[apple-crop] Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 17:7, June 20, 2011

2011-06-20 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 17, 
number 7) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the 
Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 17:7, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (from Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (phenology, Japanese beetles, high tunnel 
workshop at DSAC))
Specialty Crops and Local Foods Issues (MarketMaker and farmers 
markets, competition versus cooperation, E-Verify, Farmers Market 
Task Force, Survey on Value-added Processing in Central Illinois)

Fruit Production and Pest Management (Japanese beetle, potato leafhopper)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (potato leafhopper, "Leps" 
in Brassica crops, corn earworm/tomato fruitworm, tomato spotted wilt virus)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  ___
apple-crop mailing list

[apple-crop] Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 17:6, June 6, 2011

2011-06-06 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable 
News (Volume 17, number 6) has been posted on the 
web.  To reach the home page for the Illinois 
Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all 
issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 17:6, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (from Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (crop phenology, tipping 
black raspberries and blackberries, San Jose 
scale, Summer Horticulture Day, June 9, 2011)
Specialty Crops and Local Foods Issues (New E. 
coli in Europe – food safety reminders)
Notes on Upcoming programs (Dixon Springs Field 
Day on high tunnels, vegetables, and fruits, June 14, 2011)

Fruit Production and Pest Management (San Jose scale)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management 
(Bacterial diseases of cucurbits; more on water management)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in 
Fruit & Vegetable Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  ___
apple-crop mailing list

[apple-crop] Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 17:5, May 24, 2011

2011-05-25 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable 
News (Volume 17, number 5) has been posted on the 
web.  To reach the home page for the Illinois 
Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all 
issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 17:5, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (from Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (crop phenology, cicadas, and codling moth)
Specialty Crops and Local Foods Issues (liability 
insurance, Buy-Sell forum in MarketMaker, entrepreneurial farming workshops)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (oriental 
fruit moth phenology, codling moth management, 
periodical cicadas, assessing thinners)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (new 
2,4-D product for corn and soybeans – and drift 
issues, EPA review of Sinbar, general notes on water management)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in 
Fruit & Vegetable Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  ___
apple-crop mailing list

[apple-crop] Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 17:4, May 9, 2011

2011-05-10 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 17, 
number 4) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the 
Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 17:4, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (from Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (still wet, pest development, Apogee, calcium, 
drainage and ruts)
Specialty Crops and Local Foods Issues (equipment for small farmers, 
entrepreneurial farming workshops)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (summer diseases of apples, 
postbloom nitrogen and ethrel in apples, northern IL vineyard observations)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (tomato spotted wilt virus, 
starter fertilizers)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  ___
apple-crop mailing list

[apple-crop] Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 17:3, April 25, 2011

2011-04-27 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 17, 
number 3) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the 
Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 17:3, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (wet weather and hail, drainage and ruts, 
references on thinning)
Specialty Crops and Local Foods Issues (brown marmorated stink bug, 
MarketMaker News, Farm to School)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (periodical cicadas, San Jose 
scale, soil pH and nutrient availability, apple scab)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (stand establishment, row 
covers and bacterial wilt, striped cucumber beetle, black cutworm)
High-Tunnel Production (tomatoes and strawberries at the Dixon 
Springs Ag Center)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  ___
apple-crop mailing list

[apple-crop] Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 17:2, April 11, 2011

2011-04-13 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 17, 
number 2) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the 
Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 17:2, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (rapid growth, tasks to get done soon, scoring)
Specialty Crops and Local Foods Issues (MarketMaker and MarketReady; 
determining wholesale prices)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (fire blight management; 
thinning peaches; insecticides for prebloom and petal fall in apples 
and peaches)

High-Tunnel Production (row covers for protection against cold temperatures)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  ___
apple-crop mailing list

[apple-crop] Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 17:1, March 28, 2011

2011-03-28 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 17, 
number 1) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the 
Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 17:1, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (spring weather and fruit development, dormant 
and delayed-dormant oil sprays, peach rootstocks)
Specialty Crops and Local Foods Issues (Central Illinois Sustainable 
Farming Network workshops, MarketMaker newsletter)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (vineyard cropload balance, 
caring for new trees before planting, general guidelines for using 
degree-day models)

Vegetable Production and Pest Management (sweet potato varieties for Illinois)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Upcoming Programs
   * Grape Growers Workshop, April 2, 2011.  Pittsfield Community 
Center, Pittsfield, IL.
   * Central Illinois Sustainable Farming 
Network field days and workshops include Propagating High Yields: How 
Producing Transplants On Farm Bring Higher Yields In Hoop Houses and 
in the Field, April 2, 2011,  9:30-noon (registration starting at 
9:00 am), PrairiErth Farm, 2047 2100 Road, Atlanta, Illinois, Growing 
Small Fruit and Developing Value-Added Products, April 16, 2011, 
1:30-3:30 pm (registration starting at 1:00 pm), Teresa's Aronia 
Acres, 1566 CR 400 N, Congerville, and Teresa's Fruits and Herbs, 
Eureka, Illinois, and Equipment for Small Farmers, May 21, 2011, 
1:00-3:30 pm (registration starting at 12:30 pm), 
Spence Farm, 2959 N 2100 E, Fairbury, 
   * Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Workshop, April 7, 
2011.  Kankakee County Extension Office.
   * SW Illinois Orchard Twilight Meeting, April 14, 
2011.  Backwoods Berry Farm (Dale &  Becky Conrady), 27244 Hettick 
Scottville Road, Hettick, IL.
   * Grape Growers Workshop, May 14, 2011.  Lazy L Grape Ranch, near 
Mechanicsburg, IL.
   * SW Illinois Orchard Twilight Meeting, May 19, 2011.  Broom 
Orchard, located 2.3 miles south of Carlinville/IL-108 on the Alton 
Road/Shipman Road.

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  ___
apple-crop mailing list

[apple-crop] Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 16:20, March 7, 2011

2011-03-08 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable 
News (Volume 16, number 20) has been posted on 
the web.  To reach the home page for the Illinois 
Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all 
issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 16:20, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs
Illinois Driftwatch Site Now Available
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle … note the 
several upcoming program opportunities)
Notes from Chris Doll (temperatures and bud 
survival, wet soils, strawberry and tree fruit 
acreages, reasons fruit trees die, rainfastness of pesticides)
Specialty Crops and Local Foods Issues 
(registering your business on MarketMaker)

Fruit Production and Pest Management (traps for monitoring fruit insects
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (monitoring corn earworm flights)
High Tunnel Production Systems (steps to reduce 
moisture accumulation in high tunnels)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in 
Fruit & Vegetable Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  ___
apple-crop mailing list

[apple-crop] Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 16:19, February 21, 2011

2011-02-23 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 16, 
number 19) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 16:19, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle [notes on fungicides and 
fertilizers] and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (warmer temps, wet soils, Japanese beetle's 
preference for specific fruit cultivars)
Specialty Crops and Local Foods Issues (notes on upcoming programs, 

Vegetable Production and Pest Management (early-season insect pests)
High Tunnel Production Systems (tomato transplants; support systems 
for determinate vs. indeterminate types)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  ___
apple-crop mailing list

[Apple-crop] Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 16:18, February 7, 2011

2011-02-07 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable 
News (Volume 16, number 18) has been posted on 
the web.  To reach the home page for the Illinois 
Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all 
issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 16:18, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ... note the revised dates for tree 
fruit programs in southern and southwestern 
Illinois.  Kudos to Elizabeth Wahle and the local 
Extension staff members who managed to reschedule 
these after last week’s storm ….

Upcoming Programs
2011 Illinois Specialty Crops, Agritourism, and 
Organic Conference presentations available online

Regional Updates (from Maurice Ogutu)
Specialty Crops and Local Foods Issues (Whole 
Foods seeking growers / suppliers; GAP and food 
safety notes from ISCAOC in January; AGR-LITE insurance)
Fruit Production Pest Management (Cold hardiness 
and winter stress, woolly apple aphid management)
High Tunnel Production Systems (Questions and 
answers and data from the DSAC from 2010)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in 
Fruit & Vegetable Production & Pest Management

Upcoming Programs

· Southern Illinois Commercial Vegetable 
School, February 9, 2011.  Mt Vernon Holiday Inn, 
Mt. Vernon, IL. For more information, contact 
Elizabeth Wahle, 618-692-9434; wa...@illinois.edu.

· Southern Illinois Commercial Tree Fruit 
School, rescheduled for February 10, 
2011.  Franklin County Extension Office, 1212 Rt. 
14 W., Benton, IL.  Registration begins at 9:30 
a.m.  For more information, contact Elizabeth 
Wahle, 618-692-9434; wa...@illinois.edu.

· Southwestern Illinois Commercial Tree 
Fruit School, rescheduled for February 16, 
2011.  First Presbyterian Church, Hardin, 
IL.  Registration begins at 8:00 a.m.  For more 
information, contact Elizabeth Wahle, 
618-692-9434; wa...@illinois.edu.

· Western Illinois Fruit and Vegetable 
School, February17,  2011.  Adams County 
Extension Office, 330 S. 36th, Quincy, IL Contact 
Mike Roegge at 
or the Adams/Brown Extension Unit at 217-223-8380.

· IL-WI Stateline Fruit and Vegetable 
Conference, February 21, 2011.  Union, IL, 
contact Maurice Ogutu at og...@illinois.edu.
   * Sales and Aggregation Meeting, Whole Foods 
and FamilyFarmed.Org, February 21, 
2011.  2:00-5:00 p.m., Best Western Ashland 
House, 201 E. Ashland Street, Morton, IL.  For 
reservations, call 708-763-9920 or email 
See note below under Specialty Crops and Local Foods Issues.
   * Sales and Aggregation Meeting, Whole Foods 
and FamilyFarmed.Org, March 1, 2011.  2:00-5:00 
p.m., Prairie Crossing Farm Bus. Development 
Center, 32400 N. Harris Road, Grayslake, IL.  For 
reservations, call 708-763-9920 or email 
See note under Specialty Crops and Local Foods Issues.

· 2011 MOSES Organic Farming Conference, 
February 24-26, 2011.  LaCrosse, WI, see 

· Illinois Small Fruit and Strawberry 
Schools, March 1-2, 2011.  Mt. Vernon, IL.  For 
more information, contact Elizabeth Wahle at 
618-692-9434 or 
wa...@illinois.edu or 
Jeff Kindhart at 618-695-2770 or 

· Greenhouse Tomato Short Course, March 
8-9, 2011.  Eagle Ridge Conference Center, 
Raymond, Mississippi (close to Jackson and 
Jackson-Evers International Airport, Code: 
JAN).  For more information, see 
Conference registration fee is $125.

· Meet St. Louis Retail and Foodservice 
Buyers, March 11, 2011.  Randolph County Farm 
Bureau, 1403 Hillcrest Drive, Sparta, Illinois, 
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., for Illinois fruit and 
vegetable growers.  For reservations, contact the 
Randolph County Farm Bureau at 618-443-4511 by 
March 7, 2011.  Free, lunch provided.

