
ArchivesSpace Update – September 2021


ArchivesSpace v3.1 is currently available. ArchivesSpace is announcing the 
availability of v3.1.0. You can download it at 

This release includes a number of accessibility improvements, particularly to 
the public interface. Many of these were identified in an accessibility audit 
conducted by Deque across the open source applications that make their homes at 
LYRASIS, which include DSpace, CollectionSpace, and ArchivesSpace. The release 
also includes specific bug fixes and small feature improvements prioritized by 
the Development Prioritization sub-team. There are also additional performance, 
backend and staff interface improvements from Hudson Molonglo developers James 
Bullen, Mark Triggs, and Payten Giles that derived from work HM did for 
Queensland State Archives as part of a larger project.

Thanks to all of our community members who contributed code for this release: 
Alex Duryee, Andrew Morrison, Dave Mayo, James Bullen, Mark Triggs, Nick 
Butler, Payten Giles, Sam Hatfield, and Sean Anderson. As always, program team 
members Lora Woodford, Brian Hoffman, and Mark Cooper, as well as contractors 
Manny Rodriguez and Brian Zelip, wrote and/or reviewed substantial code for the 
release. Thanks also to our community groups, especially the Testing sub-team, 
for their efforts.

Information on upgrading to a new version of ArchivesSpace is available at 
https://archivesspace.github.io/tech-docs/administration/upgrading.html. If you 
have any difficulties, please let us know.

This is the spring/summer 2021 release from the 
 Items that were projected for this release that did not make it in have been 
shifted to future releases.

Please get in touch if you have any questions. Thanks as always for your 
feedback and support.

Upcoming Change to the Way ArchivesSpace is Deployed

We wanted to alert you to an upcoming change in the way the ArchivesSpace 
application is deployed. This change will not be noticeable to end users of the 
application, but it will affect those that install and maintain it for users.


ArchivesSpace uses Solr<https://solr.apache.org/> for its search platform. 
Since its original release in 2013, ArchivesSpace has used a version of Solr 
that can be embedded into the application so that Solr is installed and 
configured by default when ArchivesSpace is installed. Though most 
ArchivesSpace deployments opt for this embedded version of Solr, some sites 
choose to use an external deployment of Solr and maintain it separately from 

In its own upgrades over the years, Solr made some changes so that it can no 
longer be embedded. While we have stayed on the highest embeddable version of 
Solr (v4.10.4) for years, this version is now old and unsupported by its 
maintainers, and it is no longer sustainable for us to use it in new releases. 
In order to maintain and improve this critical piece of ArchivesSpace 
infrastructure, we need to upgrade Solr. In the process we will need to make 
the transition to using external Solr only.

What does this mean for me?

Once we make this change, if you are responsible for deploying ArchivesSpace at 
your institution, you will need to download and install Solr and use 
ArchivesSpace’s supplied Solr configuration to create the Solr index. This will 
be in addition to managing your own MySQL database. Solr will no longer be 
distributed with ArchivesSpace and ArchivesSpace will no longer work 
out-of-the-box without an external Solr deployment. ArchivesSpace will need to 
be fully re-indexed when this transition occurs.

If you are not the person responsible for deploying ArchivesSpace at your 
institution, this change will not directly affect you, though it will be 
important to make sure the person responsible for deploying your ArchivesSpace 
is aware of the change.

Will you have strict requirements for how to deploy Solr?

Like with MySQL, the ArchivesSpace team does not intend to be opinionated about 
how Solr is deployed externally. System administrators will be able to use 
whatever method they prefer to install Solr. For those who require more 
guidance, however, we will have instructions for using a standalone Solr 
installation along with specific ArchivesSpace Solr configuration files. These 
will be in addition to the standard documentation provided by Solr 

When will this happen?

We expect to make the transition to external Solr with the release on the 
 that is planned for December 2021. Even so, older versions of ArchivesSpace 
will continue to work with the embedded Solr that was included with them at the 
time of their release.

How can I learn more?

We will be providing a number of community education opportunities along with 
technical documentation beginning later this fall to help people understand 
what they will need to do to make the changes. These may include webinars, 
recorded tutorials, Q&A sessions for technical staff, and online documentation. 
All of these resources will be publicly available to members and non-members. 
In addition, ArchivesSpace members will be able to access technical support as 
questions arise as a benefit of their membership.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we continue to work to 
improve ArchivesSpace for everyone. We look forward to working with you to 
facilitate this important transition. Please feel free to reach out with any 
questions or feedback.

Join us for the next ArchivesSpace Trainers Corps Office Hour, Friday, October 
8th at 2pm ET/11am PT

The third ArchivesSpace Trainers Corps “Office Hour” will be Friday, October 
8th at 2pm ET/11am PT. In these office hours, members of the ArchivesSpace 
Trainers Corps will demo a task or tool frequently used by ArchivesSpace users 
and take questions related to the demo and topic.

For this open call, the Trainers Corps will briefly explain how to import 
archival objects via Excel or CSV using the “Load via Spreadsheet” feature, 
which became available in ArchivesSpace beginning with v2.8.0.  (This feature 
was formerly known as the Harvard import 
plugin<https://github.com/harvard-library/aspace-import-excel>; those using 
ArchivesSpace v2.7 or earlier can still access it via the plugin.)  Following 
the presentation, you will have the opportunity to ask questions about the 
topic, followed by a general Q&A about migration tools and data 
 If you would like to suggest a topic for a future “Office Hour,” you can do so 
at https://forms.gle/unz3GmAbWwvpHjSr7.

