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Greek rescue team denied entry to Jenin

By Amira Hass, Ha'aretz Correspondent and agencies

Israel is preventing a Greek team made up of 34 earthquake rescue experts from coming to Israel to help salvage bodies from beneath the ruins in the Jenin refugee camp, Palestinian and Greek sources have confirmed to Ha'aretz.

Queried on the issue, a spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry said, "Israel does not prevent humanitarian aid. We are aware of the problem and it is being handled by the relevant authorities."

A plane loaded with equipment has been delayed for two days at the Athens airport since the Foreign Ministry informed the Greek embassy that "there is no need for such a team."

Greek sources told Ha'aretz that Greek diplomats had told their Israeli counterparts that the question of whether the team was needed or not, could only be determined on site.

Palestinian officials praised the Greek initiative and have said they eagerly anticipate the team's arrival.

Reports of people missing are still coming in from the refugee camp as well as reports of children sustaining injuries from explosive devices left strewn amongst the camp's ruins. Residents of the camp are now blaming the IDF bomb sappers, saying they have left the camp without completing their job.

Russia to send humanitarian aid to Palestinian territories

MOSCOW - Russia is sending humanitarian aid and emergency workers to the Middle East on Wednesday to assist Palestinians in the wake of Israel's military operations in Palestinian territories, the Emergency Situations Ministry said.

A ministry spokeswoman said a group of experts, along with humanitarian cargo, would fly to Amman, Jordan, from Moscow on Wednesday afternoon.

Deputy Minister Yuri Brazhnikov said Wednesday's shipment would include 20 metric tons of food, 1,000 blankets and 30 three-person tents, according to the Interfax news agency.

"After the situation in Palestine is assessed, a mobile hospital and necessary specialists of the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry are expected to be sent to the region," Brazhnikov was quoted as saying. Tentatively, the ministry group is to work in Jenin and other cities controlled by the Palestinian Authority, he said.

Brazhnikov said Russia had reached an agreement with both Israel and the
Palestinian Authority on the assistance.

While Russia is officially a co-sponsor of the Middle East peace process along with the United States, Moscow has taken a much less active role in trying to broker a political solution to the conflict.


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