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  ___
Apple-crop mailing list

[Apple-crop] Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 16:17, January 18, 2011

2011-01-19 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable 
News (Volume 16, number 17) has been posted on 
the web.  To reach the home page for the Illinois 
Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all 
issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 16:17, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (from Maurice Ogutu)
Food Safety Modernization Act and GAP Plans
Fruit Production Pest Management (2011 Midwest spray guides available online)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management 
(declining populations of corn flea beetle, 
Capture LFR for root maggot control in Brassicas)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in 
Fruit & Vegetable Production & Pest Management

Upcoming Programs

·Webinar: Insuring Diversified and Specialty 
Farms: Is USDA’s AGR-LITE Insurance Program Right 
for You? Thursday, January 20, 2011.  Begins at 
10:00 a.m.  (Free; online preregistration is 
required at 

·Managing Legal Risks in the Direct Farm Business 
Webinars.  January 25, 2011, and March 3, 
2011.  Webinars will be hosted at 20 locations 
throughout Illinois.  Contact Deborah 
Cavanaugh-Grant at 
or 217-968-5583 or see 

·2011 Horseradish Growers Convention, January 27, 
2011.  Gateway Conference Center, Collinsville, 
IL.  For more information, contact Elizabeth 
Wahle, 618-692-9434; wa...@illinois.edu.

·Webinar: Organic Apple Production and Marketing 
(A Beginner's Guide), January 27, 2011.  Begins 
at noon.  (Free, online preregistration 
required.)   Register at 

·Southern Illinois Commercial Tree Fruit School, 
February 1, 2011.  Mt Vernon Holiday Inn, Mt. 
Vernon, IL.  For more information, contact 
Elizabeth Wahle, 618-692-9434; wa...@illinois.edu.

·Southwestern Illinois Commercial Tree Fruit 
School,  February 2, 2011.  First Presbyterian 
Church, Hardin, IL.  For more information, 
contact Elizabeth Wahle, 618-692-9434; 

·Southern Illinois Commercial Vegetable School, 
February 9, 2011.  Mt Vernon Holiday Inn, Mt. 
Vernon, IL. For more information, contact 
Elizabeth Wahle, 618-692-9434; wa...@illinois.edu.

·Western Illinois Fruit and Vegetable School, 
February17,  2011.  Adams County Extension 
Office, 330 S. 36th, Quincy, IL Contact Mike 
Roegge at 
or the Adams/Brown Extension Unit at 217-223-8380.

·IL-WI Stateline Fruit and Vegetable Conference, 
February 21, 2011.  Union, IL, contact Maurice 
Ogutu at og...@illinois.edu.

·2011 MOSES Organic Farming Conference, February 
24-26, 2011.  LaCrosse, WI, see 

·Illinois Small Fruit and Strawberry Schools, 
March 1-2, 2011.  Mt. Vernon, IL.  Details to be 
provided in the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News.

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  ___
Apple-crop mailing list

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 16:16, December 17, 2010

2010-12-20 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 16, 
number 16) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 16:16, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

This is a brief issue with a focus on reminding everyone to attend 
the Illinois Specialty Crops, Agritourism, and Organics Conference in 
Springfield, January 5-7, 2011.

Upcoming Programs (note especially the 2011 IL Specialty Crops, 
Agritourism, and Organics Conference)

Regional Updates (from Jeff Kindhart)
Notes on the 2011 Illinois Specialty Crops, Agritourism, and Organics 
Notes from Chris Doll (weather and dormancy, notes from the Great 
Lakes Expo, upcoming IL conference)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Upcoming Programs
   * Illiana Vegetable Growers School, January 4, 2011.  Teibels' 
Restaurant in Schererville, IN. Contact Liz Maynard 
(emayn...@purdue.edu) or Maurice Ogutu 
(og...@illinois.edu) for more information.
   * 2011 Illinois Specialty Crops Conference, January 5-7, 
2011.  Crowne Plaza Hotel, Springfield, IL. Details will be included 
in future issues of this newsletter.  See 
www.specialtygrowers.org or contact 
Diane Handley at 309-557-3662 or dhand...@ilfb.org.
   * 2011 Indiana Hort Congress, January 18-20, 2011.  Wyndham 
Indianapolis West, Indianapolis, IN.  Details at 
www.inhortcongress.org or contact 
Tammy Goodale at 765-494-1296 or 
   * Managing Legal Risks in the Direct Farm Business 
Webinars.  January 25, 2011, and March 3, 2011.  Webinars will be 
hosted at 20 locations throughout Illinois.  Visit 
for a complete list of locations and to register.  For complete 
information about locations and to register, visit the website or 
contact Deborah Cavanaugh-Grant at 
cvngh...@illinois.edu or 
217-968-5583.   The webinars are sponsored by the Illinois Council on 
Food and Agricultural Research (CFAR), North Central Risk Management 
Center, and University of Illinois Extension.
   * 2011 Horseradish Growers Convention, January 27, 2011.  Gateway 
Conference Center, Collinsville, IL.  For more information, contact 
Elizabeth Wahle, 618-692-9434; wa...@illinois.edu.
   * Southern Illinois Commercial Tree Fruit School, February 1, 
2011.  Mt Vernon Holiday Inn, Mt. Vernon, IL.  For more information, 
contact Elizabeth Wahle, 618-692-9434; 
   * Southwestern Illinois Commercial Tree Fruit School,  February 
2, 2011.  First Presbyterian Church, Hardin, IL.  For more 
information, contact Elizabeth Wahle, 618-692-9434; 
   * Southern Illinois Commercial Vegetable School, February 9, 
2011.  Mt Vernon Holiday Inn, Mt. Vernon, IL. For more information, 
contact Elizabeth Wahle, 618-692-9434; 

 Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 16:15, November 4, 2010

2010-11-07 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 16, 
number 15) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 16:15, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs (note especially the Illinois-Iowa Cucurbit School, 
Great Lakes EXPO, the Illiana Vegetable Growers School, and the 2011 
IL Specialty Crops, Agritourism, and Organics Conference)

Regional Updates (from Maurice Ogutu and Elizabeth Wahle)
Notes from Chris Doll (apple harvest, seasonal observations, and some 
new cultivar ratings)
Growing Challenges and Specialty Crop Production in Illinois 
(excessive rainfall and the need for irrigation)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (fact sheet and recommendations 
on grape phylloxera)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (new vegetable insecticide 
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 16:14, October 18, 2010

2010-10-18 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 16, 
number 14) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 16:14, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs (note especially the upcoming season-extension and 
high tunnel "webinars," Cornell's online GAP produce safety courses, 
Great Lakes EXPO, and the 2011 IL Specialty Crops, Agritourism, and 
Organics Conference)

Regional Updates (from Maurice Ogutu and Elizabeth Wahle)
Invasive Insects (brown marmorated stink bug and spotted-wing drosophila)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (one more note on mealybugs on peaches)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 16:13, September 27, 2010

2010-09-28 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 16, 
number 13) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 16:13, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs (season-extension and high tunnel "webinars," IL-IA 
Cucurbit School, 2011 IL Specialty Crops, Agritourism, and Organics Conference)

Regional Updates (from Maurice Ogutu)
Resources (New publications on organics)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (mealybugs on peaches)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (aphids and whiteflies on 
late-season vegetables)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 16:11, September 8, 2010

2010-09-08 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 16, 
number 12) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 16:12, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs (2010 Sustainable Ag Tours, building a multi-farm 
CSA, 2011 IL Specialty Crops, Agritourism, and Organics Conference)

Resources (SARE Farmer-Rancher Grants, new weed identification book)
Cancellation and Phase-out of Endosufan
Regional Updates (from Maurice Ogutu)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (ripe rot of grapes)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management soliciting updates for 2011 
Midwest Vegetable Production Guide, pyrethroid-resistant earworm 
populations, downy mildew of cucurbits, downy mildew of basil)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 16:11, August 19, 2010

2010-08-22 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new (and somewhat brief) issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable 
News (Volume 16, number 11) has been posted on the web.  To reach the 
home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to 
all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 16:11, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (from Maurice Ogutu)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (San Jose scale on apples, 
mealybug on peaches)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management ("Lep" pressure is intense 
in sweet corn)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 16:10, August 5, 2010

2010-08-05 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 16, 
number 10) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 16:10, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (early harvests; pest status; Rutgers comments 
on Retain; tip-layering in brambles)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (codling moth and Oriental fruit 
moth; stop-drops; bird exclusion in vineyards)

Vegetable Production and Pest Management (fall armyworm and corn earworm)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 16:9, June 23, 2010

2010-07-26 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 16, 
number 9) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the 
Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 16:9, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

In this issue ...
Upcoming Programs
Chicago Schools Seek Illinois Fruits and Vegetables
Temporary Agricultural Jobs Registry
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (weather and fruit maturity, Retain, and calcium sprays)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (periodical cicadas in southern 
half of Illinois in 2011))
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (postharvest handling; 
blossom end rot)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 16:7, June 28, 2010

2010-06-29 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 16, 
number 7) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the 
Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 16:7, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs (includes International Herb Association Annual 
Meeting at Collinsville, IL, July 11-15, and the North American Fruit 
Explorers Meeting, August 19-21, at Lafayette, IN).

Regional Updates (from Maurice Ogutu and Bill Shoemaker)
Notes from Chris Doll (Early season, fruit insect observations, sooty 
blotch and fly speck, peach crop, bedstraw)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (Japanese beetle and pre-harvest 
intervals for insecticides)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (Corn earworm updates; 
insect trapping network; "worms" in cole crops and crucifer greens)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 16:6, June 14, 2010

2010-06-16 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 16, 
number 6) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the 
Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 16:6, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs -- For those who are planning to attend the 
Mississippi Valley Peach Orchard Tour, note the change in details -- 
it starts at 9:00 a.m. on June 25 at Bader Farm near Campbell, 
MO.  Please pre-register to provide a count for lunch.

Regional Updates (from Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (Japanese beetles, raccoons, effects of heavy 
rains, renovation time for strawberries)

Endosulfan Cancellation
Extension of Comment Period on the Safety of Fresh Produce
Fruit Production and Pest Management (Moratorium on the use of Revus 
Tops on Concord and Noiret grapes, northern Illinois vineyard 
management concerns)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (Corn earworm and European 
corn borer, Phytophthora blight of cucurbits, crop/soil fertility concerns)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 16:5, May 28, 2010

2010-05-28 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 16, 
number 5) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the 
Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 16:5, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs (including Summer Horticulture Day, June 10, 2010, 
near Carlinville)

Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (fruits ahead of schedule, light pest pressure, 
fruiting on young apples, peach tree death in wet soils, Summer 
Horticulture Day)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (bloom and pollination in 
northern Illinois grapes)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (corn earworm moth flight, 
cucumber beetles, rhubarb curculio)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Re: Apple-Crop: organophosphates

2010-05-18 Thread Richard Weinzierl


Let me confess to being a research and extension person and not a 
commercial apple or peach grower.  I do, however, spend a lot of time 
working with commercial growers.  With that disclaimer, I'll offer a 
few  thoughts.

I agree with the sentiments that the recently reported research on 
OPs and ADHD seems preliminary and somewhat flawed.   That said, 
folks, we've been reducing use of OPs on apples in the US since FQPA 
in 1996.  The regulations have been driven by both scientific and 
emotional concerns that OPs as residues on foods present more risks 
than the EPA finds acceptable.  Let's admit that there has been an 
underlying concern out there for some time, and it is not all driven 
by fanatics or anti-pesticide groups.  After we admit that to ourselves ...

 let's brag on the fact that we have responded to the concerns and 
the regulations by reducing OP use.  Penncap-M is no longer used at 
all; Lorsban is used only in ways that should result in NO residues 
on apples or peaches; Guthion is not used on peaches and is nearly 
gone from our spray programs in apples; and Imidan is used far less 
than it used to be.  We might be wise to spend only a minimum amount 
of effort criticizing this particular study and instead tout our 
progress.  Such an approach is likely to be more beneficial for 
marketing and customer relations than any organized dispute of this 
particular research.

