Dear ArchivesSpace users,

Registration is open for a three-hour ArchivesSpace Digital Objects Module 
workshop on June 16, 2021, from 12:00pm-3:00pm ET/9:00am-12:00pm PT.  During 
this workshop, ArchivesSpace trainer Brittany Newberry will cover using digital 
objects in ArchivesSpace, including a functional overview of the Digital 
Objects module, how to create both simple and complex digital objects, and 
importing and exporting digital objects.  Attendees are expected to have 
experience with ArchivesSpace or to have completed the ArchivesSpace Basics 
training.   A copy of the agenda is linked below.

ArchivesSpace Digital Objects Module Training 
Date: June 16, 2021
Time: 12:00pm-3:00pm ET / 9:00am-12:00pm PT
Trainer: Brittany Newberry (Atlanta University Center)

In order to make training available to as many organizations and users as 
possible, registration will be limited to three (3) attendees per organization 
for virtual trainings.

All community-wide virtual trainings will be recorded.  These recordings will 
be made available via the ArchivesSpace website and YouTube channel.  You do 
not need to register for the training to have access to the recordings.

Over the next year, the Trainers Corps will offer regularly scheduled workshops 
and office hours covering a variety of topics on all things ArchivesSpace.  
These virtual, community-wide trainings will be part of a 12-month pilot 
project by the Trainers Corps to assess community interest and training needs. 
Registration for each training will be separate and registration will open 
closer to each training date. Information about this training program is 
available at

Jessica Dowd Crouch
Community Engagement Coordinator for ArchivesSpace<>

Archivesspace_Users_Group mailing list

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