Exclusive Invite - Your Profile Confirmation

2015-11-24 Thread Registry Of Professionals

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The tradition of the Who's Who reaches back more than 
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Our goal is to seek out the premier executives and professionals 
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John D'Agostino
Membership Division
Who's Who Among Executives and Professionals

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Executive Leads Inc.
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2015-11-24 Thread connman-request
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Subscription probe for IBM-MAIN - please ignore

2015-11-24 Thread The University of Alabama LISTSERV Server (16.0)

Tue, 24 Nov 2015 06:00:01

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Info Training - Confirm Running : Clinic Of Essential Excel For Office Data Processing System, Jakarta 10 - 11 Desember 2015

2015-11-24 Thread Seminar Info
Kepada Yth. : archive@mail-archive.com ,

Apabila bapak / ibu berkenan, mohon informasi ini dapat diteruskan ke 
Director/Manager/Human Resources atau Departemen/Bagian terkait.

Untuk pendaftaran atau informasi lebih  lengkap, silahkan  hubungi kami di 
nomor telepon : 021 – 8690 3283 / 0811 101 9811 / 0812 2345 9811 / 0812 2345 

Terima kasih atas kerja sama dan bantuannya.

Clinic Of Essential Excel For Office Data Processing System
Menara Peninsula Hotel – Jakarta, 10 – 11 Desember  2015
Training Fee : Rp. 4.000.000,- Person (full fare)
Early Bird Fee : Rp. 3.500.000,-/person (payment 1 week before training)
Group Fee : Rp. 3.250.000,-/person (REG for 3 person/more, payment 1 week 
before training)

Training Description :
Overview :
Pengolahan data yang relatif banyak dan dengan jenis kriteria yang komplek, 
kerap kali merepotkan kita dalam mengolahnya sesuai dengan standar yang ingin 
dihasilkan perusahaan guna menghasilkan informasi yang nantinya akan dijadikan 
dasar analisis atau keputusan bisnis berikutnya. Di dalam paket aplikasi 
pengolah angka/data yang sudah sangat populer di dunia bisnis yaitu Microsoft 
Excel sebenarnya sudah menyediakan berbagai fasilitas yang dapat dimaksimalkan 
dalam membantu pengolahan data yang komplek tersebut, hanya terkadang kita/user 
belum dapat memaksimalkan fitur/menu yang sudah ada.

Tujuan Pelatihan :
Setelah mengikuti program pelatihan ini, para peserta diharapkan akan mampu 
untuk :
· Membaca dan memasukan berbagai file management data dengan formula 
· Mampu memanfaatkan Data Validation and Data Analysis
· Memahami Built-in Data Entry Form
· Menguasai ‘Solver Analysis Tool Pack’
· Mampu membuat Financial Modeling
· Memahami fungsi lookup
· Memanfaatkan Macros
· Mengatur worksheet dan data tabel dengan menggunakan berbagai teknik
· Membuat dan memodifikasi grafik.
· Menganalisis data menggunakan PivotTables dan PivotCharts.
· Masukkan objek grafis.

Outline :
1.   Working with More Formulas and Functions
· Using Series Command
· Working Insert Function Wizard
· Utilising Excel Function Categories
· Correcting Formulas
· Harnessing Formula Error Checker
· Using Formula Auditing Toolbar
2.   Utilizing Auto Filter and Custom Filter
· Sorting Data
· Using AutoFilter
· Creating a Custom AutoFilter
· Using Advanced Filter
3.   Applying Advanced Formatting Techniques
· Custom Formatting
· Conditional Formatting
· Creating and Applying Templates
4.   Comprehending PivotTable and PivotChart
· Analyzing Data Dynamically
· Filtering, Showing, and Hiding PivotTable Data
· Editing and Formatting PivotTables
· Creating PivotTables from External Data
· Creating Dynamic Charts by Using PivotCharts
5.   Utilizing Data Validation
· Overview of Data Validation
· Adding Data Validation
· Handling Data Validation Alerts
· Using Input and Error Messages
6.   Harnessing Data Analysis
· Describing Data
· Comparing Variables
· Conducting Tests of Significance
· Data Analysis ToolPak
7.   Summarizing Data with Graph
· Create Line, Column and modified
· Format Line, Column and budget
· Clear Line, Column and spidometer
8.   Enhancing ‘Solver Analysis Tool Pack’
· Working with Solver Tool
· Using Conditions and Constraints
· Working with Solver Results
· Generating Report
9.   Generating Financial Modeling
· Working with “What If”
· Utilizing Scenario Manager
· Valuing Goal Seek Function
10.   Mastering Lookup Functions
· Comprehending Lookup Array
· Valuing Lookup Vector
· Implementing V-Lookup
· Implementing H-Lookup
11.   Harnessing Macros
· Creating and Modifying Macros
· Enabling and Examining Macros
· Running Macros

Trainer : Ghani Basyar, SE., MM.

More Topic on December 2015
15 – 16 DecBusiness Ethic For Secretary
15 – 16 DecPowerfull Database Analysis & Dashboard Reporting Using Excel 
17 – 18 DecKiat Menyusun SOP with KPI
17 – 18 DecBALI : Managing People "Leadership & Managerial Skills For 
Supervisor & Manager"
17 – 18 DecBALI : Advanced Secretary Development Program
17 – 18 DecBest Practice Warehouse Management
17 – 18 DecMarketing Research with SPSS
21 – 22 DecEffektive Time Management
21 – 22 DecTraining Needs Analyst (TNA)
21 – 22 DecComprehensive Supervisory Skills Training
21 – 22 DecElectronic Filing Implementation with RMS, EIS & EDMS Method
21 – 22 DecCommunication & Interpersonal Skills
21 – 22 DecService Excellence
29 – 30 DecProblem Solving and Decision Making
29 – 30 DecCompensation & Benefit Based (Using 3P Concept)
29 – 30 DecNew Product Development (NPD)