USAID: Another US Trojan Horse In Central Asia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


George Deikun - New USAID Regional Director For
Central Asia Posted 23.06.2002 00:26

On June 19 George Deikun was sworn in as the U.S.
Agency for International Development's (USAID)
regional mission director for the Central Asian
Republics. He will oversee the agency's $90 million
program in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz
Republic, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

A USAID press release said the goal of the program is
"to expand opportunities for the citizens of the new
nations of Central Asia to improve their governance,
their livelihoods and their quality of life."

Given Central Asia's strategic importance in the war
on terrorism, USAID also is administering $43 million
in supplementary funding. USAID's goal is to expand
opportunities for the citizens of the new nations of
Central Asia to improve their governance, their
livelihoods and their quality of life.

Mr. Deikun is an officer in the Senior Foreign Service
with more than 25 years of international development
experience in Eastern Europe, Latin America and the
Caribbean, North Africa and the Middle East and West
and Central Africa. Most recently Mr. Deikun was
Deputy Director of the USAID Russia Mission. He holds
a master's degree in public administration from the
John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
University and a master's in city and regional
planning from Rutgers University. He is fluent in
Russian and French. 

USAID is the government agency providing U.S. economic
and humanitarian assistance worldwide for more than 40

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Scotsman: Oasis change their tune towards army [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-23 Thread Stasi






Mon 24 Jun 2002


The Gallagher brothers (left) called on 
  the army to supply helicopters for video 

  printer friendly
  email article
  Oasis change their tune towards army 
  Gethin Chamberlain 
  AS an act of hypocrisy, it takes some beating. When the rock band 
  Oasis wanted to feature a couple of military helicopters in one of their 
  music videos, they turned to the British Army for help. The top 
  brass were only too happy to oblige, supplying men and machines to enliven 
  the opening sequences of the band’s 1997 release, D’You Know What I Mean. 
  But when the Edinburgh-based Highlanders regiment decided to use a 
  couple of old Oasis songs in its latest promotional video, it was quite 
  another story. Lawyers acting for the band waded into action, 
  firing off a letter to the regiment warning that it must remove the songs 
  - Wonderwall and Hello - from the soundtrack or face legal action. 
  The band also made it clear that they would not have granted 
  permission for the songs to be used even if the army had remembered to ask 
  for permission. But the band’s antipathy towards the military was 
  not in evidence in 1997 when they paid the Ministry of Defence £3,000 an 
  hour to hire two Gazelle helicopters belonging to the Army Air Corps. 
  The helicopters were featured in the video for the first track 
  from the band’s third album, Be Here Now. They were seen swooping overhead 
  before disgorging a number of people in combat clothing. But the 
  band are believed to have objected to their songs being associated with 
  the Highlanders’ video, which featured footage of the regiment on 
  manoeuvres in Kenya, dressed in desert fatigues and carrying rifles. The 
  promotional footage was intended for use in schools and shopping centres. 
  Andy Damond, of Big Brother Recordings, the band’s record company, 
  said: "I have spoken to the adjutant at the Highlanders and have told them 
  there is no way they would get copyright clearance on the tracks - even if 
  they had asked." He said anyone wishing to use Oasis songs on any 
  soundtrack needed to ask permission in advance. The band’s refusal 
  to allow its songs to be used to help recruit would-be soldiers to the 
  Edinburgh-based regiment has surprised and annoyed many in military 
  circles, including members of the Royal British Legion Scotland. 
  Spokesman Neil Griffiths, himself a former soldier, said: "I find 
  it rather peculiar because they had a single out featuring Army Air Corps 
  helicopters, so obviously money or goodwill was exchanged then. It is a 
  surprise that a group like Oasis, who have used the military in the past, 
  have now said no to letting the army use their songs. It is unquestionably 
  a slap in the face." The army in Scotland was quick to admit that 
  the regiment had made a mistake by failing to ask for permission to use 
  the songs. A spokeswoman explained that the video had been shot on 
  exercises in Kenya for the regiment’s own use and no-one had thought to 
  seek permission for the soundtrack. "It was done in ignorance, but 
  they know now and will not do it again," she said. The army has 
  recalled all 300 copies of the video and the songs have now been removed 
  from the soundtrack. Yesterday, a Ministry of Defence spokesman 
  said the Highlanders were unaware they needed the band’s permission to use 
  the music until it was "brought to their attention". Oasis, led by 
  combative brothers Noel and Liam Gallagher, dominated the British charts 
  in the mid-1990s. But in recent years their star has faded and 
  until the release of Hindu Times, their first single for two years, in 
  April, they had become better known for their rock-star lifestyles and 
  Liam’s arguments with former Take That celebrity Robbie Williams. 
  It is not the first time the band have gone into battle to protect 
  their artistic integrity. They have previously refused permission for the 
  Smurfs to produce a cover version of Wonderwall. 
  OasisFamous foes: Blur, Robbie Williams. 
  Famous battles: The Battle with Blur (1995). Ended in defeat when 
  Blur’s Country House pipped Roll With It to the No 1 spot. The 
  battle with Robbie Williams (2000). Ended incon

