Apple growers thank Congressional leaders
Posted by Debra J. Groom/The Post-Standard May 20, 2009 2:37PM
This news just in from the New York Apple Association in Fishers, NY

The New York Apple Association Wednesday thanked members of the state's Congressional delegation for support of Agricultural Job Opportunity, Benefits and Security Act of 2009 (AgJOBS).
The bill was introduced in Congress last week.

The bill proposes to create a program to allow migrant laborers to continue to work on farms. The legislation also restructures and reforms the current H-2A temporary agricultural worker program by substantially streamlining the program's administrative procedures.

"Despite the high unemployment rate, our industry still does not have a reliable workforce and will not until the AgJOBS bill is passed," said Jim Allen, president of the New York Apple Association.

Sen. Charles Schumer, a longtime supporter of New York agriculture, signed onto the Senate version of the bill (S.1038) which was introduced by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).

In the House, Reps. Louise Slaughter (D-28), Christopher Lee (R-26), Eric Massa (D-29), John McHugh (R-23), Dan Maffei (D-25) and Michael Arcuri (D-24) all signed on in support of the House version (H.R.2414), which was introduced by Reps. Howard L. Berman (D-Calif) and Adam Putnam (R-FLA).

Over the past three years, immigration raids throughout western New York left apple growers scrambling to harvest crops.

Apple growers wholly depend on a migrant labor force coming to the state to pick apples in the fall. Every apple --- usually more than 3 billion per season --- is picked by hand by skilled migrant laborers.

There is no viable source of local labor to draw from since few people have an interest in crop-picking work on a farm, even in a recession economy, Allen said.

The AgJOBS legislation will ensure labor-intensive agriculture has access to a stable, legal and predictable supply of skilled labor.

The bill also proposes to eliminate the cumbersome labor certification process, streamline the process for admission of H-2A aliens and allows aliens not currently eligible to participate in the H-2A program to acquire H-2A status.

New York ranks second in apple production nationwide with nearly 700 orchards and more than 25 million bushels harvested last fall.

Peter J. Jentsch
Extension Associate
Department of Entomology
Cornell University's Hudson Valley Lab
3357 Rt. 9W; PO box 727
Highland, NY 12528

Phone 845-691-7151
Mobile: 845-417-7465

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