ArchivesSpace Trainers Corps “Office Hour”
Date: October 8, 2021
Time: 2:00pm ET / 11:00am PT
Topic: Using the Load via Spreadsheet function in ArchivesSpace


Throughout this year, the Trainers Corps has been offering regularly scheduled 
trainings and office hours covering a variety of topics on all things 
ArchivesSpace.  Registration for each training is separate and opens closer to 
each training date. Information about this training program is available at 

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 

Registration now open: Virtual ArchivesSpace Basics Workshop on October 18, 20, 
25 and 27, 2021 from 12:00pm-2:30pm ET / 9:00am-11:30am PT

Registration is now open for the four-session Virtual ArchivesSpace Basics 
Workshop on October 18, 20, 25 and 27, 2021 from 12:00pm-2:30pm ET / 
9:00am-11:30am PT.  During this workshop, trainers from the ArchivesSpace 
Trainers Corps will cover some of the most frequently used areas of the 
ArchivesSpace application.  Attendees are expected to attend all 4 sessions 
since each session will build on the lessons learned in the session before.

ArchivesSpace Basics Training - 4 sessions

Date: October 18, 20, 25 and 27, 2021

Time: 12:00pm-2:30pm ET / 9:00am-11:30am PT

Trainers: Miloche Kottman (University of Kansas) and Brittany Newberry (Atlanta 
University Center)

Registration: https://lyrasis.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9zRa5tTqQZC7UQyX40HTgg

In order to make training available to as many organizations and users as 
possible, registration will be limited to three (3) attendees per organization 
for virtual trainings.

All community-wide virtual trainings will be recorded.  These recordings will 
be made available via the ArchivesSpace website and YouTube channel.  You do 
not need to register for the training to have access to the recordings.

While this training does not assume any prior experience with ArchivesSpace, 
attendees are expected to have an understanding of archival workflows and 
terminology.  Due to the large number of attendees, trainers will not be able 
to troubleshoot individual implementations of ArchivesSpace or provide 
additional archival instruction beyond the use of ArchivesSpace.

The Trainers Corps offers regularly scheduled workshops and office hours 
covering a variety of topics on all things ArchivesSpace.  These virtual, 
community-wide trainings are part of a 12-month pilot project by the Trainers 
Corps to assess community interest and training needs. Registration for each 
training will be separate and registration will open closer to each training 
date. Agendas and recordings from previous trainings can be found at 

Please email archivesspaceh...@lyrasis.org if you have any questions.

ArchivesSpace is participating in Hacktoberfest 2021

This October, ArchivesSpace will again be participating in 
Hacktoberfest<https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/>, a month-long 
celebration of open source software run by DigitalOcean. Hacktoberfest is open 
to anyone who contributes pull requests to participating open source 
repositories on GitHub or GitLab.

Whether you’re new to ArchivesSpace development or a long-time contributor, we 
encourage you to get involved. No specific background or skill level is 
required to get started, and all community contributions are welcome and 
appreciated. To learn more about submitting a pull request for ArchivesSpace 
specifically, visit our 

To qualify for the official Hacktoberfest competition, you must register and 
make four pull requests between October 1-31. Pull requests can be made to any 
public repository on GitHub or GitLab, including 
ArchivesSpace<https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace>.  Any qualifying 
pull request submitted to the ArchivesSpace 
GitHub<https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace> between October 1 and 
October 31 will get a Hacktoberfest label.  To learn more about qualifying pull 
requests and how to notify Hacktoberfest of your pull requests, visit the 
official Hacktoberfest 

In addition to the official Hacktoberfest swag options, ArchivesSpace will 
acknowledge all submitters, regardless of number of pull requests, in our 
October monthly update. The community member who submits the most pull requests 
in the month of October will receive an ArchivesSpace swag bag!  Last year’s 
winner of the coveted ArchivesSpace swag bag was Joshua Shaw from Dartmouth 

We hope you will join us in this celebration of the open source community. 
Please email us at 
archivesspaceh...@lyrasis.org<mailto:archivesspaceh...@lyrasis.org> if you have 
questions or want to know more about contributing code to the ArchivesSpace 
GitHub<https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace>. To learn more about 
Hacktoberfest, visit their official 

Membership Update

We are excited to welcome our newest members to our community! Our new members 
since August 31 include:

  *   Acme Studios (London, UK)
  *   Colorado State University (Fort Collins, CO)
  *   Greene County Records Center & Archives (Xenia, OH)
  *   Hallie Q. Brown Community Center, Inc. (Saint Paul, MN)
  *   Ottawa University (Ottawa, KS)
  *   Kennedy Center (Washington, DC)

As of September, we have 449 General members, 21 Educational Program members, 
and 3 Registered Service Providers. If you are interested in your institution 
becoming a member of ArchivesSpace, please email us at 
archivesspaceh...@lyrasis.org<mailto:archivesspaceh...@lyrasis.org> for more 


ArchivesSpace monthly updates provide news about ArchivesSpace community and 
program activities and are sent to our member listservs, the ArchivesSpace 
Google Group, and SAA’s Collection Management Section listserv, as well as 
being posted on the ArchivesSpace website. Please feel free to share this 
update with people you know who have an interest in ArchivesSpace but may not 
be on one of these lists.

Jessica Dowd Crouch
Community Engagement Coordinator for ArchivesSpace

Archivesspace_Users_Group mailing list

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