Dear ArchivesSpace Users,

Hello again, this is Corey Schmidt, ArchivesSpace PM at the University of 

I'm excited to announce the full release of a little app we made to batch 
export ArchivesSpace records. This app can batch export EAD and MARCXML files, 
Container Labels, and PDFs. It can also run XML cleanup on EAD.xml files and 
upload XML or PDF files to XTF-based finding aid websites. It's made with a 
simple GUI, so no terminal inputs are necessary. Also, for Windows users, it 
comes with an easy installer. For Mac users, you can still run it with a few 
extra steps, but we are working on getting a Mac .app version that is just as 
easy to install.

If you would like to check it out, here is the link to the GitHub repo: To 
download the latest release for Windows, go to this link and click on 
asbatch-v100.exe to download and install:

I will be giving a demo/presentation of the app at the ArchivesSpace Member 
 on August 3, 1:10PM (EST) and at the Metadata and Digital Object 
 at the SAA Annual Meeting on July 27, 1:00PM (EST).

Special thanks to everyone on the listserv and elsewhere who helped make this 
possible. Thank you for you valuable and amazing insight.



Corey Schmidt
ArchivesSpace Project Manager
University of Georgia Special Collections Libraries
Archivesspace_Users_Group mailing list

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