Re: [Arm-netbook] HDMI Player Stick as DRM-free Merch Alternative

2018-07-26 Thread Louis Pearson
I think the best way to support free culture is to find artists that are
making it a support them, via sites like liberapay or patreon. The issue
here is *not* technical. As Stefan is saying, this is exactly the sort of
thinking that got us DRM.

Again, find free culture creators and support them (or create some
yourself) if you want free culture to grow. Anything else isn't going to
do much to change the current situation.
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Re: [Arm-netbook] Urgent statement on Cryptocurrency ethics

2018-03-21 Thread Louis Pearson
On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 8:11 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton  wrote:

> ---
> crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware:
> On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 12:08 PM, Wookey  wrote:
> > On 2018-03-20 21:44 +0100, Philip Hands wrote:
> >
> >>
> abuse-imagery-bitcoin-blockchain-illegal-content
> >
> > There's always someone isn't there? This is why we can't have nice
> things.

I believe that grin ( ) should be immune to this from
the way that its
transactions work. From what I remember off the top of my head anyway. I
really like
the way that the developers are approaching creating a new cryptocurrency.
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Re: [Arm-netbook] Fwd: Earth-friendly EOMA68 Computing Devices Update: FOSDEM Recap, RISC-V Update, and Certification Marks

2018-03-13 Thread Louis Pearson
Woah, that's not an easy to read email on a text-only mailing list.
This is just a crowd-supply update email forwarded through the
list, and the only important part is this link:
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Re: [Arm-netbook] Well, this is interesting...

2018-03-12 Thread Louis Pearson
On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 3:44 PM, Christopher Havel 

> Neither ARM nor netbook, strictly speaking, but we've veered off topic
> before, so gee why not...
> Looks vaguely relevant.
> Chris
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That is very impressive! I'd rather get the laptop chassis for the
eoma68 for that price though.
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Re: [Arm-netbook] pyra computer

2018-02-14 Thread Louis Pearson
On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 8:33 AM, Julie Marchant  wrote:

> On 2018年02月14日 06:45, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> >   yes.  my understanding is that Trademarks and Cerfitication
> > Marks, by being covered *by* Copyright Law, are in effect a sub-branch
> > of Copyright.
> No, copyright has nothing to do with them. Why do you think copyright
> has anything to do with anything you are doing?
> Copyright is a legal monopoly on the copying and distribution of a work.
> It was originally invented in Britain as a form of censorship, where the
> monarch would approve printers to print books in the form of a temporary
> monopoly. The current incarnation of copyright exists with the
> justification of encouraging the creation of works, e.g. books. It has
> nothing whatsoever to do with names or certifications. All that
> documentation could be in the public domain and it would make absolutely
> no difference. Heck, a lot of corporate logos are in the public domain;
> you can't copyright fonts, and logos like that of SONY are nothing but
> printed text, meaning they can't be copyrighted.
> IANAL, of course.
> >  the key thing is that i am *required* to be FRAND (fair, reasonable
> > and non-discriminatory).  if the entity known as "ronwirring" were
> > just simply told to bugger off, he could perfectly reasonably claim,
> > under trademark / certification mark / copyright law (whichever it is)
> > that he had been "discriminated against" by me, the (copyright) owner
> > of the EOMA68 Certification Mark.
> That's an issue with patent licensing, yet another completely different
> issue you're lumping together with this.
> But let's assume that certification marks don't allow you to
> discriminate against people in relation to it. That would be the
> granting of certification. Have you threatened to deny certification
> arbitrarily? No? Good. No one has to be a member of a random mailing
> list to get certification for a product.
> Still not a lawyer, still not legal advice, of course.
> --
> Julie Marchant
> Protect your emails with GnuPG:
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It occurs to me that Luke is a citizen of the UK, and so may not be
using US law. The question is which law is he using? That could
change things quite a bit.