I realize that successive rounds of investigations will target newer 
groups of insecticides, and we'll have to face truths and rumors that 
result from them as well.  For now, energy might be best spent on 
making our progress very evident to the public.  The alternative -- 
the idea that organic produce is the only answer -- will certainly 
not meet the needs of the nation's or the world's consumers any time 
in the foreseeable future.

Rick Weinzierl

Richard Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-244-2126 

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 16:4, May 14, 2010

2010-05-17 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 16, 
number 4) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the 
Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 16:4, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (fruit crops ahead of last year, thinning 
peaches, few pest problems, calcium for apples)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (apple and peach insects, flea 
beetle and redbanded leafroller larvae in grapes, resource on 
alternative pollinators)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (pigweed and waterhemp in 
pumpkins, Colorado potato beetle)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 16:3, May 3, 2010

2010-05-03 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 16, 
number 3) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the 
Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 16:3, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs
Transactions of the Hort Society and 13th Annual Illinois Fruit and 
Vegetable Crop Research Report

Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle, Jeff Kindhart, and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (fruit set and thinning)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (frost injury to grapes, grape 
phylloxera, Rimon label expanded to include peaches, other fruit crops)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (downy mildew of basil, 
herbicides that contain 2,4-D or dicamba)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 16:2, April 19, 2010

2010-04-19 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 16, 
number 2) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the 
Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 16:2, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle, Maurice Ogutu, and Bill Shoemaker)
Notes from Chris Doll (fruit development, Apogee, upcoming tasks)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (brief notes on several insects)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (asparagus beetle, flea beetles)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 16:1, April 2, 2010

2010-04-03 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 16, 
number 1) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the 
Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 16:1, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle, Maurice Ogutu, and Bill 
Shoemaker on grapes in northern IL)
Notes from Chris Doll (fruit crop development, bees and dandelion 
control, boron, fireblight control)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (crown and cane borers in 
brambles; prebloom and petal-fall insecticides)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: oops ... Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 15:19-20, March 18, 2010

2010-03-27 Thread Richard Weinzierl
Apologies to all ... am sending this again because I inadvertently 
left the wrong subject line in my earlier post.  This is indeed the 
March 18 issue of our newsletter, not the late February issue 
again.  Sorry for the multiple postings.

A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 15, 
number 19-20) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 15:19-20, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs
References and Web Sites
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Jeff Kindhart)
Notes from Chris Doll (plant development; notes on pruning, scab 
control, and the IL Small Fruit and Strawberry Schools)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (reminders / recommendations on 
traps for monitoring fruit insects)

Vegetable Production and Pest Management (seed and root maggots)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 15:18, February 26, 2010

2010-03-27 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 15, 
number 19-20) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 15:19-20, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

In this issue ...

Upcoming Programs
References and Web Sites
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Jeff Kindhart)
Notes from Chris Doll (plant development; notes on pruning, scab 
control, and the IL Small Fruit and Strawberry Schools)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (reminders / recommendations on 
traps for monitoring fruit insects)

Vegetable Production and Pest Management (seed and root maggots)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 15:18, February 26, 2010

2010-02-26 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 15, 
number 18) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 15:18, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 15:18:

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Bill Shoemaker)
Organic Production Guides from Cornell University (for several fruits 
and vegetables)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (dormant pruning in grapes; 
Arkansas fact sheet on grape phylloxera)

Survey on local grower participation in wholesale markets
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 16:17, February 11, 2010

2010-02-11 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 15, 
number 16) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 15:17, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 15:17:

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (Public sessions on the reorganization of University 
of Illinois Extension)
Notes from Chris Doll (winter temps and fruit bud survival; notes on 
Steve Hoying's presentations at the southern Illinois fruit schools)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (Illinois Small Fruit and 
Strawberry Schools, March 2-3, Movento registration cancelled; 
changes in Altacor's label on fruit crops; Delegate for codling moth control)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (Coragen labeled for use on 
sweet corn)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Upcoming Programs

   * Illinois/Wisconsin (Stateline) Fruit and Vegetable 
Conference.  February 15, 2010.  Donley's, Union, IL.  For more 
information, contact Larry Wilson at 
lwwil...@illinois.edu or 708.352.0109.
   * Western Illinois Fruit and Vegetable School.  February 16, 
2010.  Adams County Farm Bureau Office, Quincy, IL.  For more 
information, contact Mike Roegge at 
roeg...@illinois.edu or 217-223-8380.
   * Kankakee Vegetable Growers School, February 24, 2010.  Kankakee 
County Extension Office, Bourbonnais, IL.  For details contact James 
   * Illinois Grape Growers and Vintners Association Annual 
Conference, February 25-27, 2010.  Springfield, IL.  See 
   * Organic Farming Conference, February 25-27, 2010.  La Crosse, 
WI.  See 

   * Illinois Small Fruit and Strawberry Schools. March 2-3, 
2010.  Mt Vernon Holiday Inn, Mt Vernon, IL.  For more details, check 
the Fruit Production and Pest Management section of this issue or 
contact Bronwyn Aly (618-695-2444; 
   * 20th Annual Greenhouse Tomato Short Course.  March 9-10, 
2010.  Eagle Ridge Conference Center, Raymond, Mississippi.  For more 
information, see 
http://greenhousetomatosc.com or 
contact Rick Snyder of Mississippi State University at 601-892-3731 
or ri...@ra.msstate.edu.
   * International Herb Association Annual Meeting.  July 11-15, 
2010. Collinsville, IL.  (More details in future issues of this newsletter.)

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 15:16, January 20, 2009

2010-01-21 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 15, 
number 16) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 15:16, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 15:16:
Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle)
EQIP Grants for High Tunnels
Fruit Production and Pest Management (insecticide mixtures and 
rotations for resistance management in tree fruits)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (new findings on winter 
temps, Stewart's wilt, and insecticide seed treatments)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Upcoming Programs

   * Energy-Efficiency in Greenhouse Crop Production, January 26, 
2010. (Webinar) Erik Runkle, Michigan State University, 10:00-11:15 
a.m. CST.  Link to registration: 

   * Horseradish Growers School.   January 28, 2010. Gateway 
Convention Center, Collinsville, IL.  For details contact Elizabeth 
Wahle, wa...@illinois.edu, 618-692-9434.
   * Southern Illinois Commercial Tree Fruit School.  February 2, 
2010. Mt Vernon Holiday Inn, Mt. Vernon, IL.  For details contact 
Elizabeth Wahle, wa...@illinois.edu, 618-692-9434.
   * Southwestern Illinois Commercial Tree Fruit School.  February 
3, 2010.  First Presbyterian Church, Hardin, IL.  For details contact 
Elizabeth Wahle, wa...@illinois.edu, 618-692-9434.
   * Southern Illinois Commercial Vegetable School.  February 10, 
2010. Mt Vernon Holiday Inn, Mt. Vernon, IL.  For details contact 
Elizabeth Wahle, wa...@illinois.edu, 618-692-9434.
   * Illinois/Wisconsin (Stateline) Fruit and Vegetable 
Conference.  February 15, 2010.  Donley's, Union, IL.  For more 
information, contact Larry Wilson at 
lwwil...@illinois.edu or 708.352.0109.
   * Western Illinois Fruit and Vegetable School.  February 16, 
2010.  Adams County Farm Bureau Office, Quincy, IL.  For more 
information, contact Mike Roegge at 
roeg...@illinois.edu or 217-223-8380.
   * Kankakee Vegetable Growers School, February 24, 2010.  Kankakee 
County Extension Office, Bourbonnais, IL.  For details contact James 
   * Illinois Grape Growers and Vintners Association Annual 
Conference, February 25-27, 2010.  Springfield, IL.  See 
   * Organic Farming Conference, February 25-27, 2010.  La Crosse, 
WI.  See 

   * Illinois Small Fruit and Strawberry Schools. March 2-3, 
2010.  Mt Vernon Holiday Inn, Mt Vernon, IL.  For details contact 
Jeff Kindhart, jkind...@illinois.edu 
   * 20th Annual Greenhouse Tomato Short Course.  March 9-10, 
2010.  Eagle Ridge Conference Center, Raymond, Mississippi.  For more 
information, see 
http://greenhousetomatosc.com or 
contact Rick Snyder of Mississippi State University at 601-892-3731 
or ri...@ra.msstate.edu.
   * International Herb Association Annual Meeting.  July 11-15, 
2010. Collinsville, IL.  (More details in future issues of this newsletter.)

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Re: Apple-Crop: Pesticide Rates and Tree Row Volume

2010-01-20 Thread Richard Weinzierl


Please forgive yet another posting from a university guy from the 
relatively apple-sparse state of Illinois, but it seems useful to 
chime in one more time.

I agree entirely with David Rosenberger's comments about calculating 
the portion of an acre represented by the trees in test plots, and 
this is something that growers might want to ask about when looking 
over research reports.  Where we do single-tree reps of experimental 
compounds (and even some other trials here during our transition to a 
new orchard site and fewer trees available until the new site is more 
mature), I estimate the portion of an acre that a single tree 
"should" take up in a commercial orchard instead of using the spacing 
in our research orchards (almost always greater than in production 
orchards).  Not to do this would result in larger amounts of 
insecticides applied in experiments than would be applied in 
commercial use, even if the per-acre rate is intended to be the same.

I also agree that our trials often focus on comparisons among 
different pesticides, not the refinement of application rates for a 
range of orchard conditions.  Frankly, I doubt that most of us are 
going to be able to take on that more rigorous kind of work, at least 
not unless the commitment to support agricultural experiment stations 

In Illinois we face furloughs, a hiring freeze (even though 
retirements have resulted in the loss of the workers who would be 
pruning and spraying trees here in Urbana and at our research 
stations in St. Charles and Dixon Springs), and reduced base support 
for supplies, equipment, and extension travel.  Although we may be in 
worse shape than some other states (thanks in part to our recently 
infamous political history), reduced base funding has reduced applied 
research budgets and programs throughout the nation, and grant 
programs that provide short-term funding for specific projects do not 
make up for that.  This will mean that more and more of the research 
that leads to refinements in pest management practices -- including 
the manipulation of rates for effective and economical control -- 
will have to be done by individual growers in their own 
orchards.   I'll not judge that as good or bad, but it is a reality 
for all of our futures, university personnel and growers alike.

Rick Weinzierl

Richard Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-244-2126 

Apple-Crop: Pesticide Rates and Tree Row Volume

2010-01-19 Thread Richard Weinzierl

Hello all.

A little context before the main idea about how new insecticides (and 
other pesticides) are tested in tree fruit crops ...

This thread started with a report that Avaunt performed poorly for 
apple maggot control when used in a spray program that relied on 
tree-row volume calculations.  As a few others have pointed out, this 
seems to have been a banner year for apple maggot in many areas, so 
pest pressure likely helped to exaggerate anything less than a very 
high percentage of control.  In addition, the Midwest Fruit Workers 
(and I think others) rate Avaunt as only Fair for apple maggot 
control, and several other compounds are rated Excellent or Good.  My 
point ... any weaknesses, even small ones, in the effectiveness of 
tree-row volume modifications were probably multiplied by pest 
pressure and a less-than-ideal insecticide for this pest.