Scotsman: Sound to make an army flee (Sonic Weapons) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-23 Thread Stasi






Mon 24 Jun 2002


One of the most fearsome sounds known to 
  humans: a baby 

  printer friendly
  email article
  Sound to make an army flee 
  Foreign Staff 
  A NEW sonic weapon being developed for the Pentagon makes use of 
  one of the most fearsome sounds known to humans: a baby crying. 
  Once aimed at the enemy, a focused beam of the familiar noise, 
  played backwards, will be painful enough to make enemy soldiers run for 
  their lives, according to its developers. They call it the ‘‘sonic 
  bullet’’. There are 50 soundtracks to choose from, and they are 
  played at 140 decibels. That is akin to standing beneath a passenger jet 
  as it takes off. Hardly surprising, then, that the weapon causes an 
  intense headache in its victim. For years armies have used sound, 
  speech, or radio broadcasts as a propaganda weapon. US troops invading 
  Panama blasted the besieged General Manuel Noriega with loud rock music. 
  Nazi Germany used sound in torture. But the "hypersonic sound 
  system" beams sound along two ultrasonic signals to produce noise only 
  when they hit the target. The weapon’s user doesn’t hear a thing. 
  It has been suggested for use in crowd-control, to clean al-Qaeda 
  terrorists out of caves, or as a ship-to-ship device that goes one better 
  than the shot across the bows. A hand-held version of the weapon - 
  a thin tube about a yard long, dubbed a "directed stick radiator" - might 
  in theory be used against hijackers in a plane cockpit, though the 
  bouncing beams could deafen passengers as well. The firm which 
  developed the system, American Technology Corporation, has won approval 
  from the US Food and Drug Administration to market it. It also hopes to 
  offer the device for use in drinks machines. Someone in front of one would 
  hear the sound of a can opening with an enticing 

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KKE: NATO Is 'Imperialism's International Policeman' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


June 23, 2002

-And she described NATO’s enlargement as renewing the
organization’s role as “imperialism’s international

Greek party’s chief calls for unity against capitalism

Greek Communist Party (KKE) General Secretary Aleka
Papariga yesterday called on the communist and labor
parties of the world to unite to fight against
capitalism. “We must develop a broad movement to
defend the workers’ gains. We must develop our
coordination and cooperation with workers’ class
organizations who resist and fight against the
aggression of capital,” Papariga told an international
gathering of communist and labor parties in Athens.
She decried the attack on human rights which, she
said, “came under the fabricated cover of the war on
terrorism.” And she described NATO’s enlargement as
renewing the organization’s role as “imperialism’s
international policeman.”

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Ukraine: Anti-NATO Protest On 61st Anniversary Of Barbarossa [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-06-23 Thread Rick Rozoff


Junew 23, 2002

Protest against Ukraine's accession into NATO held in

Kyiv, June 22 (Interfax-Ukraine) - Around 200
representatives of a number of public organizations
and political parties protected in Kyiv Saturday
against this country's accession into NATO. 

The action was staged on Slava Square while Ukrainian
top officials were laying flowers to the Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier, Interfax-Ukraine reported. 

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2002-06-23 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 6/23/2002 8:27:31 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

haven't spent much time looking at Hanoch Marmari's stuff, but from what I've seen, I'd say Hanoch Marmari hit the nail on the head.


Distortion of Facts EXAMPLE: In reporting on violence of Joseph's Tomb, CNN writes: 

Meanwhile, at least 77 people, mostly Palestinians have died during several fierce clashes at Joseph's Tomb during the past week. The lone Israeli soldier to die during the clashes bled to death in the tomb as rescuers tried for hours to reach him.

CNN's claim that 77 people died in one week of clashes at Joseph's Tomb is a gross factual inaccuracy. Since one Israeli was killed, 76 were obviously Palestinian. Yet in truth, six Palestinians and one Israeli soldier had died during that week of clashes at Joseph's Tomb. 

