Dear ArchivesSpace users,

Whether you’ve continued to work from home, have returned to the office, or 
find yourself stuck somewhere in the middle, we could all use a break.  In that 
spirit, ArchivesSpace will be reinstating our popular casual zoom open calls on 
Fridays. With a welcoming and robust member community all over the world, 
ArchivesSpace can offer camaraderie and relaxation, no matter the current state 
of the world.

Beginning next Friday, March 4th, we will have casual open calls via zoom at 
12pm ET each Friday. We won’t be developing agendas or presentations for these 
calls. We just want to provide an opportunity to connect, chat and recharge. 
Use this as a time to get help or talk about ArchivesSpace (or anything else) 
in an informal setting or just have a beverage with other ArchivesSpace users 
during this stressful time.

Whether you can attend once or plan to be there every Friday, these calls are 
open to everyone but registration is required to join.

Register to join any open call at

We seek to provide a welcoming, fun, and safe community experience for 
everyone. The full text of the code of conduct is available at

Please email<> with any 

Jessica Dowd Crouch
Community Engagement Coordinator for ArchivesSpace<>

Archivesspace_Users_Group mailing list

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