That said, perhaps something more important in the overall discussion 
of tree-row volume calculations seems to me to center on the nature 
of data that support labels and recommendations for newer 
insecticides.  Over the last15 years when I have tested insecticides, 
the trees that I use are characteristic of modern orchards -- small 
and well pruned.  I determine the amount of water required to give 
thorough coverage, and that's the spray volume I use (often 100 
gallons or less per acre).  I determine the portion of an acre 
represented by the trees in each treatment, and I apply the amount of 
insecticide on the label (or in the experimental protocol) -- on a 
per acre basis.  I have no illusions that work done in Illinois (not 
exactly the king of fruit production) determines or dramatically 
alters national and international labels, but I think most other 
entomologists test products in a similar fashion -- and pretty much 
always on small, well pruned trees.  One might argue that this means 
that the per-acre rates on labels for newer insecticides have already 
been adjusted for (based on) the reduced tree-row volume of small 
trees.  This is entirely different from adjusting the amounts of 
Guthion or Imidan or other older compounds whose labels may have 
originated with data from larger trees in older production 
systems.  Those amounts could logically be reduced with the 
transition to smaller trees over the last few decades, but labels for 
newer materials such as Avaunt, the neonicotinoids, Delegate, Rimon, 
Altacor, etc. already reflect the necessary amounts for effective 
control on today's smaller trees.  I realize that there remains a lot 
of difference in tree sizes in modern production systems, and 
adjusting spray volume and pesticide rates over those different tree 
sizes makes sense.  Still, as we consider all the expert comments 
offered on this site over the last several days, it might be wise to 
also take into account the research basis for the per-acre rates 
expressed on labels for newer products.

Rick Weinzierl

Richard Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-244-2126 

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 15:15, December 10, 2009

2009-12-10 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 15, 
number 15) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 15:15, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 15:15:

Upcoming Programs (see the extensive list below; the Illinois 
Specialty Crops, Agritourism, and Organic Conference is scheduled for 
January 6-8, 2010)

Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle)
Notes from Chris Doll (weather, fruit tree dormancy, pruning, and the 
Specialty Crops Conference)

Private Applicator Pesticide Licensing
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 15:13, October 5, 2009

2009-10-06 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 15, 
number 12) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 15:13, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 15:13:

Upcoming Programs (see the extensive list below; the Illinois 
Specialty Crops, Organic, and Agritourism Conference is scheduled for 
January 6-8, 2010)

Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Jeff Kindhart)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (apples with low starch levels 
should not be stored long)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (handling and storage 
guidelines for pumpkins and other cucurbits)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 15:12, August 28, 2009

2009-08-28 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 15, 
number 12) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 15:12, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 15:12:

Upcoming Programs (Missouri East Central Region Farm Tour, Illinois 
Pumpkin Field Day, and the final 2009 Sustainable Ag tour)

Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle, Jeff Kindhart, and Maurice Ogutu)
Degree-day accumulations (link provided)
Notes from Chris Doll (fruit harvest progress and challenges)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (training DVD on apple harvest, 
late-season codling moth management)

Vegetable Production and Pest Management (fall armyworm)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 15:11, August 12, 2009

2009-08-12 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 15, 
number 11) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 15:11, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 15:11:

Upcoming Programs (Grape growers' workshop, Pumpkin Field Day, and 
the final 2009 Sustainable Ag tour)

Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle, and Maurice Ogutu)
Degree-day accumulations
Notes from Chris Doll (peach and apple harvests; smooth drive rows in 
orchards; tipping thornless blackberries and black raspberries; leaf 
tissue analysis)

Fruit Production and Pest Management (summer diseases of apples)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (tomato late blight; downy 
mildew of cucurbits; phytophthora blight of cucurbits; sweet corn 
insect management)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 15:10, July 23, 2009

2009-07-26 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 15, 
number 10) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 15:10, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 15:10:

Upcoming Programs (Grape growers' workshops, Dixon Springs Field Day, 
Collinsville twilight meeting, Pumpkin Field Day, and 2009 
Sustainable Ag tours)

Regional Updates (from Jeff Kindhart, Elizabeth Wahle, and Maurice Ogutu)
Degree-day accumulations
Notes from Chris Doll (cool season, crop harvests, nitrogen in 
peaches, calcium and Retain in apples)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (codling moth and oriental fruit 
moth updates)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (downy mildew of cucurbits; 
leaf mold of tomato; quick notes on vegetable insects)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 15:9, July 10, 2009

2009-07-13 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 15, 
number 9) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the 
Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 15:9, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 15:9:

Upcoming Programs (2009 Sustainable Ag tours)
Regional Updates (from Jeff Kindhart, Elizabeth Wahle, and Maurice Ogutu)
Degree-day accumulations
Notes from Chris Doll (fruit crop maturity; fireblight; glyphosate 
cut-off; historical observations)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (apple and peach disease 
summaries; codling moth update)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (diseases of tomatoes, 
peppers, and cucurbits)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 15:8, June 26, 2009

2009-06-26 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 15, 
number 8) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the 
Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 15:8, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 15:8:

Upcoming Programs (2009 Sustainable Ag tours)
Regional Updates (from Jeff Kindhart, Bill Shoemaker, and Maurice Ogutu)
Degree-day accumulations
Notes from Chris Doll (NAA and Ethrel; Hort Society Transactions)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (grape management; Japanese 
beetle, codling moth)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (corn earworm and 
miscellaneous insect notes)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 15:7, June 10, 2009

2009-06-11 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 15, 
number 7) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the 
Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 15:7, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 15:7:

Upcoming Programs (2009 Sustainable Ag tours)
Regional Updates (from Maurice Ogutu and Bill Shoemaker)
Degree-day accumulations
Fruit Production and Pest Management (bloom-time considerations in 
northern IL vineyards, potato leafhopper, oriental fruit moth and 
codling moth updates, grape phylloxera)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (Colorado potato beetle, 
potato leafhopper, corn earworm and European corn borer)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 15:6, May 29, 2009

2009-06-01 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable 
News (Volume 15, number 6) has been posted on the 
web.  To reach the home page for the Illinois 
Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all 
issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 15:6, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 15:6:

Upcoming Programs (Illinois Summer Horticulture Day; 2009 Sustainable Ag tours)
Regional Updates (from Jeff Kindhart, Bronwyn Aly, and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (Chris is not writing for a 
bit as he recuperates from surgery … his address 
is included in this issue so that you can send him a card if you want)

Degree-day accumulations
Fruit Production and Pest Management (oriental 
fruit moth, codling moth, grape erineum mite)

Vegetable Production and Pest Management (corn earworm)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in 
Fruit & Vegetable Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 15:5, May 12, 2009

2009-05-12 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 15, 
number 5) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the 
Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 15:5, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 15:5:

Upcoming Programs (SW Illinois Tree Fruit Twilight 
meeting;  Mid-Mississippi Valley Orchard Tour; Grape Growers 
Workshop; Illinois Summer Horticulture Day; 2009 Sustainable Ag tours)
Regional Updates (from Jeff Kindhart and Bronwyn Aly, Elizabeth 
Wahle, and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (storm damage follow-ups; calcium for apples; 
training small trees)

Degree-day accumulations
Fruit Production and Pest Management (managing grapes in northern IL; 
new fungicides; updates on oriental fruit moth, codling moth, and 
lesser peachtree borer)

Vegetable Production and Pest Management (striped cucumber beetle)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 15:4, April 29, 2009

2009-04-30 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 15, 
number 4) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the 
Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 15:4, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 15:4:

Upcoming Programs (Illinois Tree Nut Association spring meeting; SW 
Illinois Tree Fruit Twilight meeting;  Mid-Mississippi Valley Orchard 
Tour; Grape Growers Workshop; Illinois Summer Horticulture Day; 2009 
Sustainable Ag tours)
Regional Updates (from Jeff Kindhart and Bronwyn Aly, Elizabeth 
Wahle, and Maurice Ogutu)

Notes from Chris Doll (codling moth biofix; scab sprays)
Plant Clinic Opens (May 1 seasonal opening)
Degree-day accumulations
Fruit Production and Pest Management (managing winter damage in 
grapes; insect updates)

Vegetable Production and Pest Management (waiting to plant)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-334 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 15:3, April 17, 2009

2009-04-20 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 15, 
number 3) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the 
Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 15:3, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 15:3:

Upcoming Programs (Illinois Tree Nut Association spring meeting; 
Illinois Summer Horticulture Day; 2009 Sustainable Ag tours)
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle, Bronwyn Aly and Jeff 
Kindhart, and Maurice Ogutu)

Notes from Chris Doll (on fruit development stages, Apogee, and thinning)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (winter injury in northern IL 
grapes; notes on tree fruit insecticides and insects)

Vegetable Production and Pest Management (early-season vegetable insect pests)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 15:2, March 30, 2009

2009-03-30 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 15, 
number 2) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the 
Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 15:2, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 15:2:

Upcoming Programs (Farmers' Market Conferences; Sustainable Agriculture Tours)
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle, Bronwyn Aly, and Jeff Kindhart)
Notes from Chris Doll (crop development; soil nutrient use by last 
year's crops)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (brown rot of stone fruits; 
northern Illinois grape industry development)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (corrections to the Midwest 
Vegetable Production Guide; seed treatments for cucurbits)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 15:1, March 13, 2009

2009-03-13 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 15, 
number 1) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the 
Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 15:1, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 15:1:

Upcoming Programs (Web marketing for your farm, March 16, 2009)
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (fruit bud development, critical temps for cold 
damage, wet soils and tree planting, top (or bottom) 10 things NOT to 
do in orchard establishment and management, Small Fruit and 
Strawberry School notes)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (Dixon Springs strawberry and 
blackberry trials; fruit insect notes)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (Stewart's wilt forecasts 
sweet corn for 2009)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 14:19-20, February 20, 2009

2009-02-19 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable 
News (Volume 14, number 19-20) has been posted on 
the web.  To reach the home page for the Illinois 
Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all 
issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 14:19-20, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 14:19-20:

Upcoming Programs (see the list below)
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (weather impacts; seasonal 
reminders; summary of “Top Ten’s”)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (summary 
of 2008 sweet corn insecticide evaluations)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in 
Fruit & Vegetable Production & Pest Management

Upcoming Programs

   * MOSES Organic Farming Conference, February 
26-28, 2009 … LaCrosse, WI.  For information, 

   * Illinois Small Fruit and Strawberry 
Schools, March 3-4, 2009 … Holiday Inn, Mt. 
Vernon. Contact Bronwyn Aly at 618- 695-2444 or 
   * Southern FS Grape Production Information 
Meeting, March 5, Von Jacob Vineyard, Alto 
Pass.  Registration begins at 8 a.m.  This 
program is provided free of charge to established 
grape growers and those thinking about starting a 
new vineyard.  Advance registration by February 
27 is needed.  To register, contact Jim Shannon 
(618)-893-4852 (local), or 1-800-468-0649 (toll free).

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 14:18, December 17, 2008

2008-12-17 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 14, 
number 18) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 14:18, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 14:18:  This special issue of the Illinois Fruit 
and Vegetable News is devoted to information about the upcoming 
Illinois Specialty Crops and Agritourism Conference, January 7-10, 
2009, in Springfield, IL.  For those far away from Illinois, I 
apologize for the extra mail in your in-box ... though it may still 
be interesting to see what programming for fruit and vegetable 
growers is like in a state dominated by corn and soybeans (and 
crooked politicians).