Three Palestinians were killed in the fight, including a 12-year-old boy. Six more Palestinians died in clashes elsewhere in the West Bank and Gaza. More than 1,000 people were injured, by Palestinian count. 

She didn't hit the nail on the head.


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2002-06-23 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



I haven't spent much time looking at 
Hanoch Marmari's stuff, but from what I've seen, I'd say Hanoch Marmari hit the 
nail on the head.

Distortion of Facts EXAMPLE: In reporting on violence of 
Joseph's Tomb, CNN 

Meanwhile, at least 77 people, mostly Palestinians have died 
  during several fierce clashes at Joseph's Tomb during the past week. The lone 
  Israeli soldier to die during the clashes bled to death in the tomb as 
  rescuers tried for hours to reach him.

CNN's claim that 77 people died in one week of clashes at 
Joseph's Tomb is a gross factual inaccuracy. Since one Israeli was killed, 76 
were obviously Palestinian. Yet in truth, six Palestinians and one Israeli 
soldier had died during that week of clashes at Joseph's Tomb. In other words, 
CNN cited the total number of Palestinian casualties in all clashes, and 
juxtaposed that figure with the Israeli casualty of one isolated event.
EXAMPLE: The New York Times, Associated Press and other 
major media outlets published a photo of a young man -- bloodied and battered -- 
crouching beneath a club-wielding Israeli policeman. The caption identified him 
as a Palestinian victim of the recent riots -- with the clear implication that 
the Israeli soldier is the one who beat him. 
In fact, the bloodied "Palestinian" depicted in the 
photograph was Tuvia Grossman, a 20-year-old Jewish student from Chicago, 
studying in Jerusalem. And the assailants were not Israelis, but members of a 
Palestinian mob who beat and stabbed Grossman mercilessly for 10 minutes. And 
the infuriated Israeli policeman with a baton was deterring the Palestinians 
from finishing their lynching.
Media bias assumes that if there's a victim, it must be a 
Palestinian. Yet who are the real victims and who are the aggressors? The truth 
is often the opposite of how it appears.
By being astute media observers, we can make a difference. 
In response to public pressure, The New York Times reprinted Tuvia Grossman's 
picture -- this time with the proper caption -- along with a full article 
detailing his near-lynching at the hands of Palestinians rioters.
courtesy of 


  -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 23. jun 2002 22:23To: 
---In a message dated 6/23/2002 
  4:24:12 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Abu Ali family; the media reported on the alleged death of their 
nine children, and it was later revealed that no harm befell them. Says 
Marmari:I've been 
  following the news and I never read any report about nine children in one 
  family being killed. Can you share the story with us? ---

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2002-06-23 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 6/23/2002 4:24:12 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Abu Ali family; the media reported on the alleged death of their nine children, and it was later revealed that no harm befell them. Says Marmari:

I've been following the news and I never read any report about nine children in one family being killed. Can you share the story with us?

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Re: "RIM"-Pobly fwds "11.09 *NO* Bush conspiracy" article [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-23 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 6/23/2002 10:10:05 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

precisely the ones who would
be the *least* liable to be decieved by the stupid "offi-
cial" propaganda concerning these mass murder terror attacks
in the USA - among those who are saying "NO conspiracy by
the US imperialists"?

I don't think anyone on this list was deceived by it. It was sent to show the lengths that some people will go to discredit others.


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Re: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-23 Thread Charles



David O Q asked:-

>  What are you getting at?
> David O Q

Whether the bourgeois/imperialist media deliberately set out to protect
their identities. It's curious why I haven't seen even one picture of these
"art students" etc when I've seen too many pictures of alleged Arab
"terrorists," "shoe bombers," "dirty bombers," etc.