(Which reminds me that outside of the US, giving legal advice is
allowed, even if you aren't a lawyer)
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Re: [Arm-netbook] Talk Download: Fosdem.2018

2018-02-03 Thread Louis Pearson
Ooop. never mind. Found it on youtube:

On Sat, Feb 3, 2018 at 10:38 PM, Louis Pearson <>

> On Sat, Feb 3, 2018 at 12:48 PM, Alexander Ross <
>> wrote:
>> saved the live stream for the room, exacted lukes Saturday talk out from
>> it:
>> download thanks to over tor network:
>> http://e5gxitu3qixdxlvk.onion/dazzling-liver
>> tor browser  can be used to download or diy cl downloader
>> ___
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> Anybody have a link for those of us who do not have tor browser
> installed? I'd like to watch it but would rather not install tor browser.
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Re: [Arm-netbook] RK3399

2018-01-18 Thread Louis Pearson
On a slightly different topic, how much would it take for you to design a
compliant netbook housing? I was interested in the laptop, but it was (and
still is)
outside of my budget. Do you think you could make a netbook housing that is
budget friendly, or are there too many unknowns for you to say?
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[Arm-netbook] Meltdown and Spectre

2018-01-04 Thread Louis Pearson
Has anybody else seen the recently published exploits Meltdown and Spectre?
Here's a link:

I'm wondering if this will increase in Risc-V processors, as most will not
be vulnerable to this exploit. It relies on speculative and out-of-order
execution which most current Risc-V processors do not have.
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Re: [Arm-netbook] 'Server not found'

2017-07-19 Thread Louis Pearson is up for me.

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Re: [Arm-netbook] thoughts, for the future or a late future,

2017-06-27 Thread Louis Pearson
Oh, sorry for jumping to wrong conclusions then!

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Re: [Arm-netbook] thoughts, for the future or a late future,

2017-06-27 Thread Louis Pearson
On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 9:22 AM, zap  wrote:
> but I think whenever you decide to make a new eoma68 laptop design, make
> it a 13 inch instead of 11 inch.
> aka, more space, means more durability heat-wise...

What? The current EOMA68 laptop is 15 inch, not 11 or 13. It's even bigger than
what you're seem to be asking for. I would personally prefer a 13 inch
for portability,
and possibly a lower price, but that is besides the point.

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Re: [Arm-netbook] arm-netbook Digest, Vol 82, Issue 47

2017-05-23 Thread Louis Pearson
As someone using gmail (unfortunately), I can confirm that yes, it does
clump the threads together.
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[Arm-netbook] Development boards for GuixSD Developers

2017-05-20 Thread Louis Pearson
I asked over on the Guix development list if anyone would be interested in
a dev board to help port GuixSD to the eoma68 board. So far there are two
people who are interested. I've added them to
and I'm making sure I haven't jumped the gun or anything. Does this look
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Re: [Arm-netbook] Side-Topic: Liberating PocketCHIP

2017-05-12 Thread Louis Pearson
I don't know if you know about this or not, but there is a community
wiki at
It has examples on using buildroot to flash images to chip

Again, I'm clueless :P I have just received some chip pro's and I am
trying to make myself a neat little MP3 player with bluetooth audio
support. Found the wiki up there through some searching. This is my
first foray into working with embedded linux devices as well.
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Re: [Arm-netbook] GR8 based EOMA68 card

2017-05-10 Thread Louis Pearson
I had this same idea just today, though I doubt I would have gotten
even this far. Go for it!

I believe I originally brought it up, in the context of an EOMA50 card,
but an EOMA68 card would probably be more immediately useful.
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Re: [Arm-netbook] Totally derailed topic

2017-05-10 Thread Louis Pearson
On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 2:08 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton  wrote:

> the next logical step in the chain was to analyse this emergent
> evolutionary process "in general", and to conclude that the
> intelligence is *NOT* a "birthright of humanity" as humans like to
> arrogantly believe, but is instead an *inherent property of the
> underlying fabric of the universe itself*.
> *intelligence* is an inherent property of the fabric of the universe,
> and we (and all intelligent beings) simply "borrow" that capacity by
> being *in* the universe.  which is something that never really
> occurred to me before and i find to be utterly, utterly cool.
> now, if you want to throw "god" in there in some fashion that's
> entirely up to you, but in doing so it really doesn't have very much
> to do with the logic or the conclusion.

