Last Updated Sun, 23 Jun 2002 23:47:59 

Young soldiers desert Russian army in droves
MOSCOW - Humiliated and brutalized by violent hazing and sexual abuse,
young men conscripted into Russia's army are running away in record

  Last week, the military executed two more deserters who had fled
their base in southern Russia. Authorities said the men went on a
rampage and killed two police officers. 

  According to Moscow, about 5,000 soldiers run away every year. But
Soldiers' Mothers, an organization that defends the rights of military
personnel, believes the figure is closer to 40,000. 

  "Some of them, they are just ordinary young people who are leaving
the army because they are afraid for their lives," says Ida Kuklina,
who speaks for the group. 

  Most of the deserters are young conscripts, many just 18, who can't
stand the torture and sexual abuse that is rampant in the ranks, she
says. Their stories are recounted in letters that are piled on her

  Anna Fedeeva's son Alexei, for instance, ran away from his barracks
and lived on the streets in Moscow because he couldn't stand it any
longer. She eventually found him, sick and confused. He's now in a
psychiatric hospital. 

  "He left because he was beaten with metal objects," she says. "Now I
don't know what's going to happen to him, but his life is broken." 

  The abuse, combined with budget problems that leave soldiers poorly
equipped and badly paid, has plunged morale in the military. 

  "The conditions are appalling," says military analyst Pavel
Fengelhauer. "The food is terrible. It's like a prison, but the inmates
have guns." 

  After turning 18, all men in Russia must serve two years in the
military. To try to reduce desertions and violence, the country's
parliament has approved a bill to give recruits the option of community
service instead. 
Written by CBC News Online staff

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