> From:   Charles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:Re: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?
> Date sent:  Sun, 23 Jun 2002 07:25:51 +0800
> Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > ---
> >
> > Comrades,
> >
> > An interesting thing is I've yet to see a picture of even one of the 50
> > 60 Israeli "art students" and these guys.
> >
> > Charles
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2002 9:16 PM
> > Subject: Re: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?
> >
> >
> > ---
> >
> > In a message dated 6/21/2002 11:29:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> >
> > >   Is this the entire article?
> >
> > No.
> >
> > The White Van
> > Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?
> >
> >
> > June 21 â€" Millions saw the horrific images of the World Trade Center
> > attacks,
> > and those who saw them won't forget them. But a New Jersey homemaker saw
> > something that morning that prompted an investigation into five young
> > Israelis and their possible connection to Israeli intelligence.
> >
> >
> > Maria, who asked us not to use her last name, had a view of the World
> > Center from her New Jersey apartment building. She remembers a neighbor
> > calling her shortly after the first plane hit the towers.She grabbed her
> > binoculars and watched the destruction unfolding in lower Manhattan. But
> > she watched the disaster, something else caught her eye.Maria says she
> > three young men kneeling on the roof of a white van in the parking lot
> > her
> > apartment building. "They seemed to be taking a movie," Maria said.The
> > were taking video or photos of themselves with the World Trade Center
> > burning
> > in the background, she said. What struck Maria were the expressions on
> > men's faces. "They were like happy, you know … They didn't look
shocked to
> > me. I thought it was very strange," she said. She found the behavior so
> > suspicious that she wrote down the license plate number of the van and
> > called
> > the police. Before long, the FBI was also on the scene, and a statewide
> > bulletin was issued on the van. The plate number was traced to a van
> > by
> > a company called Urban Moving. Around 4 p.m. on Sept. 11, the van was
> > spotted
> > on a service road off Route 3, near New Jersey's Giants Stadium. A
> > officer pulled the van over, finding five men, between 22 and 27 years
> > in the vehicle. The men were taken out of the van at gunpoint and
> > by police. The arresting officers said they saw a lot that aroused their
> > suspicion about the men. One of the passengers had $4,700 in cash hidden
> > his sock. Another was carrying two foreign passports. A box cutter was
> > in the van. But perhaps the biggest surprise for the officers came when
> > five men identified themselves as Israeli citizens. â€~We Are Not Your
> > â€T
> > According to the police report, one of the passengers told the officers
> > had been on the West Side Highway in Manhattan "during the incident" â€"
> > referring to the World Trade Center attack. The driver of the van, Sivan
> > Kurzberg, told the officers, "We are Israeli. We are not your problem.
> > problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem." The other
> > passengers were his brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and
> > Omer
> > Marmari. When the men were transferred to jail, the case was transferred
> > of the FBI's Criminal Division, and into the bureau's Foreign
> > Counterintelligence Section, which is responsible for espionage cases,
> > ABCNEWS has learned. One reason for the shift, sources told ABCNEWS, was
> > that
> > the FBI believed Urban Moving may have been providing cover for an
> > intelligence operation. After the five men were arrested, the FBI got a
> > warrant and searched Urban Moving's Weehawken, N.J., offices. The FBI
> > searched Urban Moving's offices for several hours, removing boxes of
> > documents and a dozen computer hard drives. The FBI also questioned
> > Moving's owner. His attorney insists that his client answered all of the
> > FBI's questions. But when FBI agents tried to interview him again a few
> > later, he was gone. Three months later 2020's cameras photographed the
> > inside

"RIM"-Pobly fwds "11.09 *NO* Bush conspiracy" article [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-23 Thread Rolf Martens


"RIM"-Pobly fwds "11.09 *NO* Bush conspiracy" article

Recently, there appeared on the ANTI-NATO mailing list an
article which went out of its way to "argue" that "NO, the
infamous terror attacks on 11 September 2001 were NOT, as
more and more people are saying today, the work of the US
imperialists themselves, aimed at hitting back against the
people in the USA and in the whole world, whose resistance
they so more and more desperately fear."

The article, entitled "September 11th: Conspiracy-itis" was
written by one Marty Jezer. It was forwarded to the ANTI-
NATO list by Miroslav Antic, who often has forwarded, with-
out comments of his own, various articles, some by revolu-
tionary-minded people and some by hack writers of US impe-
rialism and other reactionaries too.

This particular article in itself was yawningly uninteres-
ting. All who had followed events even in an approximate
way and had seen a few of all those facts which very clearly
point to the actual perpetrators of 11.09.2001 could easily
tell: Here's another stupid attempt by those mass murderers
the Bushmen and Bushwomen to prevent the truth from becoming
apparent to precisely everybody on this planet.

But one really interesting thing in this connection, in my opinion,
is the fact that one writer, poblachtach dearg , whose main activity has consisted of
making propaganda for that "International" the "RIM" and
for its politically leading party, the "RCP"-USA, forwarded
that silly "please-no-conspiracy-theories-on-this!" article
again, and likewise with no comments of his own - thus pre-
senting it as "containing something sensible"! - to a whole
number of other mailing lists!

