Re: Photographers

2002-01-26 Thread Yazad Jal

Fred's solution looks to be the best. I remember noticing that the
copyrights for a lot of "celebrity" photographs are no longer with the
original photographer. Maybe this system does work


> Ask them how much is the least they would accept in payment for the
> negative,
> before you have the picture taken.
> Go and ask several photographers.  If they say "I don't sell
> negatives,"
> offer $10,000.  He will probably say OK. Then tell him you will be
> asking
> other photographers, and so, what is the least he would accept?
> You could also mention that if you can't get the negative, you will
> scan the
> photo into your computer.  The quality won't be as good as with a
> negative,
> and folks might think it is the fault of the photographer.
> Fred Foldvary 
> =
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Great stuff seeking new owners in Yahoo! Auctions! 

Do You Yahoo!?
Great stuff seeking new owners in Yahoo! Auctions!

Re: Spam: Legal, economic or technical problem?

2002-01-26 Thread Alex Tabarrok

There are some good potential economic mechanisms using micro-payments.  If it
costs even a nickel to send an email that would greatly reduce spam.  Money is
not even necessary - suppose that when an email was sent a response was sent
back saying in order to accept this email you must factor this number and send
me back the factors - if the factorization took even a few micro-seconds that
would not be an issue for non-spammers but would shut spammers down.

Alex Tabarrok

Re: Life Expectancy and Immigration

2002-01-26 Thread Bryan D Caplan

Bahizi_P wrote:
> Country of destination would be the answer. 

Not to be critical, but do you have any data, or is this just your best

Life expectancy has a lot to do
> with access to a myriad of services primary available in developed countries
> (where life expectancy is greater) such as:
> -medical services and treatment (Proper diagnosis and so on)
> -presence (or lack thereof) of highly and deadly contagious diseases
> -proper nutrition
> -proper mental health care (anxiety and stress due to environment, i.e.
> political unrest)
> Lifespan is also related to:
> -better information
> -and overall better quality of life
> The reverse would also true. A person going from a country with high life
> expectancy to one with a shorter lifespan and adopting the locals way of
> life, i.e. exposure to diseases, malnutrition, etc, would have their
> lifespan considerably shortened.
> My 2c worth.
> Pierre Bahizi
> -Original Message-
> From: Bryan Caplan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 2:59 PM
> Subject: Life Expectancy and Immigration
> Life expectancy varies widely between countries.  When someone moves to
> a new country, what best predicts their lifespan?  Country of origin?
> Or country of destination?
> --
> Prof. Bryan Caplan
>Department of Economics  George Mason University
>   "He was thinking that Prince Andrei was in error and did not see the
>true light, and that he, Pierre, ought to come to his aid, to
>enlighten and uplift him.  But no sooner had he thought out what he
>should say and how to say it than he foresaw that Prince Andrei,
>with one word, a single argument, would discredit all his teachings,
>and he was afraid to begin, afraid to expose to possible ridicule
>what he cherished and held sacred."
>Leo Tolstoy, *War and Peace*

Prof. Bryan Caplan
   Department of Economics  George Mason University  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   "Who are they?  Why are they running?  Could they be coming to 
me?  Really coming to me?  And why?  To kill me?  *Me* whom 
everyone loves?"
Leo Tolstoy, *War and Peace*

Spam: Legal, economic or technical problem?

2002-01-26 Thread fabio guillermo rojas

When faxes were invented, people got pissed off when their valuable fax
line was used by unsolicited advertisements. Thus, in many places fax spam
is now a legal offense punishable by a large fine for each unwanted faxed

Ie, the conflict was resolvd simply by having the practice 
banned, rather than some economic mechanism.

What about e-mail spam? The technology seems to prohibit an effective ban
on spam, yet neither an economic nor legal solution seems
available. Any thoughts on whether spam can be reduced via
some sort of economic or technical mechanism?


RE: Life Expectancy and Immigration

2002-01-26 Thread Hentrich, Steffen

I think you can`t unlink both factors (genes/womb and country) because
genetic defects and growth of embryo are partly affected by social and
environmental circumstances of the country, carciogenic pollution and food,
malnutrition or physical stress of the mother (hard work, etc.). Thatswhy I
would suggest, that maximum live expectancy is independant from origin (see
Nesse, Williamson: Why We Get Sick : The New Science of Darwinian
Medicine)but average life expectancy is primary dependent on country of

Greetings from Halle(Germany)

Steffen Hentrich
Research assistant: Environmental Economics

Institute for Economic Research Halle
Structural Change Department

Kleine Maerkerstrasse 8
D-06108 Halle (Saale)

Tel.: ++ 49 345 7753 808
Fax: ++ 49 345 7753 820

-Original Message-
From: jim horsman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 3:12 AM
Subject: Re: Life Expectancy and Immigration

> Life expectancy varies widely between countries.  When someone moves to
> a new country, what best predicts their lifespan?  Country of origin?
> Or country of destination?
> --
The country is not the determining factor for life expectancy.  Some
immigrants live like the country of origin and presumably they would have
life expectancies similar to said country.  Some immigrants live like the
host country and should have similar life expectancies.
2 caveats
1- genes matter
2- what happens in the womb is enormously important and must be taken into