I'm usually too shy and unsure of myself to actually talk about religion,
but what you are saying here resonants with my beliefs.

I was raised LDS/Mormon, though I've never been a particularly
good example of piety. Personal experience tells me that at least
some of the doctrine is true. Right now I'd rather look at the theology
(or my interpretation of it), and not about it's truth.

> intelligence is *NOT* a "birthright of humanity" as humans like to
> arrogantly believe, but is instead an *inherent property of the
> underlying fabric of the universe itself*.

This is my belief. Intelligence IS a fundamental part of the universe.
Humans have a great deal more of it than most things, however. The
story behind this takes some exposition. God, to a member of the LDS
church is not the intelligence as you said, but *a* intelligence. We are
also intelligences, or spirits. We are, spiritually speaking, children of
God - he created us out of intelligence, creation meaning to organize.
Spirit/intelligence is also a type of matter, but finer than anything we
have made as a species can detect.

So humans have spirits, created by God out of intelligence. So does
everything, in fact, but only humans are like God.

There's a whole lot more that I could go into, but it's rather late. I don't
know how all of you will receive this, but I thought it was important to
say something :)

Just be gentle ripping this apart, ok?
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Re: [Arm-netbook] first prototype microdesktop casework

2017-04-29 Thread Louis Pearson
> That looks much worse than the photos on CrowdSupply.

I am going to have to disagree. I think it is as good as or better than the
case shown on crowd supply.
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Re: [Arm-netbook] ZeroPhone

2017-04-17 Thread Louis Pearson
If you want to reinvent the Internet, you might consider looking at the
project. I don't claim to be an expert on it or anything it talks about,
but from
what I understand about it, GNUnet is trying to reinvent the internet to be
more decentralized, private, and efficient. Also look at

On Mon, Apr 17, 2017 at 10:05 PM, Christopher Havel 

> Mr Gibson, with all due respect (and forgive me for speaking out of a
> half-stupor -- I did way, way too much today, and it's almost 11pm -- in my
> defense, I solemnly swear I'm about to go to bed) --
> There is a vast group of people (my mother is sadly amongst them) who are
> of the belief that a perfectly sufficient quantity of "computer literacy"
> is the ability to turn the machine on and off, use some sort of email
> client, word processor, and web browser (without necessarily knowing the
> names of these programs) and being within arm's reach of "someone smart"
> who can entirely take over in times where genuine technical aptitude is
> required. Moreover, *these people actually believe, in essentially
> unshakable form, that they are freeing themselves (and everyone else) of
> some sort of massive burden by embracing the level of technological
> ignorance that they do.*
> You can't really reinvent the Internet (or much of computer anything --
> although, for better or worse, EOMA-68 plays well with their philosophy, at
> least on a hardware level) without addressing that demographic of people in
> some manner which is, quite frankly, likely to be distinctly unpleasant to
> all involved...
> (pardon my utter lack of eloquence here) how do you propose to deal
> with such people, since they'll be the vast majority of your
> customers/clients/constituency/etc..?
> I'd offer up my thoughts on the matter, but they're not liable to be all
> that coherent right now -- so, instead, I'll keep my mouth shut so as to
> avoid potentially getting my foot caught in there... "better to remain
> silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all
> doubt"!
> Alright, good night, everybody...!
> ___
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[Arm-netbook] ZeroPhone

2017-04-13 Thread Louis Pearson

Not exactly a netbook, but this looks like an interesting project. How much
work would
it take to create something like this using EOMA68? I know I would be
interested in a
device like that.
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Re: [Arm-netbook] EOMA68 R/Evolution bumper sticker

2016-09-21 Thread Louis Pearson
I also like v2 more than the others. My only quibble is the E touching the
outline of the fish. Other than that, I think it is the best looking one.

