[Sent on behalf of the ArchivesSpace User and Technical Advisory Councils]

Dear ArchivesSpace Members,

Leaders of the ArchivesSpace Technical and User Advisory Councils are pleased 
to announce the final blog in our series featuring various members of the 
councils. Throughout the month, we shared profiles of members from both 
councils. Through this series, we hope you’ve learned more about the work of 
the councils and will consider nominating yourself and/or colleagues for the 

Check out the last group of the series: https://archivesspace.org/archives/6888

Learn more about the councils: 

Interested in nominating yourself and/or a colleague for one of the councils? 
Use the form below. The deadline to submit is April 23.

To nominate yourself or someone else, visit: https://forms.gle/m2nN49M34CPgnvci9


Jessica Dowd Crouch
Community Engagement Coordinator for ArchivesSpace

Archivesspace_Users_Group mailing list

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