was hoping that using an arbitrary path (in 
this case to a binary that would do nothing when called) it might work, but 
it doesn't seem to do the trick. Here's what I tried:

path: 'C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe'
product_id: '{7D7C80AF-58D6-4C3F-912B-8B5B4D50A71B}'
state: absent

However, that didn't seem to do the trick. What would be my best bet here?

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[ansible-project] win_package unable to install .exe Chart Director

2017-08-03 Thread daniyal . javed
Hello, I am trying to install Chart Director which is an .exe file with 
ansible. I am trying to use win_package to do the install as I have already 
checked for the registries in the uninstall directory 
after doing a manual install. Heres my playbook:

 - name: install


 name: install chartdir

 path: C:\Windows\setup_4.0.exe

 product_id: '{00065AC0-1AEC-4AB2-B5C3-79FBB228A9A1}' #taken from 
the HKML path above after the manual install

 state: present

After I run the playbook, my playbook just sits there and no information is 
spewed out with -.

Chart Director version im trying to install is 4.0.

Manually, all the InstallShield wizard is 'Next', 'Next', 'Next with no 
other user input. Any help would be appreciated

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[ansible-project] win_package - missing product id error

2016-08-19 Thread Anfield
Trying to install notepad onto a windows 2012 server and getting an error 
"Missing required arguement: product_id"

- Do I have to go lookup a product id for every .exe I want to install? 
Where do I get this?


#Install Notepad 6.9.2 from executable in shared drive
- hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
   - name: Install Notepad 6.9.2 Package
  path: "";
  arguements: "/install /passive /norestart"

Log below - 

[root@localhost group_vars]# ansible-playbook notepad.yml -
Using /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg as config file
Loaded callback default of type stdout, v2.0

PLAYBOOK: notepad.yml 
1 plays in notepad.yml

PLAY [all] 

TASK [Install Notepad 6.9.2 Package] 
task path: /etc/ansible/group_vars/notepad.yml:5
5986 TO
<> EXEC Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
(New-Item -Type Directory -Path $env:temp -Name 
 9094883462").FullName | Write-Host -Separator '';
<> PUT "/tmp/tmpFMnfbg" TO 
<> EXEC Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$_obj = @{ failed = $true }
If ($_.Exception.GetType)
$_obj.Add('msg', $_.Exception.Message)
$_obj.Add('msg', $_.ToString())
If ($_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage)
$_obj.Add('exception', $_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage)
ElseIf ($_.ScriptStackTrace)
$_obj.Add('exception', $_.ScriptStackTrace)
$_obj.Add('error_record', ($_ | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json))
Echo $_obj | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 99
Exit 1
Finally { Remove-Item 
   1633257.79-187429094883462" -Force 
-Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, 
{"module_name": "win_package"}, "msg": "Missing required argument: 

to retry, use: --limit @notepad.retry

* ok=0changed=0unreachable=0failed=1

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[ansible-project] win_package installation of git

2016-08-12 Thread Tomas Pekarovic

 i'm using ansible on ubuntu 16.04.
Problem that I found is that I can't install any package using win_package .
I'm trying to install git on windows 7 host.

playbook part:

- name: Installation of git x64


name: GIT


product_id: "Git_is1"

arguments: "/silent /GitAndUnixToolsOnPath"

  when: ansible_architecture == "64-bit"

task freezes for eternity in this:

TASK [Installation of git x64] 

*task path: /home/user/devel.yml:14*

I can't get any result from this.

When I'm going on machine into temporary ansible folders. There is a 
win_package.ps1 . When I start it, it runs and install and get results from 

So in my opinion there will be error somewhere in the communication with 
the server??


other win_ tasks works fine (eg.  win_file)

I also tried installation from local path (in path: "c:\\install\\git.exe") 
but it is the same.

Can somebody help me with this?

Thanks in advance

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[ansible-project] win_package uninstall example?

2016-06-08 Thread Bob Tanner
I'm trying to figure out how to use win_package to uninstall software. The 
state="absent" would do an uninstall?

It would seem this module can be used only for package installation?

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[ansible-project] win_package product_id

2016-02-17 Thread Gerald Spencer
I am currently going through and installing all of the various software 
that is needed to provision our windows 7 machines. Unfortunately, when I 
attempt to install the latest Anaconda3 from continuum, I am unable to 
locate that products guid (product_id). It doesn't appear in the normal 
registry locations for 64 or 32 installs, in the wmic.exe get product 
powershell output or under a Get-ChildItem Win32_Product powershell output 
as well. 

I generated a guid, but after the program installed it failed since it was 
unable to locate the product_id to see if it was installed (the error was 
basically, the program appeared to install correctly, but it was unable to 
located the product_id). 

Since the product_id is required for this module is there anything I can 
do? I double the win_msi package would work due to the face that the 
anaconda3 installer is a installshield exe. 

I currently have a version by repackaging the exe as a msi in AdminStudio, 
but that isn't ideal.


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[ansible-project] win_package arguments format

2016-02-17 Thread Gerald Spencer
Attempting to silently install a package using a response file and the 
appropriate command line. 

The command I need to run is:

   - .\setup.exe -s f1".\setup.iss"

What I need to enter into arguments is:

- name: install software
path: "C:\\Users\\UserName\\Desktop\\Software\\setup.exe"
product_id: {guid}
arguments: "-s -f1".\setup.iss""

I am unable to get the double quotes to pass through it seems. I've tried 
various formats such as:

   - ' "-s -f1".\setup.iss"" '
   - ' -s -f1".\setup.iss" '
   - "-s -f1'.\setup.iss' " 


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[ansible-project] win_package module

2015-01-19 Thread mssmss0606

I'm looking for the win_package module.
Could you tell me where is it possible to get or download it ??

Best regards.

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