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
weinz...@uiuc.edu, Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 14:17, December 5, 2008

2008-12-09 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable 
News (Volume 14, number 17) has been posted on 
the web.  To reach the home page for the Illinois 
Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all 
issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 14:17 use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 14:17:

Upcoming Programs (see the extensive list below)
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle – with 
notes on Private Pesticide Applicator training and testing)

Fruit Production and Pest Management (Dixon Springs blackberry trial data)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (results 
of rye cover and fertilizer rates on pumpkin production)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in 
Fruit & Vegetable Production & Pest Management

Upcoming Programs

   * Illiana Vegetable Growers School, January 
6, 2009 … Teibel’s Restaurant in Schererville, 
IN.  Registration is $25.00.  For more 
information, contact Liz Maynard 
or Maurice Ogutu 
or see 

   * Illinois Specialty Crops and Agritourism 
Conference, January 7-9, 2009 … Crowne Plaza, 
Springfield, IL.  In addition to concurrent 
program tracks on fruits, vegetables, herbs, and 
agritourism and marketing January 8 and 9, three 
full-day workshops will be held on January 7; 
topics for these workshops are pumpkin production 
and marketing, biological control in greenhouses 
and high tunnels, and federal grant-writing 
basics.  For more details, contact Diane Handley 
of the Illinois Specialty Growers Association at 
309-557-2107 or 
Elizabeth Wahle’s note below on cider contest entries.
   * Midwest Organic Production & Marketing 
Conference & Trade Show, January 21 – 22, 2009 … 
(in conjunction with the Indiana Horticultural 
Congress), Indianapolis, IN.  See 

   * 11th Annual Midwest Value Added Agriculture 
Conference, January 22 – 23, 2009 … Rochester, 
MN.  See 

   * Illinois Horseradish Growers School, 
January 29, 2009 (a correction from issue 16) … 
Collinsville, IL.  Contact Elizabeth Wahle at 
618-692-9434 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   * Southern Illinois Tree Fruit School, 
February 3, 2009 … Holiday Inn, Mt. Vernon, 
IL.  Contact Elizabeth Wahle at 618-692-9434 or 
   * Southwestern Illinois Tree Fruit School, 
February 4, 2009 … First Presbyterian Church, 
Hardin, IL.  Contact Elizabeth Wahle at 
618-692-9434 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   * Southern Illinois Vegetable Growers School, 
February 11, 2009 … Holiday Inn, Mt. Vernon, 
IL.  Contact Elizabeth Wahle at 618-692-9434 or 
   * Stateline (IL-WI) Fruit and Vegetable 
Conference, February 16, 2009 … Stratford Banquet 
Center, Harvard, Illinois. Contact Maurice Ogutu 
at 708-352-0109 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   * Western Illinois Fruit and Vegetable 
School, February 17, 2009 … Adams County 
Extension, Quincy, IL.  Contact Mike Roegge at 
217-223-8380 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   * Kankakee Area Vegetable Growers School, 
February 18, 2009 … Kankakee, IL.  Contact James 
Theuri at 815- 987-7379 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   * Illinois Grape Growers and Vintners 
Association Annual Conference, February 19-21, 
2009 … Hilton Hotel, Springfield, IL.  Contact 
Megan Pressnall, 217-782-6515, 
   * MOSES Organic Farming Conference, February 
26-28, 2009 … LaCrosse, WI.  For information, 

   * Illinois Small Fruit and Strawberry 
Schools, March 3-4, 2009 … Holiday Inn, Mt. 
Vernon. Contact Bronwyn Aly at 618- 695-2444 or 

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 14:16, November 15, 2008

2008-11-14 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable 
News (Volume 14, number 16) has been posted on 
the web.  To reach the home page for the Illinois 
Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all 
issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 14:16 use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 14:16:

Upcoming Programs (IL-IA Fruit and Veg 
Conference, Illiana Veg School, Illinois 
Specialty Crops and Agritourism Conference, and a 
list of January-March extension programs)
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle – 
including notes on strawberries and apple diseases – and from Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (apple harvest, strawberry 
management, winter pruning, orchard mowing)

Fruit Production and Pest Management (apple diseases in 2008)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in 
Fruit & Vegetable Production & Pest Management

Upcoming Programs

   * Illinois/Iowa Fruit and Vegetable 
Symposium, Friday November 21, 2008 … Scott 
County Extension Office Bettendorf, Iowa. 
Registration is $25 per person. For more 
information, contact Maurice Ogutu 
or refer to this web 

   * Illiana Vegetable Growers School, January 
6, 2009 … Teibel’s Restaurant in Schererville, 
IN.  Contact Liz Maynard 
or Maurice Ogutu 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for more information.
   * Illinois Specialty Crops and Agritourism 
Conference, January 7-9, 2009 … Crowne Plaza, 
Springfield, IL.  In addition to concurrent 
program tracks on fruits, vegetables, herbs, and 
agritourism and marketing January 8 and 9, three 
full-day workshops will be held on January 7; 
topics for these workshops are pumpkin production 
and marketing, biological control in greenhouses 
and high tunnels, and federal grant-writing 
basics.  For more details, stay tuned to future 
issues of his newsletter, or contact Diane 
Handley of the Illinois Specialty Growers 
Association at 309-557-2107 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   * And more information will follow on the 
following programs (and more), but mark your calendars …
   * Midwest Organics Conference (in 
conjunction with the Indiana Horticultural 
Congress), January 21-22, 2009Indianapolis, IN
   * Illinois Horseradish Growers School, 
January 21-22, 2009, Collinsville, IL
   * Southern Illinois Tree Fruit School, 
February 3, 2009, Mt. Vernon, IL
   * Southwestern Illinois Tree Fruit 
School, February 4, 2009, Hardin, IL
   * Southern Illinois Vegetable Growers 
School, February 11, 2009. Mt. Vernon, IL
   * Stateline Fruit and Vegetable 
Conference, February 16, 2009, Harvard, IL
   * Kankakee Area Vegetable Growers School, 
February 18, 2009, Kankakee, IL
   * Illinois Grape Growers and Vintners 
Association, February 19-21, Springfield, IL
   * Illinois Small Fruit and Strawberry 
School, March 3-4, 2009, Mt. Vernon, IL

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 14:15, October 15, 2008

2008-10-15 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 14, 
number 15) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 14:15 use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 14:15:

Upcoming Programs (Organic workshop and conference; IL-IA Fruit and 
Veg Conference, Illinois Specialty Crops and Agritourism Conference)

Scenes from the 2008 Illinois Pumpkin Field Day
Regional Updates (from Maurice Ogutu)
Illinois Department of Agriculture Funds for Organic Certification Costs
Fruit Production and Pest Management (insecticide updates for the 
2009 fruit spray guides; cold hardiness and winter stress )

Vegetable Production and Pest Management (broad mite injury to peppers)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 14:14, September 29, 2008

2008-09-29 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 14, 
number 13) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 14:14 use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 14:14:

Upcoming Programs (IL-IA Fruit and Veg Conference, November 21, 2008) )
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle, Jeff Kindhart, and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (Ike's impacts, apple maturity)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (leaf scorch in Honeycrisp)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (pumpkin handles and fruit 
rot after heavy rains)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 14:13, September 10, 2008

2008-09-12 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 14, 
number 13) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 14:13 use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 14:13:

Upcoming Programs (October 3 SARE tour, Mill Creek Farm, 2008 SARE 
Farmer-Rancher Grants)

Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (harvest timing, stop-drops, strawberries, and brambles)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (when to harvest Honeycrisp)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (fall armyworm in sweet corn)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 14:12, August 27, 2008

2008-08-28 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 14, 
number 12) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 14:12 use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 14:12:

Upcoming Programs (Pumpkin Field Day, September 11)
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (harvest updates, fertilizing strawberries, 
stop-drop sprays)

Degree-day Accumulations
Fruit Production and Pest Management (phenology updates on oriental 
fruit moth and codling moth)

Vegetable Production and Pest Management (aphids in pumpkins)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 14:11, August 6, 2008

2008-08-09 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 14, 
number 11) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 14:11, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 14:11:

Upcoming Programs (Southwestern IL Vegetable Twilight Meeting 
[corrected date:  August 13, 2008], Pumpkin Field Day)

Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)
Degree-day Accumulations
Fruit Production and Pest Management (phenology updates on oriental 
fruit moth and codling moth, insecticide PHIs for fruit)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (cucumber beetles and 
western corn rootworm beetles in vine crops; Colorado potato beetle; 
corn earworm)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 14:10, July 22, 2008

2008-07-24 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 14, 
number 10) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for 
the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 14:10, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 14:10:

Upcoming Programs (Organic Apple Field Day, Southwestern IL Vegetable 
Twilight Meeting [corrected date is August 13, 2008], Pumpkin Field Day)

Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (crop and pest phenology, leaf analysis, 
application timing for Retain, peach crop estimates, weed control)

Degree-day Accumulations
Fruit Production and Pest Management (phenology updates on oriental 
fruit moth and codling moth)

Vegetable Production and Pest Management (managing tomato diseases)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 14:9, July 9, 2008

2008-07-09 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 14, 
number 9) has been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the 
Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 14:9, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 14:9:

Upcoming Programs (St. Charles Twilight Meeting, Organic Apple Field 
Day, Southwestern IL Vegetable Twilight Meeting, Pumpkin Field Day)

Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle, Jeff Kindhart, and Maurice Ogutu)
Degree-day Accumulations
Fruit Production and Pest Management (phenology updates on oriental 
fruit moth and codling moth)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (corn earworm, Coragen 
Section 18 for sweet corn, "Leps" in cole crops)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 14:8, June 25, 2008

2008-06-27 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 14, 
number 8) has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 
(with links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 14:8, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 14:8:

Upcoming Programs (St. Charles Twilight Meeting, Organic Apple Field 
Day, Pumpkin Field Day)

Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (flooding and related woes, pest notes, and 
comments on Summer Orchard Day)

Degree-day Accumulations
Fruit Production and Pest Management (Midwest Living article on 
Illinois peaches, oriental fruit moth and codling moth phenology 
updates, fruit insect notes, tissue sampling recommendations)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (Salmonella news, corn 
earworm, potato leafhopper, Phytophthora blight of peppers)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 14:7, June 10, 2008

2008-06-10 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 14, 
number 7) has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 
(with links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 14:7, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 14:7:

Upcoming Programs (IL Summer Horticulture Day, Organic Apple Field Day)
Notes from Chris Doll (rains, crop development, strawberry harvests 
and renovation, calcium chloride for apples, training young peaches, 
herbicide reapplications, Summer Horticulture Day)

Degree-day Accumulations
Fruit Production and Pest Management (oriental fruit moth and codling 
moth updates, increasing return bloom in apples for next year, 
Inspire Super MP fungicide registered for use on apples and other 
pome fruits, fire blight of apples)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (Dual Magnum herbicide 
registered for use on horseradish and rhubarb, web site information 
on quackgrass and Canada thistle; phytophthora blight of cucurbits; 
striped cucumber beetle; corn earworm trapping)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 14:6, May 28, 2008

2008-05-29 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 14, 
number 6) has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 
(with links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 14:6, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 14:6:

Upcoming Programs (IL Summer Horticulture Day, VegScout School, )
Regional Updates (from Jeff Kindhart and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (weather notes, thinning, wallowed trees, 
ringing and scoring, strep for Mutsu)

Degree-day Accumulations
Fruit Production and Pest Management (OFM and CM phenology, thinning, 
Wisconsin's Eco-Apple IPM and Organic Apple conference calls)

Vegetable Production and Pest Management (rhubarb curculio, black cutworm)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 14:5, May 14, 2008

2008-05-14 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 14, 
number 5) has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 
(with links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 14:5, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 14:5:

Upcoming Programs (Mississippi Valley Peach Orchard Tour; IL Summer 
Horticulture Day)

Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (weather woes; calcium sprays; codling moth and 
rosy apple aphid)

Degree-day Accumulations
Fruit Production and Pest Management (thinning recommendations; 
updates on oriental fruit moth, codling moth, and lesser peachtree 
borer; Altacor labeled for use on grapes, pome fruits, and stone fruits)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (more on Colorado potato 
beetle; Coragen labeled for use on certain vegetables; herbicides 
containing 2,4-D or dicamba)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 14:4, April 30, 2008