Since the "RIM" and the "RCP"-USA are saying that they stand
for the political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong, and
often in various contexts seem to be *attacking*, not least,
the US imperialists, is it not very surprising that one of
the propagandists - even the main propagandist today, as far
as Internet mailing lists are concerned - precisely of those
*very* rrrevolutionary entities wants to convince everybody
that "NO, the Bushmen and Bushwomen were NOT behind 11.09"?

Actually, the "RCP"-USA had already done this itself some-
what earlier too, with a "big interview" in January 2002
with its illustrious chairman, Bob Avakian, likewise posted
to a number of mailing lists, rather recently, by that same
"RIM"/"RCP"-USA propagandists, Pobly. Precisely the "main
point" of that interview was its attempt to convince all of
the "innocence" of the US imperialists of 11.09.2001.

Now why are *those* people - precisely the ones who would be
"on the alert" most of all, as *Marxists*, as *revolutiona-
ries* based not least *in that very country*, the USA, con-
cerning precisely such events, precisely the ones who would
be the *least* liable to be decieved by the stupid "offi-
cial" propaganda concerning these mass murder terror attacks
in the USA - among those who are saying "NO conspiracy by
the US imperialists"?

It's very puzzling, isn't it?

I mean, when a party or other organization *says* it's revo-
lutionary, when it says it represents the line of Marx, Lenin
and Mao Zedong, when it says it strives to represent the com-
mon interests of the vast majority of people on earth, then
one should always take that party's or other organization's
word for that, should one not?

I mean, harbouring suspicions that it might actually be the
puppet of some quite other forces, some considerably less
nice ones, for instance, that's being very distrustful and

The very introduction lines of one of those mailing lists
to which Pobly forwarded that article, the "Maoist_Guns"
mailing list, a recently created new one, quite rightly
say, among other things:

'Provocateurs and the like NOT discussing / posting
Maoist propaganda and struggles of the Oppressed
will be banned, especially if refering to People`s
Real names and labelling individuals as CIA etc.'

And some provocaterurs' labelling some *very* Maoist *orga-
nizations* as "CIA etc", that of course is even worse.

The intro lines of the "Maoist_Guns" also say, concerning
what kind of postings would, and should, appear on that list:

'Postings from the Maoist press, wheather [sic] from
the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement [i.e.,
the "RIM"], Revolutionary worker [the newspaper of
the "RCP"-USA], A World To Win [magazine "inspired by"
the "RIM"], Maoist Internationalist Movement [one
other "International", likewised based in the USA,
the "MIM"] etc is greatly encouraged to inspire
debate as part of the "Unity, Struggle, Unity, Trans-
formation" process.'

So here it becomes clear, once more, that all of those enti-
ties of course *are* Marxist, "Maoist" ones.

So who can doubt the revolutionary credentials of Pobly? At
least, when postin

Re: European Commision & software patents (counteraction!) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-23 Thread Rolf Martens


At 00:53 2002-06-22 +0200, you (Jonerik Sjölander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)

>Sprid detta vidare till så många som möjligt. Sidan nedan förklarar vad
>detta innebär och varför man bör motsätta sig det.
>European Citizens: European Commission is pushing to make all ideas
>patentable, proposal written by BSA. This page explains everything and
>tells you how you can help prevent this disaster.
>Jonerik Sjölander ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Thank you (again), Jonne!

It is indeed important that this becomes known to everybody,
so they can oppose it expressly. So I'm forwarding this
posting of yours (too) to a number of other lists and also
to some Usenet newsgroups.

Rolf M.
Malmö, Sweden


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Fwd: [casi] Sweeney piece from today's Observer [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-23 Thread Sandeep Vaidya


>Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>From: "Milan Rai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "CASI Discussion Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 09:56:04 +0100
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200
>Subject: [casi] Sweeney piece from today's Observer
>X-Mailman-Version: 2.0.8
>List-Subscribe: ,
>List-Id: CASI Discussion List 
>List-Unsubscribe: ,
>Dear folks,
>Here's the Sweeney piece from today's Observer. Letters should be sent to
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (remember to include your address and telephone
>number). Letters should be sent to the Observer by Tuesday evening at the
>Four brief comments:
>a) Sweeney claims that the regime has faked 'mass baby funerals' in Iraq.
>This may well be true but is clearly totally irrelevant to the questions
>'has there been a dramatic increase in child mortality in Iraq since the
>1991 Gulf War?' and 'if there has been such an increase what are its
>causes?' Similar remarks apply to Sweeney's allegations regarding human
>rights abuses in Iraq.
>b) Again, the Iraqi Government's own figures (as distinct from the UNICEF
>survey data - see below) *are* almost certainly incorrect. However again
>this is clearly irrelevant to any of the serious questions that arise about
>the public health impact of the sanctions. Sweeney's clear intention
>throughout the piece is to attempt to identify, in the minds of his readers,
>the anti-sanctions position with the Iraqi Government. In doing so he
>ignores the views of a wide range of highly credible organisations and
>individuals (eg. Save the Children, Human Rights Watch and Hans von Sponeck)
>who have spoken out on the issue.
>c) Sweeney breezily rubbishes the conclusions of the August '99 joint
>UNICEF - GoI child mortality survey, writing that it is 'open to question.
>It was based on data from within a regime which tortures children with
>impunity. All but one of the researchers used by UNICEF were employees of
>the Ministry of Health, according to the Lancet.' In reality it is only
>apologists for the sanctions, such as Mr Sweeney, who 'question' the
>reliability of these surveys.
>Indeed, UNICEF were careful to guard themselves against such allegations.
>The following is the relevant extract from their August '99 document
>'Questions and Answers for the Iraq child mortality surveys' (available on
>the CASI web-site at
> )
>Q: How can UNICEF be sure that the results are accurate/reliable?
>A: The large sample sizes - nearly 24,000 households randomly selected from
>all fifteen governorates in the south and center and 16,000 from the three
>autonomous northern governorates - helps to ensure that the margin of error
>for child mortality in both surveys is low. Another important factor was
>that in the south and center of Iraq the survey interviewers were all women
>and all were medical doctors. In the northern governorates 80% of
>interviewers were female - each team had at least one female interviewer -
>and all interviewers were trained health workers. UNICEF was also involved
>in all aspects of both surveys - from survey design through to data
>analysis. Specifically:
>UNICEF had direct input to the design of the surveys - which are based on
>internationally respected household survey format - the DHS (Demographic and
>Health Survey) format;
>UNICEF was involved in the training of all survey supervisors;
>UNICEF conducted field visits to every governorate (major administrative
>unit in Iraq) while the survey was being conducted;
>UNICEF oversaw the process of data entry;
>UNICEF had full access to the hard copies of the interview records and the
>complete data sets for both surveys at all times.
>Q: What checks have been made on the data?
>A: Each questionnaire was first checked at the local level and then at the
>governorate level by staff of the local statistical offices. This check was
>primarily to determine whether the randomly sampled households were
>correctly identified, visited and interviewed. Final editing and checking
>was done at the central level for completeness and consistency. A number of
>internal checks normally carried out for Demographic and Health Surveys
>(DHS) were also completed for both surveys. The surveys and findings were
>also reviewed by a panel of experts in early July. This panel included
>senior personnel from DHS, Macro International, WHO and senior UNICEF offici
>als from the Regional Office in Amman and New York Headquarters.

Fwd: Re: [no-sanctions] Fwd: [casi] John Sweeney's latest propaganda pieces [W

2002-06-23 Thread Sandeep Vaidya


>Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express Macintosh Edition - 4.5 (0410)
>Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 12:47:06 +0100
>Subject: Re: [no-sanctions] Fwd: [casi] John Sweeney's latest propaganda
> pieces
>From: "farbuthnot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Sandeep Vaidya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sandeep - here's a question to Sweeney - if I do it they'll blank me.
>Sweeney says 'I have been in Iraq...' Sweeney was there in February 1998
>when Karen Robinson and I were there to cover the bombing (which didn't take
>place and happened in December instead as we know) he hitched a lift on Kofi
>Annan's plane 'forgetting' to apply for an Iraq visa (as one does ...!!) and
>the Iraqis threw him out within about 24 hours (they had had a rash of
>Mossad operators getting in presenting BBC credentiials etc and were even
>more paranoid than usual.)
>Question to Sweeney along lines of: hown many times has he been in
>south/central Iraq and you understand that he  ... as above and was thus
>deported. Is this true?


