
Financial Times

Press war clouds Romania's Nato overtures 
By Phelim McAleer in Bucharest 
Published: June 24 2002 5:00 

-The real turning point, came after the September 11
attacks, which spurred the US into wider coalition
building. Romania's helpful attitude over airspace and
overflying rights led to Nato officials telling the
government that its membership application was likely
to be accepted.
-In addition Romania has peacekeeping troops in the
Balkans and, more significantly, has just dispatched
400 men to Afghanistan. Officials regard such
deployments as an acceptance that the Romanian
military is compatible with Nato forces - and by
extension should be invited to join the alliance at
the summit in Prague.

This should have been a triumphant six months for Ioan
Pascu, the Romanian defence minister, as he appeared
to be finally steering the country towards Nato

However, this optimism has been tempered by recent
legislation and statements that have led to questions
about Romania's commitment to press freedom and
democratic values.

Ironically 18 months ago, when Mr Pascu's former
communist PSD party took power, Nato membership seemed
little more than a fantasy for the country, with its
antiquated and overmanned armed forces.

However, under the new administration led by Prime
Minister Adrian Nastase Romania and Mr Pascu, its
armed forces have made remarkable progress.

The real turning point, came after the September 11
attacks, which spurred the US into wider coalition
building. Romania's helpful attitude over airspace and
overflying rights led to Nato officials telling the
government that its membership application was likely
to be accepted.

Some western officials, though, still have lingering
doubts about corruption and the Romanian government's
authoritarian tendencies. The Romanian authorities hit
back by saying corruption was a problem in many Nato

However, it was Mr Pascu's response to what he saw as
constant sniping by the press which provided the
biggest roadblock towards Nato acceptance. After
dismissing claims that former secret police agents in
the armed forces were a worry to Nato, he issued a
terse warning to journalists, "reminding them
[journalists] their life is short and health is too
precious an asset to be endangered through starting
debates that consume a lot of emotion and stress".

The remarks, which looked like a threat, provoked
outrage in Romania and eventually led to Mr Pascu
apologising - claiming it was a joke that had been
misinterpreted. The US embassy has denied local press
reports that they privately urged for Mr Pascu's
resignation. But many in the government are angry that
his comments have detracted from Romania's progress.

Mr Pascu's war on the press appears to be continuing
after a bill he introduced to parliament will force
newspapers to publish an equally prominent right of
reply on demand by those who feel they have been
wronged by a press article. The bill, which has been
passed by parliament, has been has been condemned by
civil liberties groups.

The escalation in the battle between Mr Pascu's and
journalists worries many in the country, who fear that
it may over-shadow the real achievements of his
defence ministry.

The army has been cut to less than half its 1989 peak
of 230,000 - an accomplishment hailed by diplomats and

In addition Romania has peacekeeping troops in the
Balkans and, more significantly, has just dispatched
400 men to Afghanistan. Officials regard such
deployments as an acceptance that the Romanian
military is compatible with Nato forces - and by
extension should be invited to join the alliance at
the summit in Prague.

George Maior, Romania's state secretary, puts the
country's progress down to government policy. "It is a
question of changing mentalities and then changing
institutions, making them understand that professional
virtues are needed."

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