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2013-10-10 Thread The University of Alabama LISTSERV Server (16.0)

Thu, 10 Oct 2013 06:00:01

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Invitacion a Seminario: Cambio Actitudinal - La base del exito en las empresas!

2013-10-10 Thread Escuela de Desarrollo Humano

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 Escuela de Desarrollo Humano

 Le invita al Seminario Taller:


 La base del exito en las empresas

 26 y 27 de octubre 2013

 Inscripciones, Tel. 2562-1530

 Marketing Online, El Salvador

 Estimado usuario el motivo de recibir estos correos es para
mantenerle informado

 de las ofertas y eventos de las empresas y comercios mas exclusivos
en El Salvador,

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Ayo rédactrice en chef invitée, Britney fatiguée d'être sexy et Gaga au Berghaïn

2013-10-10 Thread
Ayo rédactrice en chef invitée, Britney fatiguée d'être sexy et Gaga au Berghaïn

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Lady Gaga au Berghain : WTF ?

Le 24 octobre, la pop star Lady Gaga 
preacute;sentera son troisiegrave;me album ARTPOP. Chez Universal ? Non, dans 
le mythique club de techno berlinois, Le Berghain. On en connaicirc;t qui vont 

Non... Seacute;rieux ?


[zenoss-users] How to Confirm Custom MIBS are Being Walked

2013-10-10 Thread dualsweat
dualsweat [] created the discussion

How to Confirm Custom MIBS are Being Walked

To view the discussion, visit:

Hi All,

 I have been reviewing the Zenoss Adminsitration Guide, but it is not 
clear to me where to confirm that custom mibs are being walked. 

Here is what I have done:

-Added a test device to my network.
-Loaded the custom mibs for this vendors device using zenmib command.

Question: Where can I see the output of the MIBs walked?
Question: When I try to add graphs for this device, there are no modular 
plugins available based on the mibs I just loaded. 

Does anyone have a simple procedure to confirm the mibs are being walked, how 
to view the output, and how to graph the output?



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[zenoss-users] How to Confirm Custom MIBS are Being Walked

2013-10-10 Thread dualsweat
dualsweat [] created the discussion

Re: How to Confirm Custom MIBS are Being Walked

To view the discussion, visit:

FYI - CentOS 6.3
Zenoss Core 4.2.4.

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[zenoss-users] How to Confirm Custom MIBS are Being Walked

2013-10-10 Thread hydruid
hydruid [] created the discussion

Re: How to Confirm Custom MIBS are Being Walked

To view the discussion, visit:


Loading the device MIBs allows Zenoss to translate the SNMP OID to
something human readable (e.g. - RocketA.FuelB.Nasa).
Basically adding the MIBs does not mean that Zenoss will use them to create
a template for your device.

What type of device is it? It sounds like it's not being modeled properly.
When you open the device in the Zenoss UI, use the gear in the bottom left,
and try a snmpwalk to see if it can connect.

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[zenoss-users] How to Confirm Custom MIBS are Being Walked

2013-10-10 Thread dualsweat
dualsweat [] created the discussion

Re: How to Confirm Custom MIBS are Being Walked

To view the discussion, visit:


   The Device is currently in the /Discovered path. Its a custom router 
running a modified version of linux. Zenoss found the hostname and the 
interfaces and is currently graphing throughput...etc. 

   I reviewed creating templates, but that only allows me to enter 1 data 
point. I imported over 800 custom oids in the mib files I loaded. How can I 
make Zenoss walk all those new oids without having to add them one by one to a 
template? Is it possible?



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[zenoss-users] How to Confirm Custom MIBS are Being Walked

2013-10-10 Thread hydruid
hydruid [] created the discussion

Re: How to Confirm Custom MIBS are Being Walked

To view the discussion, visit:

You might be able to automate it using ZenDMD and of course you could
always create a ZenPack with those OID's.

Glad you are moving in the right direction now!

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[zenoss-users] How to Confirm Custom MIBS are Being Walked

2013-10-10 Thread dualsweat
dualsweat [] created the discussion

Re: How to Confirm Custom MIBS are Being Walked

To view the discussion, visit:

Thanks hydruid,

   I just browsed the zenpack creation doc. I think it may be slightly 
(or maybe way) over my head. Anyhow, thanks for the advice. I will continue to 
read the docs and see if I can find a way to make this a bit less time 
consuming and a little more user friendly i.e. zenoss for dummies - i.e. me!  




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