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Fwd: [casi] John Sweeney's latest propaganda pieces [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-23 Thread Sandeep Vaidya


Correspondent, BBC1, 7:15 PM in Ireland, June 23, Sunday

>From: "Voices uk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "CASI discussion list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 09:55:33 +0100
>Dear folks,
>Long time pro-sanctions propagandist - and advocate of military action
>against Baghdad falling only just short of nuclear attack - John Sweeney
>has made a programme about Iraq which will be screened in the BBC2
>Correspondent slot this Sunday evening (probably sometime between 7pm and
>8pm - I don't have a TV schedule to hand).
>A taster is provided by the following, an edited version of a 5 minute
>broadcast on BBC Radio 4's Today programme this morning. The basic line of
>the broadcast was that the only Iraqi children who are 'dying because of
>sanctions' are in the northern governorates. At the same time the North /
>south disparities were wheeled out to prove that sanctions aren't implicated
>in the public health crisis. There was also some veiled innuendo suggesting
>that UNICEF's '99 surveys were somehow manipulated by the Iraqi Government.
>Much of the rest of the content of the broadcast - eg. the material about
>GoI human rights abuses - clearly had no bearing on the question 'are
>economic sanctions a major factor in the humanitarian crisis in south /
>central Iraq?' In any event Sweeney prefers not to answer this question,
>preferring to focus on the, questions: 'are Iraqi Government claims that
>7000 children are dying every month because of sanctions true?' and 'are the
>mass child funerals in Iraq faked?', neither of which has any bearing on the
>anti-sanctions case.
>There will be a live forum with Mr Sweeney at 1500 BST on Monday 24th June
>and you can e-mail your questions using the form at:
>Sweeney writes for the Observer so I would expect a tie-in piece in Sunday's
>Best wishes,
>voices uk
>Friday, 21 June, 2002, 18:06 GMT 19:06 UK
>The mother of all ironies
>A few weeks after 11 September Osama Bin Laden justified the attack by
>saying that western sanctions had killed one million Iraqi children. Saddam
>Hussein's regime says 7,000 children are dying every month. Labour MP George
>Galloway says that an Iraqi child has died every six minutes for the last 12
>years. John Sweeney has been to the north of Iraq, where he found evidence
>that Saddam's sums don't add up.
>Ali, was a thick-set Iraqi who used to work for Saddam's psychopathic son,
>Uday. Some time after the bungled assassination of Uday, Ali fell under
>So he fled Baghdad - going north, to the Kurdish safe haven policed by
>western fighter planes,.
>I've been to Baghdad. Being in Iraq is like creeping around inside someone
>else's migraine. The fear is so omni-present you could almost eat it. No one
>So listening to Ali speak freely was a revelation.
>He's not, exactly, a contender to be the next Archbishop of Canterbury. He
>had the heft of an enforcer. He told me that he had tortured for the regime.
>But I don't think he was lying to us.
>Ali talked about the paranoid frenzy that rules Baghdad, the tortures, the
>killings, the corruption, the crazy gangster violence of Saddam and his two
>And the faking of the mass baby funerals.
>You may have seen them on TV. Small white coffins parading through the
>streets of Baghdad on the roofs of taxis, an angry crowd of mourners,
>condemning western sanctions for killing the children of Iraq.
>Usefully, the ages of the dead babies - "three days old", "four days old" -
>are written in English on the coffins. I wonder who did that?
>Ali gave us the inside track on the racket. There aren't enough dead babies
>around. So the regime stores them for a mass funeral.
>He said that he was friends with a taxi driver - he gave his name - whose
>son had a position in the regime.
>Ali continued: "he told me that he had to go to Najaf" - a town 100 miles
>from Baghdad - "in order to bring children's bodies from various freezers
>there, and that the smell was unbearable.
>"They used to collect children's bodies and put them in freezers for two,
>three or even six or seven months - God knows - till the smell gets so
>unbearable. Then, they arrange the mass funerals."
>The logic being, the more dead babies, the better for Saddam. That way, he
>can weaken public support in the west for sanctions. That means that parents
>who have lost a baby can't bury it until the regime says so.
>So how could it be that people would put up with this sickening exploitation
>of grief?
>Uday took out a wooden cosh and beat the tennis player's brains out.
>Ali told another story.
>He'd seen Uday kill with his own eyes. This was some years ago, before the
>assassination attempt left Saddam's oldest son half-paralysed and im

Re: Basque War News: Car bombs rock southern Spain [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-23 Thread Rolf Martens


Right you are, Javier.

Those supposedly "Basque nationalist" bombings in
Spain recently really are cowardly acts.

They precisely are not part of any (just) 'class war' but
are (in one way or another) all about money, as you say.

And your parallel to that "Albanian" terrorist group "UÇK"
managed by the US imperialists also is pertinent. In fact
one must suspect that behind those "Basque" bombings
too, in the final instance, are those same US imperialists,
wanting to put some pressure on that "uncertain ally" of
theirs, Spain.

