Re: Filter Plugin

2012-08-04 Thread Mark Hodges
This is usually indicative that the plugin hasn't loaded / initialised 
properly, or the plugin alias isn't pointing to the plugin. 

If you check the plugin log in the usual logging directory 
(ARserver\Db\arjavaplugin.log) it should tell you if it managed to initialize 
the plugin and if not why not, there may also be something in 
arjavaplugin-stderr-date.log that might give you a clue if it's not starting. 

I'd double check the path to the jar file in pluginsvr_config.xml, also the 
plugin server port (that is set in pluginsvr_config.xml) has to be the same as 
the one used in the plugin alias in ar.conf/ar.cfg. 

Just looking at the plugin config in that setup document, I see 

pathelement type=locationC:/Program Files/BMC 

Which I would expect to have had a few more bits in e.g. 

filenameC:/Program Files/BMC 

although they may not make any difference.

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Re: Java API connection pool question..

2012-04-13 Thread Mark Hodges
If the firewall is only closing the inactive connections, you might be able to 
persuade the mid tier to close them itself. 

Normally the mid tier keeps some unspecified number of idle connections in the 
pool for a certain time. In 7.6.4 there are options in the mid-tier config 
pages to set the number of idle connections that will remain in the pool and 
optionally the time they will remain there.

I haven't tried them to see if they actually work in earlier versions and it's 
just the config pages that have changed, so YMMV, but the corresponding 
settings in for the number of idle connections is: 


And the time in minutes that an idle connection will remain in the pool:


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Re: Remedy System comes to a standstill/unresonsive

2012-04-12 Thread Mark Hodges
I've seen similar symptoms on solaris before, it was resolved by setting 
RPC-Non-Blocking-IO: T in the ar.conf. I think you might need to ensure a 
couple of patches are installed as well.

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Re: Sort of OT: Question for timezone experts out there..

2012-03-30 Thread Mark Hodges
You could use the database session info within your trigger to find out which 
server  process is generating the deletes. That will at least let you confirm 
that it's an arserverd in your server group or not. e.g. 

select sys_context('USERENV', 'HOST') from dual;

select process, program from v$session where sid = ( select sid from v$mystat 
where rownum=1 );

You'll need access to v$ views for that last bit though.

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Re: arsystem.ehcache.maxElementsInMemory - what whould it be set to for full ITSM midtier - box has 12GB memory

2012-03-29 Thread Mark Hodges
There is quite a lot of information about the various parameters in the mid 
tier guide (in the configuring the mid-tier chapter, cache settings section)

maxElementsInMemory is a total count that is actually ignored in favour of 
referenceMaxElementsInMemory, which seems to be set to 1250 by default and gets 
multiplied by the various factors to determine the count for each type of 

You'll run into an address space limit if you are on a 32 bit JVM regardless of 
the amount of RAM in the box (a little under 3GB on windows usually) so you 
probably aren't going to fit the full ITSM suite in memory unless you are 
running on a 64bit JVM. I read somewhere (in the BSM tuning guide I think) that 
as a rule of thumb for every 750MB of additional heap size configured over and 
above the recommended 1 GB you can increase this value by 1250, so that's 
probably a good starting point.

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Re: Performance Tuning

2012-03-14 Thread Mark Hodges
BMC White Paper 85503 Performance Tuning for Business Service Management is a 
good starting point.

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Re: SOAP API (Resolved)

2012-03-02 Thread Mark Hodges
SOAP-encoding refers to a specific way of encoding data into XML, so whether or 
not you can call a specific web service depends on whether or not the web 
services uses RPC-encoding of arrays and structures. If the web service is 
document-literal there is no issue. Well, there might be some different issues. 

If the worst comes to the worst you can insert some sort of adaptation layer to 
get around any limitations. 

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Re: Java API Help - StructItemInfo

2011-12-12 Thread Mark Hodges
I find a good strategy sometimes is to locate the corresponding item in the C 
API as it's usually better documented.

In this case, it seems these are used when you are importing or exporting VUIs 
(type = VUI) or mail templates (type = MAIL), and they allow you to specify the 
specific VUI or mail template you want to import/export for the schema named in 
the name field. So unless you are dealing with VUIs or mail templates you can 
probably ignore them.

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