Re: [Architecture] Cookie Based Authentication for Micro-gateway.

2019-01-17 Thread Nuwan Dias
On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 2:06 PM Rajith Roshan  wrote:

> Hi Chamindu,
> If we do use the opaque oauth token value as the cookie, then why do we
> need it to be one of the values provided during the server start up. The
> client should be able to get any token using /token endpoint and save it as
> a cookie in their SPA and MGW should be able to validate the oauth token by
> contacting KM (or etc) when ever its receives request from SPA with cookie
> header.

I don't think we provide the token (value of it) during the startup. I
think what we only do is to specify the name of cookie which bears the
token (in its value). Because when submitting a request, the browser may
submit multiple cookies to the gateway. In which case we need to know the
name of the specific cookie which bears the token.

> Thanks!
> Rajith
> On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 3:58 PM Ishara Cooray  wrote:
>> Hi Chamindu,
>> Thanks for the clarification.
>> 1. If the both headers are provided priority is given to "Authorization"
>> header. Therefore it will go through path that specified for
>> "Authorization" header.
>> If some one needs both validations is it possible to achieve?
>> 2. Yes. Basically the cookie sessionID is an Oauth2 token which contains
>> expiry time.
>> 3. No. From the given cookies if none of them are not valid then
>> authentication will be failed.
>> In that case how do we  renew the cookie?
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Ishara Cooray
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> Mobile : +9477 262 9512
>> WSO2, Inc. |
>> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
>> On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 10:46 AM Ishara Cooray  wrote:
>>> Hi Chamindu,
>>> Couple of questions came to my mind is
>>> 1. What will be the case if both headers are provided? Are we doing both
>>> validations?
>>> 2. Do we have a expiry time for this cookie.
>>> 3.In the case of invalid cookie how can one obtain a new valid cookie?
>>> Thanks & Regards,
>>> Ishara Cooray
>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>> Mobile : +9477 262 9512
>>> WSO2, Inc. |
>>> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
>>> On Fri, Jan 4, 2019 at 5:04 PM Chamindu Udakara 
>>> wrote:
 Hi All,

 My project is to add cookie based authentication for micro-gateway.
 This is the approach that I have come up with. Please review and let me
 know what you think and please be kind enough to suggest your suggestions.


 Provide authentication for product micro-gateway with cookie based
 authentication which uses session HTTP cookies for authentication.

 Suggested Approach

 When an user invoke an API with a cookie, micro-gateway has to validate
 that cookie prior to the response. The list of cookies included in the HTTP
 request which use to authenticate, have to be extracted from the request.
 From all extracted cookies,their respective session ID value has to be
 extracted properly.

 The Authn filter will check incoming request to micro-gateway and
 determine whether it contains header as "Authorization" or header as
 "Cookie". If header is equals to "Cookie" then the cookie validation
 process will be executed and cookie will be validated. If not it will
 execute as a normal request which contains header as "Authorization". The
 session ID of the required cookie can be provided to server as a direct key
 value pair at the micro-gateway server startup.

 if (request.hasHeader(authHeaderName)) {

authHeader = request.getHeader(authHeaderName);

}else if (request.hasHeader(COOKIE_HEADER)){

//Authentiction with HTTP cookies

CookieBasedAuth cookieBasedAuth = new CookieBasedAuth

result = cookieBasedAuth.processRequest(listener,
 request, context);

}else {

log:printError("No authorization header was provided");


sendErrorResponse(listener, request, untaint context);

return false;


 Above code segment will do that identification of header type of the
 coming request. Then the validation process will be done at the separate
 file named as* "cookie.bal"*. In this file the extraction of session
 Id and validation of that Id with given value at the server startup will be
 done. For that I have implemented a new function as "*ProcessRequest*"
 which returns a string or an error. If any of the cookies included in
 request is not equal to given Id then the validation process will be
 failed. If it fails, then it throws an error and authnFilter will be
 failed. If any of session Id of a cookie matches with given one then that
 id will 

Re: [Architecture] Cookie Based Authentication for Micro-gateway.