Rolf M.
Malmö, Sweden

At 21:10 2002-06-21 +0100, you (Francisco Javier Bernal

>Re: Basque "War" News
>Hi there,
>Would you be so kind to explain the use of this definition for such a 
>coward act?
>Not surprising coming from known admirers of the UÇK. Bunch of cowards is 
>what they are.
>Very clever and what a expression of solidarity and freedom fighting is 
>trying to ruin
>Andalusian tourism economy, the poorest nation in the EU! Don't you 
>reckon, mate? What a
>nice moment it is! Just when Aznar is phasing out the income support 
>benefit for almost two
>millions of 'jornaleros', peasants without land. Why don't they stick 
>their bombs up any
>Basque banker's arse? I guess the Argentinians would be really pleased, 
>taking into account
>how did they ruin their country.
>Make no mistake: Basques are not Kurds or Palestinian. More likely think 
>of Slovenians or
>Croats trying to break free of a 'backward' poorer South. This is not 
>'class war', mate. Learn
>some history. It's all about money.
>Francisco Javier Bernal
>On 21 Jun 2002 at 15:33, poblachtach dearg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ---
> >
> >
> > Friday, 21 June, 2002, 12:10 GMT 13:10 UK
> > Car bombs rock southern Spain
> >  Police got phone warnings before the explosions
> > Two car bombs have exploded in the southern Spanish resorts of
> > Marbella and Fuengirola, injuring at least six people including three
> > Britons. A British man is critically ill in hospital after the car
> > bomb in Fuengirola, which also slightly injured two British children,
> > a Moroccan and a Spanish couple.
> >
> > Shortly after that blast a second car bomb exploded on a central
> > boulevard in Marbella, just 27 kilometres (17 miles) down the coast
> > from Fuengirola. No-one is thought to have been hurt. The bombs -
> > blamed on the Basque separatist group ETA - coincided with the start
> > of a two-day summit of European Union leaders in Seville, about 160
> > kilometres (100 miles) north-west of Fuengirola. According to Spanish
> > national radio, a 35-year old Briton hit by shrapnel in the Fuengirola
> > blast is undergoing urgent surgery in hospital. Tip-off The man
> > suffered serious injuries to his lungs, diaphragm and pelvis. The
> > blast happened near Las Piramides Hotel, which is popular with British
> > and German tourists. Police said the Basque separatist group ETA
> > phoned a warning through just minutes before the Fuengirola blast, but
> > gave the wrong address. The police still managed to locate the car,
> > and cordon off the area.
> >
> > "This must have been an itinerant (ETA) command cell that probably
> > came here, left the bomb, and went again," said an Interior Ministry
> > official, Jose Torres Hurtado. "It's not the first time this has
> > happened in Andalusia," he said. An anonymous phone warning also came
> > from ETA before the Marbella attack. Previous attacks Holidaymakers,
> > who were still in their beds, said they were first aware of a huge
> > explosion, followed by billowing smoke and flying glass. ETA carried
> > out many similar attacks on tourist sites last summer. Although ETA
> > does not normally claim responsibility for its actions until weeks
> > afterwards, it typically times attacks to coincide with major
> > political events. Only last week, police found 131 kilograms (288
> > pounds) of explosives, along with detonators and wiring, further up
> > the coast near Valencia. ETA campaign The group has killed more than
> > 800 people in a 30-year independence campaign for the Basque region.
> > There is huge security at the Seville summit, with about 10,000 police
> > deployed in the city. On Thursday, ETA accused the EU of leaving the
> > Basques behind, complaining that a "Basque homeland has no place in
> > the current Europe". ETA wants a state in the Basque areas of northern
> > Spain and south-western France.


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Re: September 11th: Conspiracy-itis [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-23 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 6/22/2002 9:02:58 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

To conspiracists, everything has meaning, everything happens according to plan. 

Like this?

Code named Operation Northwoods, the plan, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war.

The idea may actually have originated with President Eisenhower in the last days of his administration. With the Cold War hotter than ever and the recent U-2 scandal fresh in the public's memory, the old general wanted to go out with a win. He wanted desperately to invade Cuba in the weeks leading up to Kennedy's inauguration; indeed, on January 3 he told Lemnitzer and other aides in his Cabinet Room that he would move against Castro before the inauguration if only the Cubans gave him a really good excuse. Then, with time growing short, Eisenhower floated an idea. If Castro failed to provide that excuse, perhaps, he said, the United States "could think of manufacturing something that would be generally acceptable." What he was suggesting was a pretext a bombing, an attack, an act of sabotage carried out secretly against the United States by the United States. Its purpose would be to justify the launching of a war. It was a dangerous suggestion by a desperate president.


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