Dear ArchivesSpace Users,

In the wake of the George Floyd and Breonna Taylor murders, and in the spirit 
of protest that followed, the ArchivesSpace community began a conversation 
about what it could do to promote diversity and inclusion while combating 
systemic racism in our field. That continuing conversation has led to a series 
 that we will undertake in the coming years, including an Inclusive Examples 

For this important project, ArchivesSpace is delighted to be working with 
Brittany Newberry of Georgia State University to update the examples provided 
in its workshop materials and test databases. We want the examples to be more 
representative of the diverse institutions that use ArchivesSpace.

We are interested in adding examples from the ArchivesSpace user community. 
Below is a list of record types and collection types for which we are looking. 
In addition, we have created an 
 to provide information and expectations for how the data shared will be used.

If you are interested in participating, please email a signed 
 and the records you'd like to share in one of the formats listed. Email<> by 
Wednesday, March 23 and we will forward your submission to Brittany Newberry 
for review. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

Possible Examples:
Types of Records:

  *   Resource records (EAD, MarcXML, CSV, Excel spreadsheet)
  *   Accessions (MarcXML, Excel spreadsheet, CSV)
  *   Digital Objects (CSV, Excel Spreadsheet)
  *   Subjects and Agents (MarcXML, Excel spreadsheet, CSV, EAC-CPF)
Types of Institutions/Collections

  *   Academic/University records
  *   Corporate/Business archives
  *   Government
  *   Religious
  *   Non-profit/community
  *   Minority-serving
  *   Museum
  *   Public Library
  *   Historical Society
  *   BIPOC
  *   LGBTQ+
  *   Music/arts

Data should be in a format that can easily be ingested into ArchivesSpace. 
 are available for the record types where CSV or spreadsheet formats are 
indicated. Please contact<> if you have 
questions about how to prepare your data.

Thank you,

Jessica Dowd Crouch
Community Engagement Coordinator for ArchivesSpace<>

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