[ARMedslack] Setting up Slackware ARM 14.0 on the OLinuXino A10S from scratch

2013-10-20 Thread Michael Balcos
I got Slackware ARM 14.0 to work on the OLinuXino A10S. If you're
interested, here is the documentation:


Michael Balcos
ARMedslack mailing list

Re: [ARMedslack] Slackware ARM 14.1,rc1 released

2013-10-20 Thread Richard Lapointe


First thanks for all the work you put into Slackwarearm, it's really 
appreciated here.

Just want to let you know that I successfully updated a couple of my 
Dockstar with 14.1 RC1. Update is really the wrong word as these were 
essentially  fresh installs using the installer.  This is what I do from 
a running 14.0 on my Dockstar.

1) Wget the kirkwood initrd from the isolinux directory of current along 
with the kirkwood kernel from the kernel directory
2) Copy both of them into the /boot directory of my running 14.0 fs on 
3) Because I use Doozan uboot which looks for uImage and uInitrd on 
sda1, I  need to make symlinks to both of these files using uImage and 
uInitrd in /boot.
4) Reboot into the installer and do a normal ftp install from there on a 
reformatted sda1 (i.e deleted 14.0 fs)

A couple of things that I noticed.
1) Dockstars do not have real time clocks so one of the first things 
that needs to be done is to get the correct time.  If I simple uncomment 
the "server ntp.org iburst" line in the stock ntp.conf file and restart 
ntp it does not adjust the clock at all.  After adding these line in the 

 server 0.pool.ntp.org iburst
 server 1.pool.ntp.org iburst
 server 2.pool.ntp.org iburst
 server 3.pool.ntp.org iburst
and then restart ntpd, the clock updates in a few seconds and all is 
well. I just want to understand if I doing something wrong with just 
uncommenting the line in ntp.conf or if I will always need to add those 
lines to get a working ntpd.

2) This morning I did a "slackpkg update-all" and got the 3.10.17 kernel 
update.  The package updated successfully deleting the 3.10.16 files and 
installing the correct symlinks, but I did notice that the dtb-3.10.16 
directory was not deleted although the dtb symlink was updated to point 
to the dtb-3.10.17 directory.  Should the dbt-3.10.16 have been deleted?


Rich Lapointe (laprjns)

On 10/18/2013 04:13 PM, Stuart Winter wrote:


As the subject says - it's rc1 is now released.
Please have a look at it (preferably using a new installation) and let me
know if there are any issues.


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