On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 2:25 PM Christopher Havel 

> ...still rooting for v2. Eliminating (more or less) the white space
> between fish outline and letters makes it less readable.
> On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 4:22 PM, 
> wrote:
>> I've added a variation on the straight lines (v4) by manually adapting
>> the letters tops and bottoms to follow the internal ellipse.
>> The new version has been commited in github but It is now too small to be
>> seen properly online, it is better viewed locally.
>> Yann
>> On 09/21/2016 09:03 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
>>> straight ones (right) look much better
>>> ---
>>> crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware:
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Re: [Arm-netbook] RGB/TTL interface

2016-08-28 Thread Louis Pearson
The "project" I'm doing is mostly about learning some new skills, it is a
personal project that I'm doing on the side. It would be a handheld game
console, mostly for GB or NES emulation.

So I guess a Raspberry Pi would be a better target, but... well, I rather
like the idea of EOMA-68. My concept would be similar to the handheld ZEOMA
console, but more reminiscent of the GameBoy. The benefit of using the
EOMA-68 would be the ability to transfer your games between devices very

Eh, maybe it's not the greatest idea. I could just use a raspberry pi and
it would work mostly the same.

Thanks for the help anyway.

On Sun, Aug 28, 2016, 13:17 Christopher Havel <> wrote:

> That's not RGB/TTL... that's parallel 8-bit. Different ball game. RGB/TTL
> is either 24-bit (8 bits per color) or 16 bit (6 bits red / 6 bits green /
> 4 bits blue -- blue is more intense to the human eye so it only *needs*
> four bits vs six for another color). The thing you're talking about... that
> gets talked to more like a character LCD than anything else. You know the
> display on those old HP laser printers you used in grade school? The ones
> that could *only* display text, and had a dedicated spot for each
> character...? *That's* a character LCD. *That's* the kind of interface
> you're looking at here.
> Dude, if all you're driving is that kinda thing... use an Arduino. If you
> absolutely need Web connectivity (or if you need a little number-crunching
> ability but not a lot), use an ESP8266. On that note -- a friend of mine
> has found a way to turn off an ESP8266's WiFi side if you don't need it. (Info
> here.
> <>)
> If you somehow need something that's more than a fractional-horsepower
> driver for it ;) like if you're building some kinda fancy pants Johnny Five
> robot... throw a RasPi at it.

> Here, this might provide some inspiration -->
> Despite the name, it's a daughterboard for a display like yours, that
> integrates an ESP8266 and driver circuitry. You'd have to buy the parts and
> solder it together -- and it's almost all surface mount stuff, mind you,
> which is a real pain in the tail... but it's worth it from what I can see
> here.
> EOMA68 is *way* overpowered for any application using that kind of
> display. EOMA68 is on the level of a Dell desktop, or at least an older
> ASUS netbook.
> On Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 2:01 PM, Louis Pearson <>
> wrote:
>> Thanks for ask these replies! I'm pretty new to displays do this has been
>> very informative. For the project in working on, I'll be using a smaller
>> screen, maybe with a touch screen. Something like this:
>> According to the page it accepts an 8-bit signal. From the looks of it,
>> this would be able to directly use the RGB/TTL signal.
>> Another question I have is about SPI based displays. There seems to be a
>> lot in this size range. Would those be able to display hardware accelerated
>> video? Is that even a concern with this small of a display?
>> On Sun, Aug 28, 2016, 12:02 Christopher Havel <>
>> wrote:
>>> Well, then. I have been corrected.
>>> Fun fact: all you need to hook an eDP display up to any computer with a
>>> DisplayPort output -- is a cable that adapts the connectors to each other.
>>> Someone on Hackaday did that a year or two ago. I thought it was neat then
>>> and I still do... don't think I bookmarked it tho.
>>> ___
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Re: [Arm-netbook] RGB/TTL interface

2016-08-28 Thread Louis Pearson
Thanks for ask these replies! I'm pretty new to displays do this has been
very informative. For the project in working on, I'll be using a smaller
screen, maybe with a touch screen. Something like this:

According to the page it accepts an 8-bit signal. From the looks of it,
this would be able to directly use the RGB/TTL signal.

Another question I have is about SPI based displays. There seems to be a
lot in this size range. Would those be able to display hardware accelerated
video? Is that even a concern with this small of a display?

