For those interested in doing this: I have added an option in Artemis under
the Create menu to create features in the intergenic regions. If you want to
try this new function it is in the development version. Look for the
³Development² section on the Artemis homepage and click on LAUNCH ARTEMIS or
download it from:
(for windows)

(for UNIX)


On 12/12/07 09:39, "Duffield Melanie L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, 
> I would like to extract all the non-coding region of sequence from my
> bacterial sequence and write this out to a file.  Is there any way of doing
> this in Artemis?  I can select all CDS or genes and I've tried toggle
> selection but this then selects any features not previously selected rather
> than DNA sequence not included.
> Thanks 
> mel 
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