Phil Jackson Confirms Confrontation With Ron Artest, Downplays Severity -- NBA FanHouse

2011-01-05 Thread Mudahkaya
 Jackson confirmed Tuesday that a verbal confrontation with Ron Artest had 
occurred recently in practice, although the Lakers coach disputed the idea that 
such an exchange with a player was unusual or indicative of turmoil within the 
Yahoo! Sports reported Tuesday that Artest loudly confronted Jackson, primarily 
because he was upset at being the target of Jackson's public critiques during 
the team's recent slide. Despite defeating the visiting Detroit Pistons on 
Tuesday evening, the Lakers have lost four of their last seven games. 
"That's not accurate, but it's close to accurate," Jackson said prior to 
Tuesday's game. "It was not a loud confrontation; it was a man-to-man 
confrontation. And it was obviously out of character for both that to happen at 
practice and for Ron. And it wasn't about embarrassing him publicly; it was 
about some of the issues that had been brought up that have focused about him."
Jackson explained that occasional confrontations with players are routine. 
"It's nothing more than what could normally happen at a practice." he said. 
"Obviously there's either a spy or a camera or a leak or something that went on 
in our practice, but those are things that happen in practice, and it's not the 
first time, and it's not going to be the last."
When asked about the incident, Artest seemed embarrassed to be the center of 
attention. "I don't like stories like that," he said.
"That hurts. That hurts because I just don't want to be a part of any 
controversy. I don't want to be a part of any conflict," Artest said. "I don't 
want to be a part of anything like that. That's why for something like that to 
be said is kind of weird. I won't really say anything on that.
"I've just come too far; I've worked too hard pushing ego aside to have 
something like that come out. ... My image is very, very important to me -- 
whatever I have of it left. Whatever I have left, I work pretty hard on 
maintaining it."
This isn't even the first time this week an apparent conflict between Jackson 
and a player has made headlines. On Sunday, following a blowout loss at the 
hands of the Memphis Grizzlies, Jackson publicly complained about Kobe Bryant's 
decision-making, prompting Bryant to remark to reporters, "I'm not buying into 
any of that Zen bulls**t." 
The two quickly made peace the next day at practice, but not before the media 
had a field day parsing the quotes and speculating about turmoil. Until the 
Lakers can right their ship and resume winning on a consistent basis, such 
mini-soap operas will likely be commonplace.
Read More: Lakers  Artest+vs+Jackson, Kobe+Bryant, Phil+Jackson, 
Ron+Artest, Ron+Artest+vs+Phil+Jackson
 NBA / Getty Images
  Back to back world championships, still winning over two thirds of their 
games and they're in termoil.  How many other teams should be so lucky?  How 
about waiting until the real season begins (Playoffs of course) until you try 
writing them off.
  sometimes it's harder to be a winner than a loser...the target is there for 
everyone to take a shot at and the pressure is more after you've won 2, the 
expectations are higher. one forgets that each year is its own separate journey 
and that previous success doesn't automatically guarantee later success.  the 
other teams have changed personell, strategy, etc. and teams gear up toward 
'beating the lakers'...the lakers have to adjust and they're in the process of 
it...we'll see how it all turns out, for now, it's a work in progress...and 
frustration at times is normal...
  ron artest got his ring, now he needs to, to go cleaveland and start playing 
his game again and help that team
  What a bunch of immature self absorbed idiots NBA players are these days, I 
love basketball but cant stand watching these out of touch jerks. 
  I agree with you.  So we just don't watch.  If the Lakers aren't in the mood 
to play consistent basketball, then I'm not in the mood to watch them either.  
I'll be back when I hear they're ready to entertain me.  After all, that's what 
they are, right?  Entertainers.  Maybe I'll check them out when the Playoffs 
begin.  Until then, I'll watch Football.

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Free Darko I still like this song.
Free Darko Later tweeps! I'm off to listen to some Sade and polish bits of rock 
salt, one by one. Stay careful to stay on top!
Free Darko DeRozan seems to have forgotten last year, when a lot of us had him 
pegged a

Google Groups: You've been invited to AdultHumor-L

2011-01-05 Thread noreply
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Archiver for email messages, for humor and like, maybe I will not have to 
forward things any more, just point to the archive or ..

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Humor of all types, just be warned, if you post wierd humor, expect someone to
reply and post something better, or counter to it.. Mike

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Microsoft confirms new Windows zero-day bug

2011-01-05 Thread Computerworld Security
Computerworld Security: January 05, 2011

Microsoft confirms new Windows zero-day bug

Microsoft today confirmed an unpatched vulnerability in Windows just hours after
a hacking toolkit published an exploit for the bug.

~~~WHITE PAPER: MessageLabs~

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This paper will look at aligning security processes, the human element of
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1. IT Blogwatch: Microsoft zero-day: Exploited by just viewing thumbnail

2. BofA braces for fallout from WikiLeaks disclosures

3. Kneber botnet strikes again, targets gov't agencies

4. PHP floating point bug crashes servers

5. maker to refund thousands in spyware case

6. Good times projected for network security market in 2011


Overcoming the Obstacles to Effective Risk Management

This virtual meeting for IT managers and CIOs is based on a new IBM study.
Senior Vice Presidents and a Chief Technology Officer provide guidance on
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IT Blogwatch: Microsoft zero-day: Exploited by just viewing thumbnail

Another day, another unpatched remote code execution vulnerability in Windows.
This time, Microsoft is scrambling to deal with a bug that allows a crafty image
thumbnail to take over your PC. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers feel the fear. Not to
mention Begin feeling... (MSFT)
BofA braces for fallout from WikiLeaks disclosures

The Bank of America has created a team of internal and external experts to
create a damage control plan to be put into place if WikiLeaks releases insider
documents it's said to hold.
Kneber botnet strikes again, targets gov't agencies

A botnet fingered for stealing a treasure trove of information last year has
struck again, harvesting sensitive documents from dozens of government agencies
and contractors, according to security experts.
~~~WHITE PAPER: Sepaton~

Foxwoods, the World’s Largest Resort Casino Bets on SEPATON

Foxwoods turned to SEPATON for a simple and effective way to store, protect and
manage their data when their tape-based data protection systems could no longer
handle the volume of data being generated by these systems and the complexity of
their infrastructure could no longer handle tape backup.

PHP floating point bug crashes servers

A bug in the PHP scripting language could crash Web servers with large floating
point numbers maker to refund thousands in spyware case

The company whose late-night commercials promised to 'make your computer run
fast the way it's supposed to,' will pay tens of thousands of dollars in fines
and refunds to settle charges that it engaged in deceptive advertising.
Good times projected for network security market in 2011

There's some early optimism about the information technology industry as the
world steps into 2011. For one thing, the global network security market is
expected to be on the rise, according to estimates from IDC, which forecasts a
return to the growth of pre-recession levels this year.


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2011-01-05 Thread yitno