2008-04-30 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 14, 
number 4) has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 
(with links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 14:4, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 14:4:

Upcoming Programs (Southwestern IL twilight orchard meeting; 
Mississippi Valley Peach Orchard Tour; IL Summer Horticulture Day; 
Organic and Sustainable Ag Video Series)

Regional Updates (from Maurice Ogutu and Elizabeth Wahle)
Notes from Chris Doll (minimal freeze damage; slow degree-day 
accumulations; heavy bloom and thinning needs)
University of Illinois Plant Clinic (opens May 1; services and 
contact information)

Degree-day Accumulations
Fruit Production and Pest Management (other newsletters for fruit 
growers; oriental fruit moth and codling moth updates)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (time for seed and root 
maggots, asparagus beetle and cutworms, Colorado potato beetle, and 
flea beetles)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 14:3, April 17, 2008

2008-04-18 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 14, 
number 3) has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 
(with links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 14:3, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 14:3:

Upcoming Programs (Mississippi Valley Peach Orchard Tour; IL Summer 
Horticulture Day; Organic and Sustainable Ag Video Series

Regional Updates (from Jeff Kindhart and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (bloom progress, rains and leaf wetness, Apogee 
for apples)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (notes from a desert nomad 
(Mosbah Kushad), fruit insect reminders)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (new or expanded labels for 
Presidio fungicide and Reflex herbicide)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 14:2, April 4, 2008

2008-04-04 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 14, 
number 2) has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 
(with links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 14:2, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 14:2:

Upcoming Programs (southwestern IL twilight meeting; grape growers 
workshop; Mississippi Valley Peach Orchard Tour; IL Summer 
Horticulture Day; Organic and Sustainable Ag Video Series)

Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)

Notes from Chris Doll (phenology update; rains; prebloom oil; orchard 
spray costs; thinning peaches)

Fruit Production and Pest Management (Callisto herbicide labeled for 
blueberries; pheromone traps for tree fruit insects; prebloom oil 
applications; alternatives to organophosphate insecticides)

Vegetable Production and Pest Management (seed and root maggots; 
Revus fungicide labeled for use on vegetables and grapes; mini-grants 
for perennial weed management)

University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 14:1, March 14, 2008

2008-03-14 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 14, 
number 1) has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 
(with links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 14:1, use the following link:


Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 14:1:

Upcoming Programs

Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)

Notes from Chris Doll (bud development, fertilization, spring tasks, 
notes from Charlie Touchette's ISCAC presentation)

Fruit Production and Pest Management (dormant sprays for disease control)

Vegetable Production and Pest Management (transplant production 
tips(II), Stewart's wilt predictions)

University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 13:19-20, February 25, 2008

2008-02-26 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 13, 
number 19-20) has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 
(with links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 13:19-20, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume13/frveg1319.html .

Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 13:19-20:

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (from Jeff Kindhart at the Dixon Springs Ag Center)
Notes from Chris Doll (winter update, crop potential, twinning in stone fruits)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (notes on small fruit insects, 
insecticides, and references)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (tips for vegetable 
transplant production; planning ahead for postharvest handling)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 13:18, January 29, 2008

2008-01-30 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 13, 
number 18) has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 
(with links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 13:18, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume13/frveg1318.html .

Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 13:18:

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (new insecticides for apples and peaches)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (planning ahead for 
post-harvest handling; corn earworm control in sweet corn)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Upcoming Programs
   * February 5, Southwest Illinois Commercial Tree Fruit School, 
First Presbyterian Church, Hardin, IL, 
Contact Elizabeth Wahle, 618-692-9434, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   * February 6, Southern Illinois Commercial Tree Fruit School, 
Holiday Inn, Mt Vernon, IL, 
Contact Elizabeth Wahle, 618-692-9434, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   * February 13, Southern Illinois Commercial Vegetable Growers 
School, Holiday Inn, Mt. Vernon, IL, 
Contact Elizabeth Wahle, 618-692-9434, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   * February 15, IL-WI Stateline Fruit and Vegetable Conference, 
Stratford Banquet Hall 21007 McGuire Road Harvard, 
Contact Don Schellhaass (815-338-4747, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) or Maurice Ogutu 
(708-352-0109, [EMAIL PROTECTED]).
   * February 19, Western Illinois Fruit and Vegetable School, Adams 
County Extension, Quincy, IL, 
Contact Mike Roegge, 217-223-8380, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   * February 20, Kankakee County Vegetable Growers School, Kankakee 
Community College, 100 College Drive Kankakee, 
Contact James Theuri (815-933-8337; 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) or Maurice Ogutu 
(708-352-0109; [EMAIL PROTECTED]).
   * February 21-24, Illinois Grape Growers and Vintners Association 
Annual Conference, Hilton, Springfield, IL, 
Contact Megan Pressnall, 217-782-6515, 
   * March 4-5, Small Fruit and Strawberry Schools, Holiday Inn, Mt. 
Vernon, IL.  Contact Jeff Kindhart (618-695-2444, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) or Bronwyn Aly 
(618-695-2444, [EMAIL PROTECTED]).

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 13: 17, December 19,, 2007

2007-12-20 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable 
News (Volume 13, number 17) has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and 
Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 13:17, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume13/frveg1317.html .

Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 13:17:

The major portion of this issue of the Illinois 
Fruit and Vegetable News is devoted to 
information on the upcoming Illinois Specialty 
Crops and Agritourism Conference scheduled for 
Jan 9-11, 2008, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in 
Springfield, IL.  In addition, a new program for 
consumers – Buy Local, Eat Healthy – is set for 
January 12 at the same location.  Growers, be 
sure to read through the information presented 
below on this program as well … we need you to be 
present if in fact we’re going to help connect 
Illinois consumers with Illinois producers of 
fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs.

Upcoming Programs
Notes from Chris Doll (current weather, Great 
Lakes EXPO, apple varieties, 1955 ISHS news)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (effects 
of seeding rates of rye cover crop on pumpkin yield)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in 
Fruit & Vegetable Production & Pest Management

Upcoming Programs

   * January 3, 2008:  Illiana Vegetable School, 
Schererville, IN.  Registration begins at 8:00 
a.m. CST, 
   * January 8, 2008:  Community Supported 
Agriculture & Collaborative CSAs Workshop, 
Macomb, IL.  9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.,   McDonough 
County 4-H Auditorium, University of Illinois 
McDonough County Extension Office, 3022 West 
Jackson in Macomb.  The registration fee is $15 
and includes resources, refreshments, and 
lunch.  Pre-registration is required by Thursday, 
January 3, 2008.  Please call 309-837-3939 for 
more information and to register.  Loretta 
Ortiz-Ribbing, 309-836-8366, 
e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
   * January 9-11:  2008, Illinois Specialty 
Crops and Agritourism Conference, Springfield, 
IL.  (See the detailed information below and 
   * January 12, 2008:  Buy Local, Eat Healthy, 
Springfield, IL (See the detailed information 
below and 
   * January 17-18, 2008:  Midwest Organics 
Conference, Urbana, IL ( 

   * January 19, 2008:  Herb Day, Champaign-Urbana, IL
   * January 31, 2008:  Illinois Horseradish School, Collinsville, IL
   * January 25, 2008:  Alternative Crop Production Workshop, Macomb, IL
   * February 5, 2008:  Southwestern Illinois Tree Fruit School, Hardin, IL
   * February 6, 2008:  Southern Illinois Tree Fruit School, Mt. Vernon, IL
   * February 13, 2008:  Southern Illinois Vegetable School, Mt. Vernon, IL
   * February 15, 2008:  Illinois-Wisconsin 
Fruit and Vegetable Conference, location to be announced
   * February 19, 2008:  Western Illinois Fruit 
and Vegetable School, Quincy, IL

   * February 20, 2008:  Kankakee Area Vegetable School, Kankakee, IL
   * February 21-23, 2008:  Illinois Grape 
Growers and Vintners Association Annual Meeting, location to be announced
   * March 4-5, 2008:  Illinois Small Fruit and 
Strawberry School, Mt. Vernon, IL

 Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 13: 16, November 19,, 2007

2007-11-21 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable 
News (Volume 13, number 16) has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and 
Vegetable News (with links to all issues and 
additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 13:16, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume13/frveg1316.html .

Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 13:16:

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (warm and dry fall, lesser 
peachtree borer, historical notes from the 
Illinois State Horticultural Society on the 1955 freeze))
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (pepper 
and tomato variety trial reports from southern IL)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in 
Fruit & Vegetable Production & Pest Management

Upcoming Programs
   * Illinois-Iowa Fruit and Vegetable 
Conference, Thursday November 29, 2007 at the 
Scott County Extension Office Bettendorf, Iowa. 
Registration is $25 per person; program begins 
just before mid-day.   For more information, 
contact Maurice Ogutu, 708-352-0109 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or refer 

   * Tri-State Locally Grown Conference, also 
November 29, 2007, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at John 
Wood Community College.  This conference is 
designed for farmers, consumers, educators, and 
others interested in building and supporting a 
sustainable local food system.  Registration is 
$25 per person in advance.  To find out more or 
to register online visit: 
or contact Carrie Edgar at 217-223-8380 or 
   * Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable, and Farm 
Market EXPO, December 4-6, 2007, Grand Rapids, 
MI.  See:  http://www.glexpo.com/index.php .

 More to come on these programs, but mark the dates on your calendar …

   * January 3, 2008:  Illiana Vegetable School, Schererville, IN
   * January 8, 2008:  Community Supported 
Agriculture & Collaborative CSAs Workshop, Macomb, IL
   * January 9-11:  2008, Illinois Specialty 
Crops and Agritourism Conference, Springfield, IL

   * January 12, 2008:  Buy Local, Eat Healthy, Springfield, IL
   * January 17-18, 2008:  Midwest Organics Conference, Urbana, IL
   * January 19, 2008:  Herb Day, Champaign-Urbana, IL
   * January 24, 2008:  Illinois Horseradish School, Collinsville, IL
   * January 25, 2008:  Alternative Crop Production Workshop, Macomb, IL
   * February 5, 2008:  Southwestern Illinois Tree Fruit School, Hardin, IL
   * February 6, 2008:  Southern Illinois Tree Fruit School, Mt. Vernon, IL
   * February 13, 2008:  Southern Illinois Vegetable School, Mt. Vernon, IL
   * February 15, 2008:  Illinois-Wisconsin 
Fruit and Vegetable Conference, Harvard, IL
   * February 19, 2008:  Western Illinois Fruit 
and Vegetable School, Quincy, IL

   * February 20, 2008:  Kankakee Area Vegetable School, Kankakee, IL
   * February 21-23, 2008:  Illinois Grape 
Growers and Vintners Association Annual Meeting, location to be announced
   * March 4-5, 2008:  Illinois Small Fruit and 
Strawberry School, Mt. Vernon, IL

 Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 13:15, October 5, 2007

2007-10-05 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 13, number 15) 
has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with 
links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 13:15, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume13/frveg1315.html .

Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 13:15:

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (from Jeff Kindhart, Elizabeth Wahle, and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (impacts of drought)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (graphs of codling moth and oriental 
fruit moth flights, mouse (& vole) management, bloom-delay sprays for 
peaches and nectarines)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (harlequin bug in horseradish and 
other crucifers; recommendations on soil testing)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

 Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 13:14, September 21, 2007

2007-09-21 Thread Richard Weinzierl

A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 13, number 14) 
has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with 
links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 13:14, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume13/frveg1314.html .

Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 13:14:

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (apple russet)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

 Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 13:13, September 6, 2007

2007-09-06 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 13, number 13) 
has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with 
links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 13:13, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume13/frveg1313.html .

Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 13:13:

Upcoming Programs (Illinois Pumpkin Field Day CANCELLED; Local Food 
Systems; Consider Farming Organically)

Regional Updates (from Jeff Kindhart and Maurice Ogutu)
Degree-day Accumulations (This is the final presentation of degree-day 
totals for 2007, and they're way above average in the southern portion of 
the state)
Notes from Chris Doll (weather and weather records, black rot of apples, 
water and nitrogen for strawberries)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (codling moth phenology, black rot of 
apples, nitrogen for strawberries, multicolored Asian lady beetle)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (corn earworm and corn borer 
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 13:12, August 23, 2007

2007-08-23 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 13, number 12) 
has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with 
links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 13:12, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume13/frveg1312.html .

Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 13:12:

Upcoming Programs (Illinois Pumpkin Field Day, Exploring Local Food Systems)
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)
New IPM Educator in Southern Illinois (Doug Jones, at the Mt. Vernon 
Extension Center)

Degree-day Accumulations
Notes from Chris Doll (drought conditions, watercore in apples, nitrogen 
application for matted-row strawberries, time to sow ground covers in 
orchards, tip-laying in black raspberries and thornless blackberries, fruit 
diseases despite drought)

Recommended Storage Temperatures and Humidities for Fruits and Vegetables
Fruit Production and Pest Management (codling moth and oriental fruit moth 
in apples)

Vegetable Production and Pest Management (corn earworm update, whiteflies)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

 Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 13:11, August 10, 2007

2007-08-10 Thread Richard Weinzierl

A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 13, number 11) 
has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with 
links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 13:11, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume13/frveg1311.html .

Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 13:11:

Upcoming Programs (Three Rivers CSA, SIU Grape Viticulture Summer Meeting, 
St. Charles Summer Viticulture Meeting, Illinois Pumpkin Field Day)

Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle, Jeff Kindhart, and Maurice Ogutu)
Degree-day Accumulations
Fruit Production and Pest Management (codling moth phenology; raspberry 
crown borer)

Vegetable Production and Pest Management (notes on vegetable insects)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

 Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 13:10, July 24, 2007

2007-07-26 Thread Richard Weinzierl

A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 13, number 10) 
has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with 
links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 13:10, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume13/frveg13010.html .

Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 13:10:

Upcoming Programs (Small Farms / SARE tour; SIU and St. Charles Grape Open 
House Events; Pumpkin Field Day)

Regional Updates (Maurice Ogutu)
Degree-day Accumulations
Notes from Chris Doll (crop phenology; continuing outcomes from freeze 
injury; summaries from abstracts from HortScience)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (codling moth phenology; preharvest 
intervals for fruit pesticides)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (downy mildew of cucurbits in 
Illinois; blossom end rot; notes on vegetable insects)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

 Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 13:9, July 13, 2007

2007-07-26 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 13, number 9) 
has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with 
links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 13:9, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume13/frveg1309.html .

Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 13:9:

Upcoming Programs (St. Charles Twilight Meeting; Small Farms / SARE tour; 
SIU and St. Charles Grape Open House Events; Pumpkin Field Day)

EZregs, a new web site on Illinois agricultural regulations
Regional Updates (Jeff Kindhart, Maurice Ogutu)
Degree-day Accumulations
Notes from Chris Doll (weather and crop development, fireblight, glyphosate 
cut-off, leaf analysis)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (bird management in small fruits; 
codling moth phenology)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (cucurbit downy mildew, corn 
earworm and corn borer management in Bt sweet corn)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

 Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 13:8, June 26, 2007

2007-06-27 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 13, number 7) 
has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with 
links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 13:8, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume13/frveg1308.html .

Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 13:8:

Upcoming Programs (Small Farms / SARE tour; St. Charles Twilight Meeting; 
SIU and St. Charles Grape Open House Events; Pumpkin Field Day)

Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle, Jeff Kindhart, and Maurice Ogutu)
Degree-day Accumulations
Notes from Chris Doll (weather notes; Japanese beetle; bacterial spot of 
peaches; small fruit yields from the Back-40; National Peach Council crop 
estimates; condolences to the family of Clyde Arnold)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (Disaster Relief legislation; Japanese 
beetle; codling moth phenology; European red mite; apple maggot)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (bacterial diseases of tomatoes; 
squash bug and squash vine borer; corn earworm)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

 Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 13:7, June 7, 2007

2007-06-13 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 13, number 7) 
has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with 
links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 13:7, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume13/frveg1307.html .

Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 13:7:

Upcoming Programs (Summer Horticulture Day, June 14; Sustainable Ag Tour, 
June 14)

Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle, Jeff Kindhart, and Maurice Ogutu)
University of Illinois Plant Clinic Services
Degree-day Accumulations
Notes from Chris Doll (brambles, training trees, Japanese beetles active)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (codling moth and oriental fruit moth 
phenology, potato leafhopper, dogwood borer, Japanese beetle)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (Phytophthora blight, Stewart's 
wilt of sweet corn, armyworms, miscellaneous notes on vegetable insects )
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

 Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: pumpkin plot

2007-06-13 Thread Richard Weinzierl


About my trip up on Wednesday ...

The pumpkin plot is an insecticide seed treatment trial that pretty much 
has to be hand-planted.  Do you need me to bring up one or two hand-jab 
Almaco planters, or do you have one (or something similar) already.  Let me 


Richard Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651 

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 13:6, May 25, 2007

2007-05-25 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 13, number 6) 
has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with 
links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 13:6, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume13/frveg1306.html .

Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 13:6:

Upcoming Programs (Summer Horticulture Day, June 14)
New Agriculture Network (for small farmers and organic growers)
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle)
Degree-day Accumulations
Notes from Chris Doll (phenology notes, climbing milkweed, training new 
trees, smoothing the orchard floor)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (codling moth phenology, Botrytis 
fruit rot of strawberries)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (herbicide label updates for Prowl 
H2O, Dual Magnum, and Sinbar; giant ragweed and waterhemps as "new" problem 
weeds in vegetables)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Upcoming Programs

Summer Horticulture Day, June 4, registration begins at 8:00 a.m.  The 
program begins at Southern FS near Cobden, IL, with opportunities to tour 
Flamm's fruit and vegetable production and packing operations, Rosemont 
Farms packing enterprise, and Van Jacob Vineyard and Winery.

 Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 13:5, May 10, 2007

2007-05-10 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 13, number 5) 
has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with 
links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 13:5, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume13/frveg1305.html .

Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 13:5:

Upcoming Programs (grapes program, Calhoun twilight meeting)
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)
Degree-day Accumulations
Notes from Chris Doll (crop observations, thinning, managing biennial bearing)
Neonicontinoids and Honey Bee Colony Collapse Disorder
Fruit Production and Pest Management (thinning, codling moth, oriental 
fruit moth, lesser peachtree borer, fireblight, and summer disease management)

Vegetable Production and Pest Management (striped cucumber beetle0)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Upcoming Programs

   * Managing Grape Vines After Freeze Damage,  May 12, 10:00 a.m., 
Vahling Vineyard near Stewardson, IL (just north of Effingham).  Dr. Paul 
Read, University of Nebraska, will be the featured speaker.  Note the 
directions and details in Elizabeth Wahle’s notes below.
   * Calhoun County Orchard Twilight Meeting, May 22,  6:00 p.m., Murray’s 
Orchard, just north of Mosier, IL.  From Hardin, go north to Kampsville, 
and turn left (west) on State Route 96.  Follow the right hand turn to stay 
on State Route 96, and then turn right onto Crooked Creek Road (at the 
white church on corner). Go about a ¼ mile, and Murray’s Orchard is the 
first driveway on the right.  Ongoing management needs for freeze-damaged 
orchards will be among the topics to be discussed.

 Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 13:4, April 26, 2007

2007-04-27 Thread Richard Weinzierl

Yep, the usual message ...

A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 13, number 4) 
has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with 
links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 13:4, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume13/frveg1304.html .

Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 13:4:

Upcoming Programs (SARE tour, grapes program, Calhoun twilight meeting)
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle, Jeff Kindhart, and Maurice Ogutu)
Degree-day Accumulations
Notes from Chris Doll (more on the aftermath of the freeze; reminders on 
weed control)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (the physiological nature of freeze 
injury; pruning peach trees that no longer bear a crop; biofix dates for 
codling moth and oriental fruit moth)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (reminders on black cutworm; 
reference guide for organic insect and disease management; honey bee colony 
collapse disorder)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Upcoming Programs …

   * Illinois Small Farms Sustainable Agriculture Tour, May 
4,  registration from 9:00 to 9:30 a.m., at Spence Farms near Fairbury, 
IL.  Marty and Kris Travis operate Spence Farm – the oldest family farm in 
Livingston County.  Tour topics include vegetable and flower gardens and 
plantings of  garlic, daylilies, paw paws, and wildflowers for propagating 
and seed.  For more information, see: 
Registration is $20.00 per person.
   * Managing Grape Vines After Freeze Damage,  May 12, 10:00 a.m., 
Vahling Vineyard near Stewardson, IL (just north of Effingham).  Dr. Paul 
Read, University of Nebraska, will be the featured speaker.  Note the 
directions and details in Elizabeth Wahle’s notes below.
   * Calhoun County Orchard Twilight Meeting, May 22,  6:00 p.m., Murray’s 
Orchard, just north of Mosier, IL.  From Hardin, go north to Kampsville, 
and turn left (west) on State Route 96.  Follow the right hand turn to stay 
on State Route 96, and then turn right onto Crooked Creek Road (at the 
white church on corner). Go about a ¼ mile, and Murray’s Orchard is the 
first driveway on the right.  Ongoing management needs for freeze-damaged 
orchards will be among the topics to be discussed.

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 13:3, April 12, 2007

2007-04-13 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 13, number 3) 
has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with 
links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 13:3, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume13/frveg1303.html .

Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 13:3:

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (notes on the "Easter freeze" from Elizabeth Wahle and 
Jeff Kindhart)

Degree-day Accumulations
Notes from Chris Doll (more on the "Easter freeze")
Fruit Production and Pest Management (disease and insect management 
recommendations for orchards that will not produce a harvestable crop)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (update on Dual Magnum in 
pumpkins; thoughts on seeding and plant establishment)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 13:2, March 30, 2007

2007-03-30 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 13, number 2) 
has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with 
links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 13:2, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume13/frveg1302.html .

Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 13:2:

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle, Jeff Kindhart, and Maurice Ogutu)
Degree-day Accumulations
Notes from Chris Doll (rapid start to spring, Ethrel in peaches, OFM 
captures on March 27, death of John Tanner)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (Tree Fruit Field Guide, periodical 
cicada in northern IL, insecticides for apples, oriental fruit moth flight 
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (Dec - Feb temperatures and 
Stewart’s wilt predictions for sweet corn)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Upcoming Programs …

   * Jersey County Orchard Twilight Meeting, April 17, 2007, 6:00 p.m., 
Joe Ringhausen Orchard, 67 S. State Street (US 67), Jerseyville.
   * Tri-State Organic IP Video Series:  Insect and Disease Management in 
Organic Vegetables, April 19, 2007, 5:00 – 7:30 p.m.; this is the third of 
five sessions to be held from February through November; several sites 
throughout Illinois serve as host locations for each session.  For more 
information, contact Deborah Cavanaugh-Grant at 217-968-5512 or 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], or check the web site at 

   * Calhoun County Orchard Twilight Meeting, May 22,  6:00 p.m., Murray’s 
Orchard, just north of Mosier, IL.  From Hardin, go north to Kampsville, 
and turn left (west) on State Route 96.  Follow the right hand turn to stay 
on State Route 96, and then turn right onto Crooked Creek Road (at the 
white church on corner). Go about a ¼ mile, and Murray’s Orchard is the 
first driveway on the right.