2019-01-17 Thread Rajith Roshan
Hi Chamindu,
If we do use the opaque oauth token value as the cookie, then why do we
need it to be one of the values provided during the server start up. The
client should be able to get any token using /token endpoint and save it as
a cookie in their SPA and MGW should be able to validate the oauth token by
contacting KM (or etc) when ever its receives request from SPA with cookie


On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 3:58 PM Ishara Cooray  wrote:

> Hi Chamindu,
> Thanks for the clarification.
> 1. If the both headers are provided priority is given to "Authorization"
> header. Therefore it will go through path that specified for
> "Authorization" header.
> If some one needs both validations is it possible to achieve?
> 2. Yes. Basically the cookie sessionID is an Oauth2 token which contains
> expiry time.
> 3. No. From the given cookies if none of them are not valid then
> authentication will be failed.
> In that case how do we  renew the cookie?
> Thanks & Regards,
> Ishara Cooray
> Senior Software Engineer
> Mobile : +9477 262 9512
> WSO2, Inc. |
> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
> On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 10:46 AM Ishara Cooray  wrote:
>> Hi Chamindu,
>> Couple of questions came to my mind is
>> 1. What will be the case if both headers are provided? Are we doing both
>> validations?
>> 2. Do we have a expiry time for this cookie.
>> 3.In the case of invalid cookie how can one obtain a new valid cookie?
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Ishara Cooray
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> Mobile : +9477 262 9512
>> WSO2, Inc. |
>> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
>> On Fri, Jan 4, 2019 at 5:04 PM Chamindu Udakara 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> My project is to add cookie based authentication for micro-gateway. This
>>> is the approach that I have come up with. Please review and let me know
>>> what you think and please be kind enough to suggest your suggestions.
>>> Requirement
>>> Provide authentication for product micro-gateway with cookie based
>>> authentication which uses session HTTP cookies for authentication.
>>> Suggested Approach
>>> When an user invoke an API with a cookie, micro-gateway has to validate
>>> that cookie prior to the response. The list of cookies included in the HTTP
>>> request which use to authenticate, have to be extracted from the request.
>>> From all extracted cookies,their respective session ID value has to be
>>> extracted properly.
>>> The Authn filter will check incoming request to micro-gateway and
>>> determine whether it contains header as "Authorization" or header as
>>> "Cookie". If header is equals to "Cookie" then the cookie validation
>>> process will be executed and cookie will be validated. If not it will
>>> execute as a normal request which contains header as "Authorization". The
>>> session ID of the required cookie can be provided to server as a direct key
>>> value pair at the micro-gateway server startup.
>>> if (request.hasHeader(authHeaderName)) {
>>>authHeader = request.getHeader(authHeaderName);
>>>}else if (request.hasHeader(COOKIE_HEADER)){
>>>//Authentiction with HTTP cookies
>>>CookieBasedAuth cookieBasedAuth = new CookieBasedAuth ();
>>>result = cookieBasedAuth.processRequest(listener,
>>> request, context);
>>>}else {
>>>log:printError("No authorization header was provided");
>>>sendErrorResponse(listener, request, untaint context);
>>>return false;
>>> Above code segment will do that identification of header type of the
>>> coming request. Then the validation process will be done at the separate
>>> file named as* "cookie.bal"*. In this file the extraction of session Id
>>> and validation of that Id with given value at the server startup will be
>>> done. For that I have implemented a new function as "*ProcessRequest*"
>>> which returns a string or an error. If any of the cookies included in
>>> request is not equal to given Id then the validation process will be
>>> failed. If it fails, then it throws an error and authnFilter will be
>>> failed. If any of session Id of a cookie matches with given one then that
>>> id will be returned to authnFilter for further execution at authnFilter.
>>> public function processRequest(http:Listener listener, http:Request
>>> request, http:FilterContext context)
>>>returns string|error {
>>>boolean isAuthorized;
>>>//get required cookie as config value
>>>string requiredCookie = config:getAsString(COOKIE_HEADER,
>>> default = "");
>>>//extraxt cookies from the incoming request
>>>string authHead = 

Re: [Architecture] Cookie Based Authentication for Micro-gateway.

2019-01-15 Thread Ishara Cooray
Hi Chamindu,
Couple of questions came to my mind is

1. What will be the case if both headers are provided? Are we doing both
2. Do we have a expiry time for this cookie.
3.In the case of invalid cookie how can one obtain a new valid cookie?

Thanks & Regards,
Ishara Cooray
Senior Software Engineer
Mobile : +9477 262 9512
WSO2, Inc. |
Lean . Enterprise . Middleware

On Fri, Jan 4, 2019 at 5:04 PM Chamindu Udakara  wrote:

> Hi All,
> My project is to add cookie based authentication for micro-gateway. This
> is the approach that I have come up with. Please review and let me know
> what you think and please be kind enough to suggest your suggestions.
> Requirement
> Provide authentication for product micro-gateway with cookie based
> authentication which uses session HTTP cookies for authentication.
> Suggested Approach
> When an user invoke an API with a cookie, micro-gateway has to validate
> that cookie prior to the response. The list of cookies included in the HTTP
> request which use to authenticate, have to be extracted from the request.
> From all extracted cookies,their respective session ID value has to be
> extracted properly.
> The Authn filter will check incoming request to micro-gateway and
> determine whether it contains header as "Authorization" or header as
> "Cookie". If header is equals to "Cookie" then the cookie validation
> process will be executed and cookie will be validated. If not it will
> execute as a normal request which contains header as "Authorization". The
> session ID of the required cookie can be provided to server as a direct key
> value pair at the micro-gateway server startup.
> if (request.hasHeader(authHeaderName)) {
>authHeader = request.getHeader(authHeaderName);
>}else if (request.hasHeader(COOKIE_HEADER)){
>//Authentiction with HTTP cookies
>CookieBasedAuth cookieBasedAuth = new CookieBasedAuth ();
>result = cookieBasedAuth.processRequest(listener, request,
> context);
>}else {
>log:printError("No authorization header was provided");
>sendErrorResponse(listener, request, untaint context);
>return false;
> Above code segment will do that identification of header type of the
> coming request. Then the validation process will be done at the separate
> file named as* "cookie.bal"*. In this file the extraction of session Id
> and validation of that Id with given value at the server startup will be
> done. For that I have implemented a new function as "*ProcessRequest*"
> which returns a string or an error. If any of the cookies included in
> request is not equal to given Id then the validation process will be
> failed. If it fails, then it throws an error and authnFilter will be
> failed. If any of session Id of a cookie matches with given one then that
> id will be returned to authnFilter for further execution at authnFilter.
> public function processRequest(http:Listener listener, http:Request
> request, http:FilterContext context)
>returns string|error {
>boolean isAuthorized;
>//get required cookie as config value
>string requiredCookie = config:getAsString(COOKIE_HEADER, default
> = "");
>//extraxt cookies from the incoming request
>string authHead = request.getHeader(COOKIE_HEADER);
>string[] cookies = authHead.trim().split(";");
>foreach cookie in cookies{
>string[] sessionIds = cookie.trim().split("=");
>string sessionId = sessionIds[1];
>if (sessionId == requiredCookie){
>return sessionId;
>error notFound = {message:"No matched cookie found"};
>return notFound;
> }
> *Chamindu Udakara *
> *Software engineering Intern*
> WSO2  (University of Moratuwa)
> *mobile *: *+94 755285531*  |   *email *:
> ___
> Architecture mailing list
Architecture mailing list

Re: [Architecture] Cookie Based Authentication for Micro-gateway.

2019-01-14 Thread Nuwan Dias
The requirement to implement $subject is to enable client-side web
applications (Javascript driven SPAs) to use OAuth2 APIs easily. When an
SPA uses OAuth2 protected APIs, they are required to present a valid access
token. To do this these Applications need to execute some Javascript on the
client side (we browser) which reads an access token stored in some storage
and adds it as a header to the request initiated from the SPA (browser).

The problem here is that if a token is to be stored in a way that is
accessible by client side Javascript, the token becomes vulnerable to any
type of Javascript that runs on the domain of the particular web
application. Meaning that if the application becomes vulnerable to a cross
site scripting attack (XSS) they run the risk of the token being stolen by
an unintended party. To keep the token safe, it makes sense to store the
token in 'httpOnly' format so that they become inaccessible to Javascript.
This way, the token will be submitted to the API in a cookie and hence the
need for the Gateway to identify the token which it may now receive in the
form of a cookie and no longer as an HTTP header.

On Fri, Jan 4, 2019 at 5:04 PM Chamindu Udakara  wrote:

> Hi All,
> My project is to add cookie based authentication for micro-gateway. This
> is the approach that I have come up with. Please review and let me know
> what you think and please be kind enough to suggest your suggestions.
> Requirement
> Provide authentication for product micro-gateway with cookie based
> authentication which uses session HTTP cookies for authentication.
> Suggested Approach
> When an user invoke an API with a cookie, micro-gateway has to validate
> that cookie prior to the response. The list of cookies included in the HTTP
> request which use to authenticate, have to be extracted from the request.
> From all extracted cookies,their respective session ID value has to be
> extracted properly.
> The Authn filter will check incoming request to micro-gateway and
> determine whether it contains header as "Authorization" or header as
> "Cookie". If header is equals to "Cookie" then the cookie validation
> process will be executed and cookie will be validated. If not it will
> execute as a normal request which contains header as "Authorization". The
> session ID of the required cookie can be provided to server as a direct key
> value pair at the micro-gateway server startup.
> if (request.hasHeader(authHeaderName)) {
>authHeader = request.getHeader(authHeaderName);
>}else if (request.hasHeader(COOKIE_HEADER)){
>//Authentiction with HTTP cookies
>CookieBasedAuth cookieBasedAuth = new CookieBasedAuth ();
>result = cookieBasedAuth.processRequest(listener, request,
> context);
>}else {
>log:printError("No authorization header was provided");
>sendErrorResponse(listener, request, untaint context);
>return false;
> Above code segment will do that identification of header type of the
> coming request. Then the validation process will be done at the separate
> file named as* "cookie.bal"*. In this file the extraction of session Id
> and validation of that Id with given value at the server startup will be
> done. For that I have implemented a new function as "*ProcessRequest*"
> which returns a string or an error. If any of the cookies included in
> request is not equal to given Id then the validation process will be
> failed. If it fails, then it throws an error and authnFilter will be
> failed. If any of session Id of a cookie matches with given one then that
> id will be returned to authnFilter for further execution at authnFilter.
> public function processRequest(http:Listener listener, http:Request
> request, http:FilterContext context)
>returns string|error {
>boolean isAuthorized;
>//get required cookie as config value
>string requiredCookie = config:getAsString(COOKIE_HEADER, default
> = "");
>//extraxt cookies from the incoming request
>string authHead = request.getHeader(COOKIE_HEADER);
>string[] cookies = authHead.trim().split(";");
>foreach cookie in cookies{
>string[] sessionIds = cookie.trim().split("=");
>string sessionId = sessionIds[1];
>if (sessionId == requiredCookie){
>return sessionId;
>error notFound = {message:"No matched cookie found"};
>return notFound;
> }
> *Chamindu Udakara *
> *Software engineering Intern*
> WSO2  (University of Moratuwa)
> *mobile *: *+94 755285531*  |   *email *:

*Nuwan Dias* | Director | WSO2 Inc.

[Architecture] Cookie Based Authentication for Micro-gateway.

2019-01-04 Thread Chamindu Udakara
Hi All,

My project is to add cookie based authentication for micro-gateway. This is
the approach that I have come up with. Please review and let me know what
you think and please be kind enough to suggest your suggestions.


Provide authentication for product micro-gateway with cookie based
authentication which uses session HTTP cookies for authentication.

Suggested Approach

When an user invoke an API with a cookie, micro-gateway has to validate
that cookie prior to the response. The list of cookies included in the HTTP
request which use to authenticate, have to be extracted from the request.
>From all extracted cookies,their respective session ID value has to be
extracted properly.

The Authn filter will check incoming request to micro-gateway and determine
whether it contains header as "Authorization" or header as "Cookie". If
header is equals to "Cookie" then the cookie validation process will be
executed and cookie will be validated. If not it will execute as a normal
request which contains header as "Authorization". The session ID of the
required cookie can be provided to server as a direct key value pair at the
micro-gateway server startup.

if (request.hasHeader(authHeaderName)) {

   authHeader = request.getHeader(authHeaderName);

   }else if (request.hasHeader(COOKIE_HEADER)){

   //Authentiction with HTTP cookies

   CookieBasedAuth cookieBasedAuth = new CookieBasedAuth ();

   result = cookieBasedAuth.processRequest(listener, request,

   }else {

   log:printError("No authorization header was provided");


   sendErrorResponse(listener, request, untaint context);

   return false;


Above code segment will do that identification of header type of the coming
request. Then the validation process will be done at the separate file
named as* "cookie.bal"*. In this file the extraction of session Id and
validation of that Id with given value at the server startup will be done.
For that I have implemented a new function as "*ProcessRequest*" which
returns a string or an error. If any of the cookies included in request is
not equal to given Id then the validation process will be failed. If it
fails, then it throws an error and authnFilter will be failed. If any of
session Id of a cookie matches with given one then that id will be returned
to authnFilter for further execution at authnFilter.

public function processRequest(http:Listener listener, http:Request
request, http:FilterContext context)

   returns string|error {

   boolean isAuthorized;

   //get required cookie as config value

   string requiredCookie = config:getAsString(COOKIE_HEADER, default =

   //extraxt cookies from the incoming request

   string authHead = request.getHeader(COOKIE_HEADER);

   string[] cookies = authHead.trim().split(";");

   foreach cookie in cookies{


   string[] sessionIds = cookie.trim().split("=");

   string sessionId = sessionIds[1];

   if (sessionId == requiredCookie){

   return sessionId;



   error notFound = {message:"No matched cookie found"};

   return notFound;


*Chamindu Udakara *
*Software engineering Intern*
WSO2  (University of Moratuwa)
*mobile *: *+94 755285531*  |   *email *:
Architecture mailing list