confirm 89469873774ca0451e7ce2d205eff7ffbc829bf6

2018-09-01 Thread midpoint-request
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list

We have received a request from for subscription of your
email address, "", to the mailing list.  To confirm that you want to
be added to this mailing list, simply reply to this message, keeping
the Subject: header intact.  Or visit this web page:

Or include the following line -- and only the following line -- in a
message to

confirm 89469873774ca0451e7ce2d205eff7ffbc829bf6

Note that simply sending a `reply' to this message should work from
most mail readers, since that usually leaves the Subject: line in the
right form (additional "Re:" text in the Subject: is okay).

If you do not wish to be subscribed to this list, please simply
disregard this message.  If you think you are being maliciously
subscribed to the list, or have any other questions, send them to

Confirmation for subscribe lm-sensors

2018-09-01 Thread Majordomo

Someone (possibly you) has requested that your email address be added
to or deleted from the mailing list "".

If you really want this action to be taken, please send the following
commands (exactly as shown) back to "":

auth 78fe5262 subscribe lm-sensors

If you do not want this action to be taken, simply ignore this message
and the request will be disregarded.

If your mailer will not allow you to send the entire command as a single
line, you may split it using backslashes, like so:

auth 78fe5262 subscribe lm-sensors \

If you have any questions about the policy of the list owner, please
contact "".