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 13:1, March 9, 2007

2007-03-13 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 13, number 1) 
has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with 
links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 13:1, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume13/frveg1301.html .

Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 13:1:

Upcoming Programs
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle and Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (spring, pruning and training, and a look back at an 
ISHS issue from 1907)

Marketing Locally Grown Produce (comments from Jeff Kindhart)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (pheromone traps for tree fruit insects)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (planning ahead for corn earworm 
management; distribution of the variant strain of western corn rootworm)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 12:20, February 13, 2007

2007-02-15 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 12, number 20) 
has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with 
links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue 12:20, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume12/frveg1220.html .

Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 12:20:

Upcoming Programs
Notes from Chris Doll (cold weather, fertilizer comments, fruit size in 
peaches, sensory characteristics of new apple cultivars)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (caring for new trees before 
plantings, notes on peach leaf curl and fire blight )
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (over-wintering soybean aphid 
populations, western bean cutworm, corn earworm insecticide evaluations )
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Upcoming Programs … please note the expanded discussions of these programs 
following the bulleted listing below.

   * Illinois Grape Growers and Vintners Association Annual Meeting, 
February 22-25, Hilton Hotel, downtown Springfield. Each day will focus on 
a particular aspect of the grape and wine industry: Thursday will be 
marketing; Friday, enology; Saturday, viticulture; and Sunday will be 
reserved for the IGGVA business meeting.  Check the program at 

   * Illinois Small Fruit & Strawberry Schools, February 27-28, 2007, at 
the Holiday Inn, Mt. Vernon, IL.  Contact Jeff Kindhart 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or Bronwyn Aly 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]), 618-695-2444.
   * Tri-State Organic IP Video Series, March 15, 2007, 5:00 – 7:30 p.m.; 
this is the second of five sessions to be held from February through 
November).  Contact Deborah Cavanaugh-Grant at 217-968-5512 or 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], or check the web site at 

   * Commercial General Standards Pesticide Training in English and 
Spanish, March 22-23, 2007, St. Claire County Extension Office.  For 
details, contact the St. Claire UI Extension Office at 618-236-4172 or by 

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 12:18-19, January 23, 2007

2007-01-24 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 12, numbers 
18-19) has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with 
links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issues 12:18-19, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume12/frveg121819.html .

Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 12:18-19:

Upcoming Programs (see below)
Regional Updates (from 
Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll (winter 
observations; notes on apple and peach presentations at the 2007 Illinois 
Specialty Crops Conference; kudos to Gerald McArtor and family (Jonamac 
Orchards) and to Jerry Mills; dwarfing rootstocks for peaches)
Fruit Production and Pest 
Management (cider contest winners at the Illinois Specialty Crops and 
Agritourism Conference; updates on Guthion and Imidan regulatory actions; 
2006 Illinois apple insecticide trial summary)
Vegetable Production and Pest 
Management (corn earworm, soybean aphid, and western bean cutworm updates 
will be included in Issue 20)
University of Illinois 
Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable Production & Pest Management

Upcoming Programs:
   * Kankakee County Vegetable Growers School, January 30, 2007, at the 
Kankakee County Extension Office in Bourbonnais, IL. Contact Maurice Ogutu 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or James Theuri 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]). (See Maurice Ogutu's 
comments in the Regional Updates below.)
   * Southern Illinois Tree Fruit School, February 6, 2007, at the Holiday 
Inn, Mt. Vernon, IL. Contact Elizabeth Wahle, University of Illinois 
Extension, 618-288-4584 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] For 
program details, see 

   * Southwestern Illinois Tree Fruit School, February 7, 2007, at the 
First Presbyterian Church, Hardin, IL. Contact Elizabeth Wahle, University 
of Illinois Extension, 618-288-4584 or 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] For program details, see 

   * Putting Small Acreage to Work, February 7, 2007, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., 
at the Adams County Extension Office, Quincy, IL. For details, call 
217-223-8380 or check the web site at: 
   * Tri-State Organic IP Video Series, February 13, 2007, 5:00 - 7:30 
p.m.; this is the first of five sessions to be held from February through 
November). Contact Deborah Cavanaugh-Grant at 217-968-5512 or 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], or check the web site at 

   * Western Illinois Fruit and Vegetable School, revised date: February 
13, 2007, Quincy, IL. Contact Mike Roegge, University of Illinois 
Extension, 217-223-8380 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   * Southern Illinois Vegetable Growers School, February 15, 2007, at the 
Holiday Inn, Mt. Vernon, IL. Contact Elizabeth Wahle, University of 
Illinois Extension, 618-288-4584 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Program details are available at 
   * Illinois/Wisconsin (Stateline) Fruit and Vegetable Conference, 
February 15, 2007, at FitzWoody's Lakeshore Grill, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin. 
For details, contact Don Schellhaass at 815-338-3737 or by e-mail: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or Maurice Ogutu at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (See Maurice Ogutu's comments in the 
Regional Updates below.)
   * Illinois Grape Growers and Vintners Association Annual Meeting, 
February 22-25, Hilton Hotel, downtown Springfield. Each day will focus on 
a particular aspect of the grape and wine industry: Thursday will be 
marketing; Friday, enology; Saturday, viticulture; and Sunday will be 
reserved for the IGGVA business meeting. Check the program at 

   * Illinois Small Fruit & Strawberry Schools, February 27-28, 2007, at 
the Holiday Inn, Mt. Vernon, IL. Contact Jeff Kindhart 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or Bronwyn Aly 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]), 618-695-2444.
   * Commercial General Standards Pesticide Training in English and 
Spanish, M

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 12:17, November 17, 2006

2006-11-17 Thread Richard Weinzierl
A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 12, number 17) 
has been posted on the web.

To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with 
links to all issues and additional resources), use the following link:


For direct access to issue number 12:17, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume12/frveg1217.html .

Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to print it.

Contents of Issue 12:17:

Upcoming Programs (see below)
Notes on the 2007 Illinois Specialty Crops and Agritourism Conference and 
Membership in ISGA

Regional Updates (Jeff Kindhart and Bronwyn Aly and from Maurice Ogutu)
Notes from Chris Doll ( cool fall, collar rot, strawberry weed control, 
pruning, winter conferences)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (seeding rates of rye covers and 
pumpkin yields; identifications of the insects in from issue 16)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable 
Production & Pest Management

Upcoming Programs …

· Illinois/Iowa Fruit and Vegetable Conference, November 30, 2006, 
Scott County Extension Office, Bettendorf, IA. Contact 
Maurice Ogutu for more information.
· Chicago Farmer Forum,  November 30, 2006, Chicago High School for 
the Agricultural Sciences.  For more information; contact the Mayor's 
Office of Special Events 312-744-3315.
· Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable, and Farm Market Expo, December 5-7, 
2006, Grand Rapids, MI.  For more information, consult the Expo web site at 
· Organic Production and Consumer Driven Marketing for the Farmer 
Entrepreneur, December 6-7, 2006, Interstate Center, Bloomington, IL.  For 
more information, consult the meeting web site at 
· Illiana (Illinois/Indiana) Commercial Vegetable Growers School, 
January 4, 2007, Teibel’s Restaurant, Schererville, IN.  Contact 
Maurice Ogutu for more information.
· Illinois Specialty Crops and Agritourism Conference, January 
11-13, 2007, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Springfield, IL.  For more information, 
see the article below and the Illinois Specialty Growers web site 

· Kankakee County Vegetable Growers School, January 30, 2007, at 
the Kankakee County Extension Office in Bourbonnais, IL.  Contact Maurice 
Ogutu ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or James Theuri 
· Western Illinois Fruit and Vegetable School, January 30, 2007, 
Quincy, IL.  Contact Mike Roegge, University of Illinois Extension, 
217-223-8380 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
· Southern Illinois Tree Fruit School, February 6, 2007, Mt. 
Vernon, IL.  Contact Elizabeth Wahle, University of Illinois Extension, 
618-288-4584 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
· Southwestern Illinois Tree Fruit School, February 7, Hardin, 
IL.  Contact Elizabeth Wahle, University of Illinois Extension, 
618-288-4584 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
· Southern Illinois Vegetable School, February 15, Mt. Vernon, IL. 
Contact Elizabeth Wahle, University of Illinois Extension, 618-288-4584 or 
· Illinois Grape Growers and Vintners Association Annual Meeting, 
February 22-25, Hilton Hotel, downtown Springfield. Each day will focus on 
a particular aspect of the grape and wine industry: Thursday will be 
marketing; Friday, enology; Saturday, viticulture; and Sunday will be 
reserved for the IGGVA business meeting.  Details, as they become 
available, will be posted on the IGGVA 
· Small Fruit & Strawberry Schools, February 27-28, 2007, Mt. 
Vernon, IL.  Contact Jeff Kindhart 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or Bronwyn Aly 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]), 618-695-2444.

Rick Weinzierl

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651  

Apple-Crop: Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News 12:16, October 26, 2006

2006-10-27 Thread Richard Weinzierl

A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume
12, number 16) has been posted on the web.  
To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (with
links to all issues and additional resources), use the following

For direct access to issue number 12:16, use the following link:

http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ifvn/volume12/frveg1216.html .
Note that a pdf file of this issue is available for those who wish to
print it.
Contents of Issue 12:16:
Upcoming Programs (see below)
Regional Updates (from Elizabeth Wahle, Jeff Kindhart and Bronwyn
Aly, and Maurice Ogutu)
Fruit Production and Pest Management (a couple of photos from the
Midwest Fruit Workers meeting)
Vegetable Production and Pest Management (24c labels for Dual
Magnum in Illinois?; insects on late season broccoli)
University of Illinois Extension Specialists in Fruit & Vegetable
Production & Pest Management

Upcoming Programs … 
· Illinois/Iowa Fruit
and Vegetable Conference, November 30, 2006, Scott County Extension
Office, Bettendorf, IA. Contact Maurice
Ogutu for more information. 
· Chicago Farmer
Forum,  November 30, 2006, Chicago High School for the Agricultural
Sciences.  For more information , see Jeff Kindhart’s updates from
the Dixon Springs Ag Center below or contact the Mayor's Office of
Special Events 312-744-3315.  
· Great Lakes Fruit,
Vegetable, and Farm Market Expo, December 5-7, 2006, Grand Rapids,
MI.  For more information, see Elizabeth Wahle’s update from
southern Illinois below and consult the Expo web site at

· Organic Production
and Consumer Driven Marketing for the Farmer Entrepreneur, December
6-7, 2006, Interstate Center, Bloomington, IL.  For more
information, see Elizabeth Wahle’s update from southern Illinois below
and consult the meeting web site at

· Illiana
(Illinois/Indiana) Commercial Vegetable Grower School, January 4,
2007, Teibel’s Restaurant, Schererville, IN.  Contact
Maurice Ogutu for more information.

· Illinois Specialty
Crops and Agritourism Conference, January 11-13, 2007, Crowne Plaza
Hotel, Springfield, IL.  For more information, including details on
the Food Service Sanitation Manager Certification (FSSMC) Refresher
Course, see Elizabeth Wahle’s update from southern Illinois below, and
consult the Illinois Specialty Growers web site at 

Rick Weinzierl

Richard A. Weinzierl, Professor and Extension Entomologist
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois
S-522 Turner Hall, 1102 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph. 217-333-6651