On Sun, Aug 28, 2016, 12:02 Christopher Havel  wrote:

> Well, then. I have been corrected.
> Fun fact: all you need to hook an eDP display up to any computer with a
> DisplayPort output -- is a cable that adapts the connectors to each other.
> Someone on Hackaday did that a year or two ago. I thought it was neat then
> and I still do... don't think I bookmarked it tho.
> ___
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Re: [Arm-netbook] RGB/TTL interface

2016-08-28 Thread Louis Pearson
So a conversion from TTL to LVDS needs to be done in most cases?

On Sun, Aug 28, 2016, 10:23 Christopher Havel  wrote:

> Most TFT screens of relevance here use LVDS, which is entirely
> different... TTL as implemented is a parallel 8bit/color scheme IIRC,
> whereas LVDS is serial and involves both positive and negative voltages...
> you'll blow up the controller in the LCD panel if you hook one to the other.
> ___
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[Arm-netbook] RGB/TTL interface

2016-08-27 Thread Louis Pearson
I have been trying to figure out how exactly the RGB interface that the
eoma-68 standard supplies works. Or, in other words, what you would need to
be able to connect it to a screen. The info that I have managed to find
makes me think this would connect directly to a LCD or TTF screen's ribbon
cable. Is there a description of what is provided with this interface
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Re: [Arm-netbook] Getting started making new housings?

2016-08-26 Thread Louis Pearson
Thanks for the links! I'll look at those and see what I can figure out.
On Fri, Aug 26, 2016, 00:52 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <>

> ---
> crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware:
> On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 5:24 AM, Louis Pearson
> <> wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > I am a student going into college for Computer Engineering and I am super
> > excited about the possibilities of this project! I have backed and will
> be
> > receiving a Libre Tea Computer Card and a breakout board. I have worked
> with
> > Arduinos a few times and know how to use them on a basic level, though
> > formal electronics stuff (math, mostly) and electronic design are
> somewhat
> > of a mystery to me.
>  ahh if you're happy to work with arduino's you'll do fine.
> > With that in mind, I would like to start working on a new housing for
> myself
> > (kind of answering the call in the most recent update). I'm unsure of
> > exactly where to begin though. I'd like to make a custom PCB and case
> > (probably 3D printed). What I fell that I am missing is resources for
> > starting to work with EOMA-68 devices. KiCad libraries, FreeCad models,
> etc.
> > Where would I find this?
>  ok.  right.  the first thing to remember is: it's PCMCIA, so you can
> use models for that.  there's an eoma68.stl file around somewhere
> which i use... let me see if i can find it...  ah!  here you go:
>  second thing: i diiid do some KiCAD libraries, way back 4 years ago -
> it was such a bitch that i had to use proprietary software instead.
> the libraries however still exist: and you want
> eoma.git.
>  thirdly, the CAD modelling that i use is based on python, where i
> wrote something called, which uses,
> which then auto-generates openscad files, which then on-demand
> generate STLs.
>  oh wait - i used in the sandwich200, but used
> functional programming for the tablet 3dcase and the laptop.
>  anyway, feel free to explore...
> l.
> ___
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[Arm-netbook] Getting started making new housings?

2016-08-25 Thread Louis Pearson

I am a student going into college for Computer Engineering and I am super
excited about the possibilities of this project! I have backed and will be
receiving a Libre Tea Computer Card and a breakout board. I have worked
with Arduinos a few times and know how to use them on a basic level, though
formal electronics stuff (math, mostly) and electronic design are somewhat
of a mystery to me.

With that in mind, I would like to start working on a new housing for
myself (kind of answering the call in the most recent update). I'm unsure
of exactly where to begin though. I'd like to make a custom PCB and case
(probably 3D printed). What I fell that I am missing is resources for
starting to work with EOMA-68 devices. KiCad libraries, FreeCad models,
etc. Where would I find this?
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Re: [Arm-netbook] 99%

2016-08-25 Thread Louis Pearson
100% now! Yes!

On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 6:47 PM Alexander .S.T. Ross <> wrote:

> heh "we are the 99%" ...for now heh ;)
> Soon to be "We are the 101%+" :D
> Congratulations luke!
> Well done every one :D.
> ___
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